Archive for the ‘Moments to remember’ Category

Seasons Greeting

Posted: December 28, 2008 in Moments to remember, Out of Singapore

Merry Xmas and happy 2009 to everyone.

As usual, i have not abandoned this blog.

1. I’m just too lazy to blog

2. I’m busy at work these days

Many things have happened within this period. My manager has left for a better job opportunity. I’m so happy for her to get this job advancement. Though the times that we worked together is considered kinda short( 4 months), it’s good enough to build up a good relationship with her. She has guided me and taught me how to handle situations in the corporate world better. Everyone wish to move up, so do I. But I still have lots to learn along the way to come. Personally, I feel that it is important to meet a mentor during each working experience. The mentor will be able to share the experience with you, anaylse different issues with you and point out the areas that you have done wrong or can be improved on. I have been so appreciative to Susan’s effort towards me for the past months. She’s someone that i respect a lot.

Due to her departure, I’m given a wider scope of work, taking over most of her duties. I’m not too sure if I can handle it well but i’m trying my best. I dun get to enjoy the perks of going back on the dot at 5.30pm anymore. Handling conference call with UK that may lead all the way till 12am. That isn’t something that i’m looking forward to.

Leaving all these aside, I visited korea and Hong Kong during my December break. I love Korea!!! It’s really a very very nice place and it just makes me wanna go and learn korean language. BUT… let me take a look at my timetabe first before i sign up for anything. I’m serious on picking up korean this time. =)  

And now… All about my trip…

In Korea,

– O2 Ski Resort



Going to ski… It’s my first attempt to ski, so… stop telling me that ” hey, that’s the beginner course.”




At mount Sorak,









At Everland,





In Seoul ( Outside Novotel Ambassador),

It started snowing that morning. I was behaving like a little kid, getting really excited over it.



It stopped in the afternoon and continue snowing again at night. The snow became too heavy that I nearly slip and fall. It went like -15 degrees…. GGGrrrr




Places that i visited


Strawberry farm


Some historical places that i forgot


The palace


The place where the minister works


Somewhere  near to north korea

Meals in Korea


In Hong Kong,








Hong Kong was okie… I still prefer Korea though. I dun enjoy the food in Hong Kong that much even everyone is praising about it. The only nice food i ate there was the Tim Sum.

Let me do a comparison… since i’m heading to Taipei in this coming Wednesday. Hee… I’m in a travelling mood. I wish i can travel all year round without being a stewardess that need to serve people. I truly wanna being served than serving people.  I shall jus load these photos… too lazy to get everything online.


Meet-up Session

Posted: November 21, 2008 in Moments to remember

I met quite a number of people this week. I met

– Tricia and Yee Choo for Lunch on Wednesday

– Annie for Lunch on thursday

– Jolyn and Sherin for dinner on thursday as well

Finally, I’m able to find some time to meet up with them. Not that i’m very busy… perhaps it’s the poor time management. Hahaha…

Lazy should be the appropiate word to use.

It ‘s really nice to meet them up to update each other especially Annie. She has just gave birth to a baby girl and if i dun meet up with her now, she is going to return to Malaysia for good. I’m glad that she is doing well, still pulling thru her days in Royal Plaza. Though things have become a litte out of hand, many are just dragging their feets to go on. I miss those days whereby HR was in good working terms with the Kitchen staffs. On and off, i would go over to the kitchen to look for chef to chit chat and do some food tasting. But the last time that i saw chef about a month ago, he told me that after miss koh and I left, he no longer go over to HR anymore. How sad right?

U see… there are always such morons at work that make things difficult for the rest. In order to outshine themselves, they can just make use of people like a stepping stone. I’m not being evil but i think what comes around goes around. It’s jus a matter of time. I cant wait to see it happen.

And Tricia and Yee choo are doing fine too. When i was still working there, they have been saying that they wanna find new job coz there are not much progression over at Vita. BUT…. months down the road, they are still there.   =)   They felt that it has been so much better after they are moved to hotel and do not need to see that witch anymore. STILL… as a friend, there’s not a place to stay for long. Once you are able to find a better one, PLEASE move on.

Tricia is still so nice… got so happy to see me!!! Hahaha… yeah, she misses me a lot, okie!!!









As for Jolyn and Sherin, when the 3 of us come together… we went mad! We were very noisy… laughing loudly like nobody’s business in the restuarant. We can laugh until we went out of energy… I still get to see the both of them but not 3 of us together. The last time that sherin and Jolyn met was last year october, celebrating my birthday. We make it a point that we will meet again when i come back from korea. If not, it’s gonna take another year for the 3 of us to get together. we have tons of expressions… and now I present…



The Best Constipation look award goes to ….JOLYN


The innocent little girl look award goes to…. ME!!!


The most stylish award goes to… SHERIN

She won it coz of that big tag over at her head. DUH!!! And Jolyn broke the sunglasses and asked us to get out of there fast. SO… if the camera over in John Little captured our faces…. please… go and get jolyn to pay. She’s the culprit.


The Fearful look award goes to … ME


And all of the others of our pictures that we took… the classic pose and expression


I tell u.. sherin got very long tongue. U cant see it from this pic right?



And lastly… just the normal 3 of us with the normal pose and the normal expression


i just came back from Melbourne last sunday. It was tiring as i have to transit in Sydney through and fro. Flying back is not too bad coz it was by Qantas but flying to aussie was by British Air. Sitting space was rather narrow and I would say 99.9% of those who took the plane were all caucasians. They are slightly bigger size than the Asians and this explained the longer legs that they have. Well, the one sitting behind me kept kicking my seat and the one in front kept jerking my screen…..


The screen dropped out….!!!!!!!! I was like -What the shit man~~~!!! I pressed for assistance and one of the guy behind me gave me a piece of paper to stuck into the space so as to secure it back. ARGH… it wasnt really nice at all.

Leave the unhappy things aside… My short stay in Melbourne will not have been that nice without….



He was nice enough to bring me around for shopping and driving me to airport. Anyway, he’s really tall and it’s nice to have him around to get those things that are displayed at the top rack.

He drove like 1.5 hours to Philips Island to bring me to see Penguins. The penguins are really cute. They swim from other places and gather together to come on shore. It was like hundreds and hundreds of them. With the more expensive tickets that he purchased, the penguins are just right in front of me.

And he drove another 1.5 hours back to city of melbourne. Guess what… I jus slept in the car. I feel so bad about it now.



The next day, we made our way down to the Great Ocean road, passing by Torquay. It’s a place to buy things from Billabong, Roxy and those surfers brands.  SO… i got a roxy bag and belt. Thinking back… I should have bought the Havaianas slippers ( Dave says it should be called Thongs) coz it’s relatively cheaper. Argh… too late but… maybe i can get dave to get for me when he comes to singapore.

* wink wink*

It was really a long stretch of road over in the Great Ocean Road. It was windy and they have really fine sands, clean shore and clear water. Not like that east coast park, not even Sentosa that man-made beach is comparable to the aussie ones. It was 4 hours drive to get there. All thanks to DAVE!!!!


When we were on the road, we saw koala!!!! Cars gotta stop to let him cross the road. My 1st time seeing koala and i got so excited about it.







We managed to rush back in time to get to the Eureka towers which is 88 levels high. It oversees the whole view of melbourne city. And the best part is… they have this section which is called the edge. We have to purchase tickets to get up to the sky deck of the Eureka towers and purchase tickets again to get into the edge. The edge is getting us into a enclosed area and it will move out of the building. This enclosed box is totally transparent and that makes it that u can have a clear view of what is underneath your feets.


After that, we walked to crown casino to grab some food to eat. It has been days of western food… I kinda miss chinese food. And so, we hopped on to a cab and got ourselves in Chinatown. We could have taken to car from Eureka towers and driven there instead but… parking in melbourne is extremely expensive as compared to Singapore. Parking at the DFO (Discounted factory outlet) jus for 2 hours cost around 16 bucks. And aussie curreny is 1:1 of Singapore dollars.

Well, to think about it that Dave uses chopsticks even better than I do… I feel so ashamed of myself. 

We hang around there , saw the Federation square… some landmark -must go- train station and i was requesting to take a tram back to Crown casino instead of taxi coz i havent been on a tram before. The tram there is kinda cool. It operates in the middle of the road. I was asking Dave how much do I need to pay to ride on the tram. He was like saying… it’s free. BUt how could that be? He said i jus have to speak chinese and get away with it.  ARGH!!! The next best thing is technically we have to pay to get into the tram but… it’s just like 2 stops away so we can just hop on for free ride. At most we just get chased out.  No worries… we got to our destination without any embarassment. I got a quick look at the casino. It was crowded… and i dun really know how to gamble much, so we left the place a while later.






The evo that drove me around Melbourne

It almost sum up my melbourne days. The day that I’m leaving… we didnt do much… just grab some chocolates to bring to Singapore and my favourite KFC popcorn chicken + fries. I love the KFC there… they have the best fries with very nice seasoning. Well, i wouldnt have get my last chance to buy the KFC there coz i actually got the wrong flavour of chips over in the supermarket. I got some cheezy flavour that makes it a perfect excuse to buy my KFC to eat on the way to airport.

Well, big thanks to Dave. He has really been a nice host and friend in Melbourne. I will have most probably just loiter around in the city and being lost in melbourne without him showing me around and covered so many places. And of coz, the “snatching our preferred flavoured sweets” moments that we have…. was hilarious when i think back.

Hope to see you soon.

24102008- a lucky date?

Posted: October 28, 2008 in Moments to remember


i gotta attend karen and derrick wedding dinner at Conrad, followed by birthday celebration for Agnes at st james.

Everyone loves this day… Hahaha…

Karen has invited a whole group of Royal Plaza pple for her wedding. It’s like a get together session for me. It’s been months i last saw everyone there. We did some quick update on each other and my name cards seems to be like hot cakes. Everyone is asking for my card… till my namecard holder went empty.

Out of so many of them, i missed my fav executive chef the most. He has been really nice… and we jus seems to be able to get along very well. I was assigned to a table that most of them i dunno… chef was really nice enough to offer to sit with me in the other table. Well, i cant be so selfish right? COZ… the couple has specially assigned to let him sit with some big shots. Although i dun really know who they are… ( they may be F&B director or GM from some hotel groups), definitely it’s a good chance for him to socialise with them. And i have rachel with me…

hee… Rachel Lee i mean… the 2 rachels were sitting together.

A little bit bored for both of us sitting in a table of people we dunno… we waited till the bride n groom went around for photo taking session, the 2 rachels went to tables and take pics too. Hahaha… our ex-colleagues were teasing me that i seems to be like the bride… busy taking photos too.

And i MUST say the dinner was superb!!! The serving and quality of the shark fins was really good. They are very generous with Abalone as well. Hahaha…. good food all the way. And do u tasted ostrich steak in wedding dinner before? I did…. YUM!!!

After the dinner, I rushed down to st james to make it just in time for Agnes’s Birthday. People who promised to be there…. were not there… How nice of them right? Such a big time disappointment for them.


The Celebration of 23

Posted: October 22, 2008 in Moments to remember

My birthday will not have been so nice without all of your wishes, treats, flowers, presents and Ang Pows. Big Thanks you to


My family ( dad, Mum, Bro and Janice)

Agnes, Sherin, Jinni


Jolyn (The last min phone call, singing birthday song)

Samuel, Violet, Milton, Cyn, Michelle, Jill, Fabian, Kelvin, Shawn, Nicole, Shan, Weng Pei, Alvin, Guocai, Joyce, Evelyn, Elvin, Ruben, Baihui

For not forgetting my birthday this year.


It’s monday again. This means that I have to work for another 4 more days before the weekend comes again. You definitely know what i mean…

As much as i like my current job… I’m still kinda lazy. I wish i can go for more hols and stuffs.

Anyway, i got myself a new handphone again. My samsung soul camera seems to be a bit faulty, not functioning well at night. People will just ask me to go for servicing since it’s still under warranty. But i just wanna to change… something that is not too high end. And i got this…

LG KC550

U got it… i bought the baby pink colour one. I have never been so girly before, carrying a pink handphone. Everything is nice and sweet… and i’m not too sure i really like this handphone as whenever i see my samsung soul… i have second thoughts about it. I dun bear to sell my samsung soul away.

However, it seems like I have too many handphones. I HAVE to sell one away.


I got my weekend spent on a chinese movie… watching Connected. Colin was telling me it’s a korean movie and we happily went to buy the tickets. As the show started, i was like… HUH!!! I though it’s a korean movie!!! Why is the movie in chinese???

And there he goes… saying his explanation over his TOOTz mistake but he emphasized that it’s a 4 out of 5 stars movie rated in the newspaper. Well, what to do… bought the tickets, sitting in the cinema, we could only go ahead and watch it.

It turned out not too bad though i’m not exactly a fan of thriller movies.

During the movie, i received an SMS. OMG…. Nick is back in singapore. Hahaha…. my party kaki… we used to party together so often and he will just go disappear in the mid of the party session. Next moment you know, he is back home already. He stay just opp st james. He was asking me if we are at st james. Too bad… we have moved from party on sat to party on fri night instead. I dun mind going down but agnes was too tired to head down coz she woke up early in the morning to go for work and classes in the afternoon. NVm, i shall check with nick when he will be leaving sg again.

Not forgetting my Korea trip, it’s kinda finalised. Booked yesterday… I will be heading to korea for 6 days, then to hong kong for another 3 days in decmeber. I guess it’s gonna be fun with the stay in the ski resort and my first skiing experience. HOHOHO… finally get to go hols again. It’s not too long again from my previous one though. I was thinking of squeezing a short trip in between now to dec. Let me think about it again.

Met up with



Agnes’s ex colleague

Agnes’s ex colleague’s uni mate

Hahaha… what an extended group. We hang out at Wala Wala for some drinks ,music and small talks. Sometimes, it’s nice to hang out like that with a couple of frenz to chit chat and listen to some live band.

That’s not the end… Jolyn and I went for some ice cream @ haagen dazs.Agnes was like telling me… better not eat ice cream after drinking beer coz she throwed out the other time. Well, i didn’t drink much… and i drank it really slowly. I think it should be fine… It’s not the beer + ice cream that makes me uncomfortable. It is the ” Gua sha” that i have earlier in the afternoon that makes my body ache. My back is like having 5 pple bashing up… got the blue black marks all over. It’s the one and only time i will do it… Never will I return again. Boo…


Posted: September 26, 2008 in Moments to remember, My thoughts

Hahaha… Mama tulu… dun ask me the meaning of it… i dunno!

It’s just one of the phrase me n the bunch of pple loved to use during my pre-u days.  The bunch of pple includes :

1)  Me, of coz

2) Violet

3) Hui Yuan

4) Faizul

5) Ang moh

6) Maybe Ian…

If I didnt remember wrongly, it shld be some people came down to our school to perform some dance or show. It was some tribal dance i think. And this phrase came from there… oh ya… we have some actions to it like exerting some super power.

Especially me, violet, faizul and angmoh… when we were playing tennis, hahaha we would say that… n we would hit the ball very nicely… damn funny.

Plus hui yuan always say angmoh is her bf… writing all kinda stupid thing like H love HY… jus to irritate the angmoh.

Ang moh saying huiyuan as dragon lady coz huiyuan is always hanging out with the china girls in the school. And for harris, dragon = china, so huiyuan was called the dragon lady.

Violet being the tigeress…. coz she can be quite fierce

And for me… i dun think i have any nickname… but i do remembered last time i was sitting with Faizul in maths class. We always play bingo… talk rubbish damn noisy until teacher gotta change our seats.

I’m missing those days and those people.

Me and my bosses

Posted: September 1, 2008 in Moments to remember

I wont deny the fact about my boss and manager treat me quite nice. I just clear one of my group project earlier in office. I have 2 more to go before i can take a break from sch work, not go for hols. They told me i can do my work as long as i set my priority right. As long as job is done… they dun mind much about anything.

Nice right?

Tell you something funny… due to the nature of my job, i have certain timing that can be really busy. It depends on which countries i’m liaising with. So… around 4 plus close to 5, my boss came to my table and asked me on some issues. We talked and tried to figure out some stuffs on my computer.



Boss: Did you mind if i click on this link to see?

Me: Okie


Damn embarassing….. the internet explorer popped out with the cartoon game that i was playing before my boss talk to me coz the link leads the internet explorer to a new tab instead of a new window.

My boss was like…. laughing away and i jus smiled back to react. She’s fine with it but still, it’s not so nice about it. I must agree…

But the thought of that moment…. i simply cant help but laughing how stupid i am. U see… i’m not willing to just close the game like tat coz i’m half way playing.


Silly me… what else can i say?

I’m busy this week. Not exactly at work or busy dating away…. well, Colin is not available for the entire week anyway.

Rather I’m busy with my school work. Choosing the wrong modules has really drained my time away. I have 3 quiz to do, 3 group project and 2 individual project to be done in August.  Glad thing to say is that i have settled 2 quiz and 1 group project as for now.

But still… !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a break!!!!!!!

N out of the busy schedule, I went to meet tricia and alicia on last wed for a drink before alicia flies back to LA. Guess the next time i’m seeing her again will be next year when she has done with her studies.

Don’t ask me why the photos are so blur…. blame it on the Samsung Soul… It’s suppose to be 5 MP camera and this is the quality that it comes out with… TERRIBLE!!!!

U know what… my boss asked me to write a short paragraph about myself. She wanted to send an introduction about me. OH GOSH!!!!!!! What the shit!!!!!!! What am i supposed to write? I’m not some kinda big shot, studying in glamourous school and having wealthful of working experience. And you know what i wrote?

There you go:

I have been working for around 3 years with my working experiences from mostly hotels such as Carlton Hotel and Royal Plaza on Scotts as HR Executive.  Back in those days in hotel, I have dealt more with operations and get to learn a lot. Moving on to Rentokil Initial, I believe I will be able to widen my knowledge and exposure further, as well as enjoying my work as much like my previous workplaces in this pleasant working environment.

CRAP!!!!! I can’t think of anything. ARGh!!!!!!!

And this is what my boss wrote:

Dear All,
Please join me to welcome Rachel Shi, the newest member of our APAC HR team!
Rachael comes from the hospitality industry, having worked as an HR Executive at Carlton Hotel and Royal Plaza on Scotts over the past 3 years.  Rachel says she is looking forward to “widening her knowledge” at Rentokil Initial, and hopes to enjoy learning and working in this “pleasant work environment” as much as she did in her previous workplaces.
Outside of work, Rachel is an avid tennis player.  A game of tennis, anyone?
 Rachael sits in the very quiet little corner next to my office, please do drop by and say “hello” when you’re in the neighbourhood!

It’s all about Xi Yan

Posted: August 14, 2008 in Moments to remember

I guess many times people have experienced fine dining for the western cruisine. How about the asian cruisine?

You MUST go to Xi Yan, a private dining place with no menu, no sign board and most of all, you can’t walk in. It’s strictly on reservations only. They fix their own menu every week and you eat what they serve. Definitely… i assured you the food that they serve is superb. In terms of the food presentation and the taste, they have the best control of them and do their introduction of every dish that they serve. Price is a little steep but you get what you paid for.

I’m missing it already. I went with my boss and other colleagues from other countries for dinner yesterday. I’m barely there for a week and joined them for dinner. I gotta said that the entire dinner wasn’t that “relaxing”. I gotta watch how i eat and only can start eating after the “biggest” boss had the taste of the food. The atmosphere of the whole dinner is….. -_-”  I got no idea what to say over there as i don’t really know them. It’s more like the 1st meeting yesterday and what’s more when i’m new!!!

All i know is… “hey, my shoulders are aching. I need a massage!!!!”

Nevertheless, i enjoyed the food a lot. An experience that everyone should go for it… I will return, Definitely soon.

Oh gosh, Salivating Chicken…, Deep fried prawns with salted duck’s egg yolk…, Cherry Pork… and Stir-Fried Spicy Bean curd Crabs…

My Favourites!!!