Archive for the ‘Routine’ Category


Posted: October 15, 2008 in Party Time, Routine

Party session with Agnes… The moment i stepped into St James to look for Hairul, I saw my cousin. Oh SHIT… I saw him once there and this was the second time. I turned away facing Agnes as he was coming to our direction.

Escaped… but can’t help for the second time!!! We headed down to the other end of Movida and… he saw me. Oh Freak!!! Well, this cousin of mine is almost like a decade or even more older than me and went AHHH, WOOOOW, WAAAAH when he saw me. Well, i pretty much hang out with my frenz over at st james on fri. It’s nothing new and he mentioned he came here too. Of coz i know… i saw him before and the next question from him was why didnt i go forward and say hi to him…

He knows it better than anyone does for the reason.    =)

Anyway, Hairul was being dragged away by Desmond’s gfs… Hahaha they seemed to be so attracted to Hairul. They brought him to their table to introduce the other gang of people who I dunno. Neither agnes knows them. Best part was… they lady only intro herslf to Hairul and not me. Maybe agnes knows her previously. I’m not sure. That’s so practical right? Jus becoz i’m lady and she’s lady??? We jus repel?

Anyway, i dun really care but everything about that night was


music was WRONG…

People over there were WRONG…

Mood was WRONG…

Mind was WRONG…

You see… everything was WRONG… didnt enjoy it at all. It’s more than boredom to describe in exact. But we took some pictures to entertain ourselves…

Woke up on Saturday at 12pm. I think Agnes woke up even later… and didnt go for the wakeboarding competition. It was Janice birthday and i got her the Durian cake. I *Heart* the cake… It’s yummy… !!! And mummy says she will get Angie the choice Durian cake for my birthday next week to do comparison. I simply love DURIANS!!!!

Watched Big Stan… i told it’s a little boring in the beginning and it went quite interesting after that. It’s a movie to recommend for laugh….!

I also went to get some winter clothings for my trip. It’s gonna be cold. Saw it in the newspaper on the sales and went to Toa Payoh Safra to grab some. No ideal jacket there, only manage to grab long john, socks and compressed storage bag. Went for places to places to search for it… from central to west…. to central again. I’m totally exhausted by the time i reached home. However, my shopping bags are full!!!

I got

– gloves

– Jacket

– Long John

– Belt

– Compressed Storage Bag

– Socks

It costs quite a bit… but i was partly sponsored… HOHOHO…. Thanks Ling.. =)

I think it’s the shopping spree on sunday that makes me still feeling tired. I need more sleep and rest. GOSH… exam is coming soon. I need to start studying but i thought it will be really nice if i can go for a short trip 1st before exam comes. =D

Then it shall be Korea + Hk in December, Australia in next Jun, Switzerland or Europe in next Dec, Japan in next next April…

I have all planned for… I think i’m crazy. Geez!!!

It’s monday again. This means that I have to work for another 4 more days before the weekend comes again. You definitely know what i mean…

As much as i like my current job… I’m still kinda lazy. I wish i can go for more hols and stuffs.

Anyway, i got myself a new handphone again. My samsung soul camera seems to be a bit faulty, not functioning well at night. People will just ask me to go for servicing since it’s still under warranty. But i just wanna to change… something that is not too high end. And i got this…

LG KC550

U got it… i bought the baby pink colour one. I have never been so girly before, carrying a pink handphone. Everything is nice and sweet… and i’m not too sure i really like this handphone as whenever i see my samsung soul… i have second thoughts about it. I dun bear to sell my samsung soul away.

However, it seems like I have too many handphones. I HAVE to sell one away.


I got my weekend spent on a chinese movie… watching Connected. Colin was telling me it’s a korean movie and we happily went to buy the tickets. As the show started, i was like… HUH!!! I though it’s a korean movie!!! Why is the movie in chinese???

And there he goes… saying his explanation over his TOOTz mistake but he emphasized that it’s a 4 out of 5 stars movie rated in the newspaper. Well, what to do… bought the tickets, sitting in the cinema, we could only go ahead and watch it.

It turned out not too bad though i’m not exactly a fan of thriller movies.

During the movie, i received an SMS. OMG…. Nick is back in singapore. Hahaha…. my party kaki… we used to party together so often and he will just go disappear in the mid of the party session. Next moment you know, he is back home already. He stay just opp st james. He was asking me if we are at st james. Too bad… we have moved from party on sat to party on fri night instead. I dun mind going down but agnes was too tired to head down coz she woke up early in the morning to go for work and classes in the afternoon. NVm, i shall check with nick when he will be leaving sg again.

Not forgetting my Korea trip, it’s kinda finalised. Booked yesterday… I will be heading to korea for 6 days, then to hong kong for another 3 days in decmeber. I guess it’s gonna be fun with the stay in the ski resort and my first skiing experience. HOHOHO… finally get to go hols again. It’s not too long again from my previous one though. I was thinking of squeezing a short trip in between now to dec. Let me think about it again.

Met up with



Agnes’s ex colleague

Agnes’s ex colleague’s uni mate

Hahaha… what an extended group. We hang out at Wala Wala for some drinks ,music and small talks. Sometimes, it’s nice to hang out like that with a couple of frenz to chit chat and listen to some live band.

That’s not the end… Jolyn and I went for some ice cream @ haagen dazs.Agnes was like telling me… better not eat ice cream after drinking beer coz she throwed out the other time. Well, i didn’t drink much… and i drank it really slowly. I think it should be fine… It’s not the beer + ice cream that makes me uncomfortable. It is the ” Gua sha” that i have earlier in the afternoon that makes my body ache. My back is like having 5 pple bashing up… got the blue black marks all over. It’s the one and only time i will do it… Never will I return again. Boo…

Routine weekend

Posted: September 29, 2008 in Party Time, Routine

Pretty much like routine… Dropby to St James on Friday night with Agnes and her manager + groups of uncles. We reached earlier than usual… like 10++pm. We usually reach nearly 12am. Time passed really slowly on that very day.

Agnes was so much wanna get into the party mood. She drank… and drank… and drank…till she got tipsy. Totally wobbly… I gotta hold on to her. That’s what are frenz for right??? Haha… Luckily, she was the one who was drunk. Can you imagine if i’m the one…. she will have difficulties holding on to me… I might have crushed her bones into pieces… She is so skinny…!!!

Out of the group, i think at around 3am, left with me and the other guy who were sober. Others were like talking rubbish so much… like

(taking my credit card…)

Desmond: Rachel what? Old already cannot see… (Passing to tina) hey, you can see a not?

Me: It’s     SHI, shi

Uncle 1( cant remember the name): Your surname is very similar to mine.

Me: What’s urs then?

Uncle 1: Mine is SHIT, shit…!!! One letter different… i got a T.

Yeah, and we just laugh it away… quite lame though.

Caught the movie- Mamma Mia on Saturday… was okie… wont be saying it’s a thumbs up movie but the Abba songs definitely keep playing in my mind even after the movie. I’m expecting to watch more movies since there are quite a number of comedies coming up.

Played tennis with Coach at pines as usual again. I tested out my new Head racquet. I like it the way… coz i do not need to use too much strength to hit and the ball can fly nicely for forehand and backhand. Coach kept saying that i’m using auntie racquet, i should have gotten something that i can use more strength. Ultimately, that’s the whole point of buying the new racquet… i dun wanna use so much strength like my previous one. But he gotta agree that i perform better with my new racquet.

I have been playing tennis more of on and off basis. Like what coach says.. played 1 week and disappear for 3 weeks. I can’t make any commitment to it. I have some other things to do… especially those irritating projects and never ending online quiz. So the other coach actually suggested to me to join to play club competition. Perhaps i may have agreed with it right away last time. I feel i’m no longer that competitive. I jus wan to lead my life the way i want…

SLACK…. I think if i have a choice, i wanna slack my life away. Hahaha…

Sleepy Monday

Posted: September 15, 2008 in Routine, Whinnings and complaints

I tot i’m okie as in not sleepy in the morning as i have enough sleep over the weekend. Nearing lunch time, Milton msn me asking me if i’m feeling sleepy or suffering from any monday blues.

SURPRISINGLY, NO… he said that’s it, surprisingly is the key word. I’m forever complaining being sleepy. I cant help it seriously.

And Lunch is over and i ate only half plate of pineapple rice… there it goes… I feel a little sleepy. I knew it… something is so wrong. I cant be feeling so alert today, or rather i have never being alert. I’m always on my sleepy mode.


Though i’m tired and tempted to skip class today, I have no way out. I missed my operations management class last week as i need to rush out my stupid project. I told my fren who happened to be in the same class as me to assist in forming a group. What we need to do is to get 2 more people in.

AND….. FREAK!!!!!!!! He went to join some other people and left me hanging in the mid air. I need to go around today to see if there’s any group that have not gotten 4 members. That’s the main motive to go to class.

The stupid thing about UniSIM is that… we have to do a group project in every module without fail. And 1st lesson is very important becoz everyone will be trying to know each other and get their group formed as soon as possible. No one wan to be left behind and be some kinda lost sheep like wat i am now.

It’s even more demoralising to see the worst ever group project result – 45 marks only. Yet to see the marked script… well, i’m never the high scholar and I’m jus pinning to hit 40 marks for the overall to clear my modules. The usual project marks should be ranging 60++… the marker must have been really stingy in the marking. So tell me where’s the motivation to go to school?   =(

Photos of the previous session at St James with Agnes’s Manager, Agnes and Hairul

Hairul is texting…

And What happened? Agnes doesn’t wan to take pic with Hairul?

Yeah!! That’s better…

Me and Hairul!

Of coz, me and Agnes as well

Fulfilling Week

Posted: May 4, 2008 in Routine

I can’t imagine myself spending my weekend doing so many things instead of studying. My 1st paper is on 13 May…. barely 10 days away and my revision only like 5 percent?


Movie craze: I must be crazy to go and watch Iron Man… Nim’s Island… Harold and Kumar in this week.

Clubbing Craze: Went to club @ st james on Saturday Night with Agnes and Jinni. My brother happened to be there with his friends as well. Seriously, it’s not as fun. I think i’m missing my party kakis like NICK and Darryl. NICK…. PLease come back from Jakarta!!!!

And of course, accompany colin to get his car grooming done. U experience how hot the weather is these days. I was almost melting away under the hot sun esp the place for car grooming has no air con cafe except a couple of coffee shops. The invention of air con was really appreciated at the very moment. I even tot that it was the best n greatest invention on earth that it can ever have. 

Mm… i’m getting a little sleepy. Time to sleep and re-charge myself for the next day to get my engine working.


Jus another week

Posted: September 18, 2007 in Routine

Power House on wed rocks. The crowd was nice, the music was nice… I didnt believe what Darryl told me till i went there 2 weeks ago. It had a well-mixed of the matured and young aged group. I met a very pretty jap lady there. Every guy was trying to know her and of coz i think amos wanna know her as well. Perhaps he was jus too shy. Hahaha….


And Saturday… i was with Agnes, Jinni and Charles. Usual thingy…

Not forgetting busy with work work work, I’m pretty worn out. I got home on friday at 7++.

Took my dinner, watched a little of TV prog and i went to bed at 8.30pm.

I told myself i jus wanna take a nap and wake up later to do my stuffs. Who knows… I slept all the way until the next day 9.30am… Total of 13 hours.

I’m totally impressed about myself sleeping for so long. Hahaha…

I was really recharged and ready for Juliana’s solemnization. Thanks to Jinni… she accompanied me there. I did not kow anyone there except Juliana. Imagine if i didnt get Jinni to go, i would be bored to death. Since Jinni is nice enough to go with me to Pan Pacific, I went to expo with her for the Natas fair.



Tat’s one funny thing about Singaporeans… Seriously, i dun find the prices at Natas fair extremely cheap. It’s almost the same price as usual period, jus that they are throwing in some freebies like free baggages, lucky dips and stuffs. And u know that there were so many people over at the fair and you even need to pay 3 bucks to get in there. Singaporeans are getting richer…

Jinni and Agnes have settled to go to HK and their air tix booked. Enjoy ur trip girls….

And Sunday, it was jolyn annual flea market at holland v. Sherin and i pop by to say hi to her, hang ard for a while and went for lunch. We went over to orchard to window – shop. We meant to window shop but……. i got 2 shorts from cottons on.





We part after a while as i wanna go back to hotel to clear some work. I worked all the way until 10pm. Goodness… and i havent finish clearing, still got tons of things to do.

Work can never finish!!! I deserve a break…



Posted: August 20, 2007 in Routine


I woke up early in the morning for the charity walk. I went around telling the whole world that…

I am healthy -> that’s why i went for the walk.

I’m kind and healthy -> that’s why i was there for charity walk.


I was walking with Jill when we came to this split roads labelled – 1km or 6 km. Seriously, we were tempted to go to the 1km but still, we decided to stay healthy n follow the flow of majority. And of coz, my white plastic shoes failed on me… it’s hurting my foot and went over to suntec to get a pair of slippers at Fox after the entire event.

Met up with Charles at Jurong point in the noon. I dun know why i sugguested the place when he told me he wanna go somewhere near to get a shirt for his dinner. There arent many shops selling shirts… we should have gone to queensway. Luckily, a pink shirt caught his eye and got it shortly. He is not as bad as he was telling me the other day that he is damn fussy n picky when comes to choose his clothes. Followed by a lunchie at bt timah and he drove me home.

I was expecting 2 guests to come to my place, J and Sherin. They were here for their quiz. And needless to say where we go after that… you can see it on the previous blog.

Jeremy was supposed to join us and last min informed that he got something to settle. Argh!!! Jus left with the 3 of us. J managed to get another 2 more frenz over and i got Charles over after his dinner with his colleagues. Pictures speak more than words…

Refer to previous Post.


I cant really get into sleep much though i slept at 4am. I woke up at 8am. Got myself online… and saw tommy online. Okie… it’s fabian not tommy. He loves calling me Janey… whereby i’m rach. I jus love calling him tommy when his name is fabian. We were the early birds that cant get into sleep. He accompanied me with my fav UNO. He can be damn irritating at times when i call for UNO, he will give me this UNO Challenge. Instead of the last card whereby i’m going to game, he requested me to draw more cards. How sick right?

Finally, both of us played until pretty shagged and headed for nap. I slept until damn soundly that i have a couple of sms n missed calls…. i totally nv heard it at all. I guess i was really tired.

Rushed thru my quiz after i woke up as i was nearing the deadline and i had a dinner to attend at night. Got some lousy grades that dun worth mentioning at all. Hahaha…. well, at least i passed!!!!