My New Dream

Posted: June 1, 2009 in Uncategorized

For every week, Wai Kuan and I seem to have our new dream. We have been always dreaming ahhh… how nice it will be if we can strike lottery and stop working.

She has a dream… to open a push cart selling breads. As for me, i’m not too sure what i want to do. I guess i may just stop working  for a year and take my MBA in Aussie. I will bring and sponsor ling if i have enough to spare. Hahahaha… In this way, i can be out of Singapore for a period of time and upgrade myself as well. Well, all these will need $$$$$ to sustain which I don’t have.

Sooo… if one fine day you get to see my plan executing, most prob that’s when i strike my lottery.


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