Archive for the ‘Whinnings and complaints’ Category

Sleepy Monday

Posted: September 15, 2008 in Routine, Whinnings and complaints

I tot i’m okie as in not sleepy in the morning as i have enough sleep over the weekend. Nearing lunch time, Milton msn me asking me if i’m feeling sleepy or suffering from any monday blues.

SURPRISINGLY, NO… he said that’s it, surprisingly is the key word. I’m forever complaining being sleepy. I cant help it seriously.

And Lunch is over and i ate only half plate of pineapple rice… there it goes… I feel a little sleepy. I knew it… something is so wrong. I cant be feeling so alert today, or rather i have never being alert. I’m always on my sleepy mode.


Though i’m tired and tempted to skip class today, I have no way out. I missed my operations management class last week as i need to rush out my stupid project. I told my fren who happened to be in the same class as me to assist in forming a group. What we need to do is to get 2 more people in.

AND….. FREAK!!!!!!!! He went to join some other people and left me hanging in the mid air. I need to go around today to see if there’s any group that have not gotten 4 members. That’s the main motive to go to class.

The stupid thing about UniSIM is that… we have to do a group project in every module without fail. And 1st lesson is very important becoz everyone will be trying to know each other and get their group formed as soon as possible. No one wan to be left behind and be some kinda lost sheep like wat i am now.

It’s even more demoralising to see the worst ever group project result – 45 marks only. Yet to see the marked script… well, i’m never the high scholar and I’m jus pinning to hit 40 marks for the overall to clear my modules. The usual project marks should be ranging 60++… the marker must have been really stingy in the marking. So tell me where’s the motivation to go to school?   =(

Photos of the previous session at St James with Agnes’s Manager, Agnes and Hairul

Hairul is texting…

And What happened? Agnes doesn’t wan to take pic with Hairul?

Yeah!! That’s better…

Me and Hairul!

Of coz, me and Agnes as well

I Miss my Office!

Posted: September 9, 2008 in Whinnings and complaints

I was sent to attend some HR software course for 3 days. The usual me will be damn happy when i hear training.

Go training = on course= NO WORK

How nice right?

But I’m quite comfortable with my workplace and kinda like it. For the past few days in the training, I was really bored. Other than the perk of being late for the course (I was half an hour late everyday for course) and the extra time i got for lunch break (I took 1.5 hour of lunch break and dilly dally get myself back to the training), I prefer to work. I keep wanting to fall asleep during the training. Perhaps it may be due to rushing of my assignment and projects. I didn’t get to have enough sleep. Maybe the class was too boring. 

I’m pretty much a fast learner. Hence, people do not need to explain things over and over again. Just once and a demostration is more than enough for me to learn. Of coz all these dun apply to things like cycling, roller blading or wakeboarding.  And know what, people there love to ask this and that… asking the trainer to repeat this and that. The repeats make me even more sleepy!!!! As I was moving towards my LALA land, i tot listening to songs will help.

SO there i go… listening to music halfway~

i guess it’s my face man. Maybe i have kinda annoying face… the trainer will always get me to do some demostration. From sch days till now… it never changes. Ever till my SIM days, i’m still being called upon to do to ans questions.

U bet…. how sad it can be and my usual answer to all questions-

I’m still digesting the question.

Anyway, I do have some pictures to load taken maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. Shall do it when i’m free.



Posted: August 27, 2008 in Whinnings and complaints

I dislike everything about school. I’m serious… hahaha… i guess i dun really like to study at all. Just for the sake of studying to get that piece of paper, i would not have gone to SIM for my studies.

Of course the initial part of the studies was full of enthusiasm, going for every single class. I was never so awake in class in my entire life for that 1st few lessons. The trend came about and i decided i shall skip some lessons.

And SIM changes whenever they like.

From 10 credits to 5 credits modules

From 3 assignment per semester to 2 online quiz, 2 group project and 2 individual projects per semester

From class starting at 7.30pm to class starting at 7pm

From lectures and tutorials to all seminar classes

From providing snacks during break time to getting vendor to sell snacks to us during break time

How disgusting right? This is what i have experienced for the past 2 years and they changed so many things.

But are they changing for the better or worse?

I was thinking of addressing each and every issue to vent out my frustration on all the changes. BUT…. i think i shall let the matter rest. I have another semester to go before i can get out of this terrible sch system. I hope i can finish every thing fast.

And that sets the reason why i’m so busy for the past few weeks. Projects are chasing after me. YES!!! They are…. so scary.

I have 3 online quiz , 3 group projects and 2 individual projects to be done. I need a break!!!!!!

I wish december is here soon… as I’m heading to korea. The only hols that i have planned for the rest of 2008 and it’s 4 months to go.

As for work, i have no complaints so far. I’m still doing well in the 3rd week with Rentokil, stepping into 1 month soon. =) 

Boss is nice ( well, she hardly in Singapore) ,

Manager is nice ( She feels so much more relax when boss is not around and joke a little with me),

Working area is nice ( I have a place of my whole. Nice, quiet and cosy corner. The area is quite big in fact)

Working location is nice ( I always prefer to work in town coz i have my direct bus that gets me to town in 30 mins. During my lunch time, i can always walk to bugis street to grab some cheap and nice clothes to add into my collection.)

 Food is nice ( Famous wanton mee is just below my office. Beside that, it serves the famous muffins. Though the price is a little steep for the muffin $2 for 1 chocolate muffin, it’s still worth it with the generous amount of chocolate they put. Rochor beancurd is round the corner as well)

Salary is nice too…. ^_^

If you are in my shoes, what’s more can you complain for?

New Job

Posted: August 11, 2008 in My thoughts, Whinnings and complaints

I’m so tired… I seriously feel like sleeping and guess what… Today is my 1st day of work in the new work place.

I did nothing much over the weekend but i still feel lethargic. Perhaps it’s the nose prob that i was down with yesterday.

I hate it… *yawn*

Most prob skipping classes today since i’m exhausted.

Protected: Grumpy

Posted: July 17, 2008 in Whinnings and complaints

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My last paper

Posted: May 26, 2008 in Whinnings and complaints

I’m heading down to school soon for my last paper. I guess it’s more or less dying case. I need more than luck…


Dun think so much and look forward to meet those girls later… RELAX!!!

There are so many things to update. Let me start from last week- the long weekend…

Last minute plan to Malacca… I was afraid that there were no available rooms and i did a quick call to Bayview Melaka and Equatorial Hotel. Bayview told me there had sufficient rooms and need not do any reservations. I took their words. As for Equatorial, they only left with the suites. Superior and deluxe rooms were all out.

I waited for dad to come back and set off with Mummy and colin. Dad was the assigned instructor for the trip as he would be the one driving and who knows Malaysia more than him. He worked there for almost 4 years before and that super long highway was kinda like the regular road he gotta drive thru those days.

Reached the 2nd link at 5 plus in the evening… expected jam!!! Well, dad got his way to cut thru the long waiting lines and we were only stucked for 1 hour at most. And after the ride, we reached Malacca Bayview where we wanna check-in. I approached the counter and ask for rooms. Guess what they told me THEY ARE FULLY BOOKED.

What an ass!!!!

I was told in the morning they have plenty of rooms and now what are we going to do… sleep on the streets? I was so pissed that i was making a big fuss at the counter. That stupid reception jus replied me one sentence ” Sorry, we are fully booked.” I swear i really feel like killing him. Colin asked him to check for other hotels and without checking, he said other hotels were fully booked too.


And after some “reasonings”, the fully booked hotel managed to get a room for me. Thanks god!!! I requested for an extra bed coz i initially wanted 2 rooms but now 4 people gotta squeeze one room. We requested for corporate rates and he was nice enough to give it to us and 3 breakfast vouchers.

3 vouchers only!!! But we have in total 4 people!!!! Is he blind? We wanted to get one more complimentary breafast and the hotel was so rigid.

No means no…. Is that the kind of service recovery? YUCKS.

I wanted to see the duty manager and guess what he was very busy doing his rounds and would call me when he was free. FINE… I waited… So the duty Manager, Mr Nathan called. Mind you i’m being charged the long distance call talking to a moron that dun get things thru his mind. I explained the whole scenario to him and he said he can’t offer me. And he doubt on my integrity. He said i cant provide the name of the person that i spoke to and i might call the wrong hotel, thinking i came up with such story to get that stupid breakfast. I even show him the record that i called in the morning in my phone.


The total conversation last for 20 mins. FREAK…. i need to pay for that, okie…. I wrote the comment card attached with an A4 paper story. Wonder if it as being given to the management in charge… i did a follow up email and till now… no reply and explanation from bayview. By hook or by crook, i deserve an explanation and refund of my phone bills. I’m not letting such issue rest.

Com’ on… those rewards displayed at the lobby should mean something right? 4 star hotel…. dunno best in what what what… should maintain their standards. Please!!!! Brush up your service!!!!

Leave that aside, i’m in the midst of exam.

Examintion List

 FIN303 – Financial Management

ACC203- Managerial Accounting

ACC201- Financial Accounting

BUS359- Product Innovation

Last one to go for tmr and that marks the end of my exam. Mmm… Please allow me to clear this sem and i will work harder. It’s always the same thing i said since primary 1. I’m trying…. hahaha…. trying hard!!!


Posted: May 9, 2008 in My thoughts, Whinnings and complaints

My mind is floating away. OMG… everyone is finishing or rather has already finished their exam except me and those uniSIM-ers who are still struggling with revision.

I’m not exactly struggling for revision. I jus couldnt be bothered… Not into studying mood. I know it’s really a serious problem but of course, out of no choices, i still have to flip my books to ensure that i still able to answer some questions in the exam.

I’m jus aiming for a pass for all papers. Who cares about all distinction or all the A and B? Utimately, it’s the paper that give u the cert that counts the most. Does your HR even request for your transcript upon applying for jobs?

No, right?

I’m not taking any Honours or Scholarship. I jus wan my Bsc Business. That’s it!

Anyway, I’m getting more used to my current workplace especially my Manager. She can be really entertaining at times. She is always full of expressions…

Through my experience, HR usually is very scare of the aduitors to ask this and that, digging out the past one year records. And guess what, this cute manager of mine has made the auditor very scare of her by her own funny way. U gotta see it with your own eyes… Then you will know how funny she is.

Ok… Time to work…

A new chapter

Posted: May 1, 2008 in Whinnings and complaints

A new chapter begins…

Well, I guess i’m still trying to get used to the new environment. I miss the old working place and the people. Dun like the fact that i have to go around saying ” Hi, I’m Rachel. Nice meeting you…”

Going from the corporate office to the Hotel… it can be really tiring.

Shall see how things go about~~~