Joker of the year

Posted: January 7, 2009 in Uncategorized

Met up with Susan and catherine for dinner at Conrad- Oscar yesterday. Last minute Cat had to go down to Senoko office for meeting and would be late. Hence, i met Susan first.

I lost the momentum of working  and left at around 6pm. I recalled that i wanna change my toothbrush so i walked to Marina Watsons to buy. When Susan reached there, she gave me a ring and asked if I have reached.

I did… but went to marina n buy toothbrush. She was like…. DUH!!! Marina sell better toothbrush…. apparently, nope… but jus tot i can fully make use of my time.

That was not the part that they laughed non-stop and cat wanna award me the joker of the year award. 

It all happened when it comes to footing the bill. Cat overheard the conversation of the waiter and the customers on the other table that Amex card has discount. So.. we were trying to see if any of us have Amex card. Susan has… Cat dun have and I said… i have but…it’s not exactly a Amex card.

They were like .. HUH!!!!????!!!!!!!

I got no idea why i jus simply lost my normal self… I dunno how to express myself one ytd… I was a bit brain dead i think. Hahaha.. i tried to explain further.

Mine has the Amex logo but not Amex card. Mmm… u know nt thru the traditional Amex card… blah blah blah

And cat was listening until so seriously and she suddenly burst out into laughter… and asked… u mean u have the fake Amex card that usually it comes with it when u buy wallet? That’s the only Amex card but not exactly Amex card.

I told them to wait and show them my card. Okie… it’s an Amex card issued by DBS. Sigh… so they were asking me to try it out on the waiter and ask if i can use my Amex card but not exactly Amex card to see his reaction.

Give me a break man!!!!


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