Archive for the ‘My thoughts’ Category

Missing Fun

Posted: August 6, 2010 in My thoughts

Time really flies. Daryl messaged me the other day saying

“NICK LOO is back!!!”

hahaha…. He was like one of the fun party kaki back then and he left for Indonesia for work. It has been a long long time that i last saw him. Perhaps Daryl should really arrange a session to catch up.

Time really flies. I was looking through some pictures esp the one that the whole group of people went to batam.

Sherin, Violet, Jeremy and Kwok.

We seemed to really have lots of fun playing poker cards and those “punishments” for losing the games. I were reading through my post on it that Jeremy came up with the idea to get the loser to call the reception to say I Love You. 

I kinda miss those fun days.

Now, I’m enjoying my life too but it’s just a different kind of fun that I’m missing.



Posted: August 4, 2010 in My thoughts

I dun like it when I got something that is not appreciated. I rather not give it.

That’s my character!

Small matter but I’m just not cool about it.

Waste my time, effort and money… Never will I do it again.

Everything just goes wrong today. My important appointment was being postponed. I’m almost there… Yet again.


U know what… I quited my job and followed my boss to her new company. Of coz at the point of time when she approached u, she was nice and wonderful. She talked about the good old days that we used to work together. Yes… We shared some and of course I hated her some days as well.

And now, I have started my work in the new company. I knew it from the beginning that I’m being brought in by her and people will look at me differently. They tend to be aware of me and of coz do not share as much things to me. I can understand that coz basically everyone does that. That includes me.

I do have a nice colleague that I’m rather close with now. But the others… I will need more time. Under the announcement of retrenchment, everyone aren’t that happy about the company. Being retrenched, not due to company making loss but shifting of operations.

And next thing… My boss went mc for 2 days and left for her china business trip. I was like an idiot in the office doing nothing much. I was given the permission by my boss on the msn whereby others dun get to use it. So I ended up msn the entire day. I don’t know how pple will view it but looking at the blank computer screen n do nothing just kills me. She is off in china and guess what… Her entire trip went totally wrong…

Her flight went wrong
The ferry timing went wrong ( which this is my fault)
The ferry was extremely long
The hotel can’t find her name in te system
The admin manager did not book a non smoking room for her

Cool right… And blame it on me… I’m fed up as that isn’t entirely my fault so… Respect people to gain people’s respect. No point blaming at the innocent one… Oh right saying ” This is really poor, Rachel.”


New chapter ahead

Posted: April 4, 2010 in My thoughts

After 1 year and 9 months with Rentokil Initial, I decided to move on.

Tons of happiness and unhappiness that I have been through. My initial reason of moving is due to the mood swing of my boss. She is just so unpredictable. However, she left the company before I do. Even though she left, I decided to leave as well . Many have asked why… But I’m just so tired of working and doing so much with not much appreciation.

Only when I wanted to leave, they started to know how much I’m doing. No one person is able to take over the work load… During my last conference, my md and my global hr director asked me to stay… They tried really hard but I’m tired of doing all these shitty jobs.

Do u know the feeling that u know it is not right but still have to do it?

But I will never deny that I learn a lot in rentokil initial and get to know many people who may be able to help me next time.

Well, hopefully the new job that I have will turn out really well. Let’s hope forthe best for me… I do not want to change job again unless it is a pull factor.

Who am I?

Posted: November 7, 2008 in My thoughts

When i was in my Secondary school days,

People think that i look like

– Malay

– Indonesian

– Filippino


When I was in my Pre Uni days,

People think that i look and speak like

– mixed race

– American Chinese… Hawaiian


And Now,

People still think I look

– Mixed race (but definitely chinese)

Koreans think that I speak like

– Australian

Australians think that I speak like

– American

It’s monday again. This means that I have to work for another 4 more days before the weekend comes again. You definitely know what i mean…

As much as i like my current job… I’m still kinda lazy. I wish i can go for more hols and stuffs.

Anyway, i got myself a new handphone again. My samsung soul camera seems to be a bit faulty, not functioning well at night. People will just ask me to go for servicing since it’s still under warranty. But i just wanna to change… something that is not too high end. And i got this…

LG KC550

U got it… i bought the baby pink colour one. I have never been so girly before, carrying a pink handphone. Everything is nice and sweet… and i’m not too sure i really like this handphone as whenever i see my samsung soul… i have second thoughts about it. I dun bear to sell my samsung soul away.

However, it seems like I have too many handphones. I HAVE to sell one away.


I got my weekend spent on a chinese movie… watching Connected. Colin was telling me it’s a korean movie and we happily went to buy the tickets. As the show started, i was like… HUH!!! I though it’s a korean movie!!! Why is the movie in chinese???

And there he goes… saying his explanation over his TOOTz mistake but he emphasized that it’s a 4 out of 5 stars movie rated in the newspaper. Well, what to do… bought the tickets, sitting in the cinema, we could only go ahead and watch it.

It turned out not too bad though i’m not exactly a fan of thriller movies.

During the movie, i received an SMS. OMG…. Nick is back in singapore. Hahaha…. my party kaki… we used to party together so often and he will just go disappear in the mid of the party session. Next moment you know, he is back home already. He stay just opp st james. He was asking me if we are at st james. Too bad… we have moved from party on sat to party on fri night instead. I dun mind going down but agnes was too tired to head down coz she woke up early in the morning to go for work and classes in the afternoon. NVm, i shall check with nick when he will be leaving sg again.

Not forgetting my Korea trip, it’s kinda finalised. Booked yesterday… I will be heading to korea for 6 days, then to hong kong for another 3 days in decmeber. I guess it’s gonna be fun with the stay in the ski resort and my first skiing experience. HOHOHO… finally get to go hols again. It’s not too long again from my previous one though. I was thinking of squeezing a short trip in between now to dec. Let me think about it again.

Met up with



Agnes’s ex colleague

Agnes’s ex colleague’s uni mate

Hahaha… what an extended group. We hang out at Wala Wala for some drinks ,music and small talks. Sometimes, it’s nice to hang out like that with a couple of frenz to chit chat and listen to some live band.

That’s not the end… Jolyn and I went for some ice cream @ haagen dazs.Agnes was like telling me… better not eat ice cream after drinking beer coz she throwed out the other time. Well, i didn’t drink much… and i drank it really slowly. I think it should be fine… It’s not the beer + ice cream that makes me uncomfortable. It is the ” Gua sha” that i have earlier in the afternoon that makes my body ache. My back is like having 5 pple bashing up… got the blue black marks all over. It’s the one and only time i will do it… Never will I return again. Boo…


Posted: September 26, 2008 in Moments to remember, My thoughts

Hahaha… Mama tulu… dun ask me the meaning of it… i dunno!

It’s just one of the phrase me n the bunch of pple loved to use during my pre-u days.  The bunch of pple includes :

1)  Me, of coz

2) Violet

3) Hui Yuan

4) Faizul

5) Ang moh

6) Maybe Ian…

If I didnt remember wrongly, it shld be some people came down to our school to perform some dance or show. It was some tribal dance i think. And this phrase came from there… oh ya… we have some actions to it like exerting some super power.

Especially me, violet, faizul and angmoh… when we were playing tennis, hahaha we would say that… n we would hit the ball very nicely… damn funny.

Plus hui yuan always say angmoh is her bf… writing all kinda stupid thing like H love HY… jus to irritate the angmoh.

Ang moh saying huiyuan as dragon lady coz huiyuan is always hanging out with the china girls in the school. And for harris, dragon = china, so huiyuan was called the dragon lady.

Violet being the tigeress…. coz she can be quite fierce

And for me… i dun think i have any nickname… but i do remembered last time i was sitting with Faizul in maths class. We always play bingo… talk rubbish damn noisy until teacher gotta change our seats.

I’m missing those days and those people.

My decision

Posted: September 22, 2008 in My thoughts

I’m forgoing someone who

– is MBA graduate from Stanford

– has a family of dermalogists

– excel in his career in a US MNC

– has the Typical Korean look


That’s my choice and my decision.

1st day of new job

Posted: August 11, 2008 in My thoughts

So far so good… Nothing much to complain other than what i have complained earlier in the morning – I’m so sleepy. Getting slightly better…

I jus came back from lunch with my Canadian boss. =)

1st impression  – I like her.

She bought me lunch and shared with me many things from her schedule , work and travellings to her own personal lifestyle. We are still trying to warm up a little.

Being in such a big company, she assured me that i have plenty of things to learn and opportunity to grow locally and globally. I hope so too. Everyone is so busy with their work and I’m like not doing anything. What do u expect right? I’m jus in for the very 1st day of work. I guess i  jus gotta pick it up slowly.

Oh ya… nearly forgotten… my boss told me i need not come in so early into the office as she is never in any time before 10am. How nice right?

I like my new boss!!!!!!

New Job

Posted: August 11, 2008 in My thoughts, Whinnings and complaints

I’m so tired… I seriously feel like sleeping and guess what… Today is my 1st day of work in the new work place.

I did nothing much over the weekend but i still feel lethargic. Perhaps it’s the nose prob that i was down with yesterday.

I hate it… *yawn*

Most prob skipping classes today since i’m exhausted.