Archive for the ‘Party Time’ Category


Posted: October 15, 2008 in Party Time, Routine

Party session with Agnes… The moment i stepped into St James to look for Hairul, I saw my cousin. Oh SHIT… I saw him once there and this was the second time. I turned away facing Agnes as he was coming to our direction.

Escaped… but can’t help for the second time!!! We headed down to the other end of Movida and… he saw me. Oh Freak!!! Well, this cousin of mine is almost like a decade or even more older than me and went AHHH, WOOOOW, WAAAAH when he saw me. Well, i pretty much hang out with my frenz over at st james on fri. It’s nothing new and he mentioned he came here too. Of coz i know… i saw him before and the next question from him was why didnt i go forward and say hi to him…

He knows it better than anyone does for the reason.    =)

Anyway, Hairul was being dragged away by Desmond’s gfs… Hahaha they seemed to be so attracted to Hairul. They brought him to their table to introduce the other gang of people who I dunno. Neither agnes knows them. Best part was… they lady only intro herslf to Hairul and not me. Maybe agnes knows her previously. I’m not sure. That’s so practical right? Jus becoz i’m lady and she’s lady??? We jus repel?

Anyway, i dun really care but everything about that night was


music was WRONG…

People over there were WRONG…

Mood was WRONG…

Mind was WRONG…

You see… everything was WRONG… didnt enjoy it at all. It’s more than boredom to describe in exact. But we took some pictures to entertain ourselves…

Woke up on Saturday at 12pm. I think Agnes woke up even later… and didnt go for the wakeboarding competition. It was Janice birthday and i got her the Durian cake. I *Heart* the cake… It’s yummy… !!! And mummy says she will get Angie the choice Durian cake for my birthday next week to do comparison. I simply love DURIANS!!!!

Watched Big Stan… i told it’s a little boring in the beginning and it went quite interesting after that. It’s a movie to recommend for laugh….!

I also went to get some winter clothings for my trip. It’s gonna be cold. Saw it in the newspaper on the sales and went to Toa Payoh Safra to grab some. No ideal jacket there, only manage to grab long john, socks and compressed storage bag. Went for places to places to search for it… from central to west…. to central again. I’m totally exhausted by the time i reached home. However, my shopping bags are full!!!

I got

– gloves

– Jacket

– Long John

– Belt

– Compressed Storage Bag

– Socks

It costs quite a bit… but i was partly sponsored… HOHOHO…. Thanks Ling.. =)

I think it’s the shopping spree on sunday that makes me still feeling tired. I need more sleep and rest. GOSH… exam is coming soon. I need to start studying but i thought it will be really nice if i can go for a short trip 1st before exam comes. =D

Then it shall be Korea + Hk in December, Australia in next Jun, Switzerland or Europe in next Dec, Japan in next next April…

I have all planned for… I think i’m crazy. Geez!!!

Routine weekend

Posted: September 29, 2008 in Party Time, Routine

Pretty much like routine… Dropby to St James on Friday night with Agnes and her manager + groups of uncles. We reached earlier than usual… like 10++pm. We usually reach nearly 12am. Time passed really slowly on that very day.

Agnes was so much wanna get into the party mood. She drank… and drank… and drank…till she got tipsy. Totally wobbly… I gotta hold on to her. That’s what are frenz for right??? Haha… Luckily, she was the one who was drunk. Can you imagine if i’m the one…. she will have difficulties holding on to me… I might have crushed her bones into pieces… She is so skinny…!!!

Out of the group, i think at around 3am, left with me and the other guy who were sober. Others were like talking rubbish so much… like

(taking my credit card…)

Desmond: Rachel what? Old already cannot see… (Passing to tina) hey, you can see a not?

Me: It’s     SHI, shi

Uncle 1( cant remember the name): Your surname is very similar to mine.

Me: What’s urs then?

Uncle 1: Mine is SHIT, shit…!!! One letter different… i got a T.

Yeah, and we just laugh it away… quite lame though.

Caught the movie- Mamma Mia on Saturday… was okie… wont be saying it’s a thumbs up movie but the Abba songs definitely keep playing in my mind even after the movie. I’m expecting to watch more movies since there are quite a number of comedies coming up.

Played tennis with Coach at pines as usual again. I tested out my new Head racquet. I like it the way… coz i do not need to use too much strength to hit and the ball can fly nicely for forehand and backhand. Coach kept saying that i’m using auntie racquet, i should have gotten something that i can use more strength. Ultimately, that’s the whole point of buying the new racquet… i dun wanna use so much strength like my previous one. But he gotta agree that i perform better with my new racquet.

I have been playing tennis more of on and off basis. Like what coach says.. played 1 week and disappear for 3 weeks. I can’t make any commitment to it. I have some other things to do… especially those irritating projects and never ending online quiz. So the other coach actually suggested to me to join to play club competition. Perhaps i may have agreed with it right away last time. I feel i’m no longer that competitive. I jus wan to lead my life the way i want…

SLACK…. I think if i have a choice, i wanna slack my life away. Hahaha…

Ever since Nick left for Indonesia, i guess my party session had never been that fun till Desmond came about. He is agnes’s manager who can really marks a clear line between work and party. Though i’m not a colleague of his, i can tell he is totally a different person when he is at work and off work.

Having the right group, right timing and right venue will make it a perfect party session. I love to party as a group. The nonsense that a group can create…  that is the absolute fun. U know the music, the dance and a little bit of drinks… u can let your hair down.

Enough of partying…

And of course some thoughts that i have,

I guess the saying of “it’s not what you do but who you know” is really very true. I witnessed a real life example in my life. From a not very well to do family to what Mr J is today, it show the importance of who you know. Being together with a rich family’s daughter allows him to drive luxurious car and promotion from executive level to manager just in 3 months time. Seriously, i dun like the idea about it. If the gender role has switched over,i guess it’s still not tat bad. Now, it’s jus makes me think that Mr J is depending on the gf’s family.

Come on…. smart in a way but i feel disgrace for him.

Perhaps getting out of the usual lifestyle and moving into a upper class living is the target that he wishes to move towards. I dunno… I dun even talk to him.

I’m jus KPO… Wanna share with everyone this useless guy exists in the world whereby it’s like the drama series scenario.

Everything starts from NOW

Posted: June 8, 2008 in Party Time

I was telling my colleagues show i manage to gain so much weight in such a short period of time and show that my pictures months back. Hahaha… big difference… 5 kg isnt tat little.

That makes me determined to shed all the excess away. To show some support, Colin is going to control his diet together with me.  Well, supposed to do some workouts but everyday is a tiring day…. and it simply being pushed to the next day… the next next day… the next next next day.

GREAT JOB…. so we can continue to be fatty but….


And we finally got start today. We shall continue doing this till we reached our desired target.

My partying session on friday was great… it was kinda bored to wait for others to reach… jus me, agnes and jinni’s fren who i totally forgot her name. She didn’t join us for long and hop over to Dragonfly to meet up her frenz. It’s never the place for me. I simply refused to go. I rather stay over in Movida and wait for the others to arrive.

Cheryl who is agnes’s ex colleague came and jinni arrived shortly. Not forgetting the forever partying desmond who is agnes’s manager, joined us after his drink at some other places. Of course to worth mentioning about desmond, he put smiles on our faces. He disturbs Cheryl a lot but it’s kinda entertaining for us (3rd parties) to see.

We drank… we danced… we laughed… We had fun.



Party Time…

Posted: May 14, 2008 in Party Time

Miss those days that the whole gang of us have fun together…

And i headed down to St James last friday. I should have been a good girl studying at home but…. Grinz! Reached there almost 12am…

Jinni was there

Darryl was there

and agnes’s colleagues were there…. we joined them…

Overall grading…. not too bad… quite fun!!!

A new friend made

Posted: November 21, 2007 in Party Time

Agnes intro her fren to me. She jus came back from Australia… what’s more when we are all hoteliers!!!

~Agnes and Friend~

See how happy they are… They havent been seeing each other for 1 year plus.






And… it’s my turn!!!





Party time~

Posted: November 9, 2007 in Party Time

I guess I’m pretty stressed up at work these days and coming exams add on more to it. Met up with Agnes, Daryl and Nick. We were happily drinking away when… 2 ladies came along to “tackle” Daryl. Nick and i were trying to guess how old those ladies are. To our surprise…


 7 years my senior…

Overall, it was quite fun. Been such a long time i have this fun partying. I mean i do go partying these days, Jus not as fun i guess.

















 Thumb up for yesterday session!!!!

My Halloween

Posted: October 30, 2007 in Party Time

Halloween Party on Saturday… I didnt dress up for that. I did some pumpkin carvng on friday for my hotel activity. The HR team won 3rd position. Tat’s not too bad for 3 ladies carving 2 pumpkins, weighing around 8 to 10 kg each. For your info, the pumpkin that we carved was imparted from US. We ordered 20 of them and each cost around SGD50. Imagine… 20 of them, how much it will cost….. and we jus wasted the pumpkin away.

Didnt really attend any halloween party before. The place i went didnt have much pple dressing up unlike Zouk. I saw tons of pics that my frenz have taken in zouk for the Halloween party. It seemed fun. BUT… i didnt regret going mine, at least i mananged to join Daryl this time. It has been several times to arrange to party but… *shrugs* we jus always didnt get to meet.

Agnes came as well.

Photos time!!!


Arrogant looking Chap….



Daryl claimed that he looks better in these 2 pics…



My thank you list to

1) Shawn ( for the lovely cake and celebration)

2) Sherin ( for the birthday card, dinner and Ang Pow)

3) Jolyn ( for the birthday dinner)

4) Chris ( For the ice cream treat)

5) Annie ( For the jappy birthday lunch, the coach wristlet and the card )

6) Jill ( For the the coach wristlet and the card )

7) Eileen ( For the the coach wristlet and the card )

8 ) Juliana ( For the the coach wristlet and the card )

9) Tom ( For the the coach wristlet and the card )

10) Samuel ( For the Birthday Hug)

For the birthday wishes

Elvin, Milton, Jeremy, Chi Sern, Simon, Daryl, Cyn, Guocai, My cutie temp girl from previous workplace, Violet, Agnes, Amos, Chef Robert, Cousin Serene, Doris

Not forgetting my daddy, mummy , brother and aunt for the birthday ang pow

Nothing comes more practical than ang pows. Thanks everyone!!! Totally appreciated… u guys made my day.

Nothing beats hanging around with my girls. They are jus too fun to be with. A little misunderstanding that has been put behind. See the laughter we have… the noise that we make… the issues that we gossip… nothing beats the power of US, Rachel, Sherin, Jolyn.

Taking pictures from the restaurant Lao Beijing to PS toilet to the underpass to the MRT.































And of course with Chris, Jeremy and Sam










Posted: September 4, 2007 in Party Time

It’s been a week or so that i didnt update my blog. I’m busy with my project, work and frenz. Gotta admit that i feel kinda lazy to update as well.

Tons of things happened… I dunno where should i start and where should i end. It’s gonna be another messy + unorganised post.

Shall start with last week, meeting up with Jinni and Agnes. Agnes’s fren, edmund and the other lady, Bel were there as well. So we jus hang ard together. Didnt know that Edmund was in a dance group before. No wonder he can dance so well, with all kinds of moves.






The servers have fun taking pics with MY camera. They took it themselves… -_-”










And of coz, i was down with my flu. Sick for many many many days. I’m still recovering now. U can imagine how bad it was. The best thing was my manager was not in for the first few days of the week as she needed to attend a seminar. I went to work though i was terribly sick. Of coz, i could have taken MC which the doc actually gave it to me. I cant afford to rest at work… tons of works waiting for me everyday.

I was on leave on Thurs. My BRO’s Birthday… I’m such a nice sister to take leave on his b day to celebrate with him. Hahaha…, this is jus partially the reason. My assignment was going to due and i have not completed it. Wanna take leave to finish it up and submit on time. And I dun have to mood to do it at all. Grab my mum to watch the ratty show – Ratatouille with me. It satisfied the “kiddy” side of me. Rushed to get present and cake for my brother after the movie to make it in time for dinner. Dinner was satisfying as well. Cheap and Nice…

Not forgetting meeting up with Jonathan last week, someone who can really analyse me accurately. He sees me as someone with strong will, outstanding leader, have a mind of my own and outspoken. All the positive points and of coz there is negative one. He said people should not stepped on my tail. If not they will be in deep shit. And i told him (jokingly) ” In deep shit? If they step on my tail, i make sure i cut away their tails.” Hahaha…. He was damn blur. Supposed to catch hairspray and he got the tickets for some other days!!!!. We were stucked at the entrance of the cinema with our popcorns and drink. No choice, we headed down to Marina south Pier to finish our popcorns. At least, there is lesser people there. We dun look so awkward with that big pack of popcorn. Golden village popcorn’s standard drops. We requested for the sweet popcorns and half of the packet was the “white” popcorn with no coating so ended up I become the Quality-control officer for popcorn, filtering the sweet n the non-sweet popcorn.

And of coz, on saturday – Facial Day. Saw Charles online and told him that i’m going for facial. Surprisingly, this vain guy said that he wanna go as well. So he came n picked me up, heading down to my usual facial place at People’s park area.

At night, i met Agnes, supposing to catch Hairspray again. Movie at 9.10pm…. this girl…. she is really late. I went to pick her up and by the time she came down is ard 9.20pm. We were very very late by the time we reach town so we changed our plan to meet Fabian at Cannery. Cannery isnt my kinda place… I still prefer St James.



WE went there again. Hahaha… Luckily to be in time for my cover charge waived. Fabian and fren went to Belinnis for chat n drink while me and Agnes went ard different outlets. Agnes saw her sec sch classmate, Wai Mun there again. We saw him last week on the SIM Bash and this week again.


I saw my executive sous chef there as well.

Not only that, i met my sec sch classmate, Pamela. She has disappeared after her O levels and we lost contact for very very long time. Still remember those days when the sea games were on. We were so engrossed with the swimming events, to be honest, engrossed with the swimmers more. Ernst Teo, Leslie Kwok, Sng Ju wei and Mark Chay…. Top few favourites back den. It was her first time to St James, so i offered them to join us.




Other than pamela, I met a fren who i has lost contact for very very very long time. I last heard frm him was 4 yrs ago when he told me he was going to Imperial College for studies. And now, he’s back. Didnt know time flies so fast… Wei Chuen walked past me and i was like.. hey… and tapped on his shoulder. He took a glance at me, reacting kinda shocked and know what he did????????????



I was like… argh… so i tapped on his shoulder again and said ” You are wei Chuen, right?” Only at a while later, he finally recalled who i am.       -_-“””
