Archive for January, 2009

Joker of the year

Posted: January 7, 2009 in Uncategorized

Met up with Susan and catherine for dinner at Conrad- Oscar yesterday. Last minute Cat had to go down to Senoko office for meeting and would be late. Hence, i met Susan first.

I lost the momentum of working  and left at around 6pm. I recalled that i wanna change my toothbrush so i walked to Marina Watsons to buy. When Susan reached there, she gave me a ring and asked if I have reached.

I did… but went to marina n buy toothbrush. She was like…. DUH!!! Marina sell better toothbrush…. apparently, nope… but jus tot i can fully make use of my time.

That was not the part that they laughed non-stop and cat wanna award me the joker of the year award. 

It all happened when it comes to footing the bill. Cat overheard the conversation of the waiter and the customers on the other table that Amex card has discount. So.. we were trying to see if any of us have Amex card. Susan has… Cat dun have and I said… i have but…it’s not exactly a Amex card.

They were like .. HUH!!!!????!!!!!!!

I got no idea why i jus simply lost my normal self… I dunno how to express myself one ytd… I was a bit brain dead i think. Hahaha.. i tried to explain further.

Mine has the Amex logo but not Amex card. Mmm… u know nt thru the traditional Amex card… blah blah blah

And cat was listening until so seriously and she suddenly burst out into laughter… and asked… u mean u have the fake Amex card that usually it comes with it when u buy wallet? That’s the only Amex card but not exactly Amex card.

I told them to wait and show them my card. Okie… it’s an Amex card issued by DBS. Sigh… so they were asking me to try it out on the waiter and ask if i can use my Amex card but not exactly Amex card to see his reaction.

Give me a break man!!!!


Taipei Jan 09

Posted: January 7, 2009 in Out of Singapore

Everyone is enjoying half a day off on the new year eve except me. Well, my company has its own reason for not declaring half a day coz we were officially off on 2 Jan 09. Everyone is taking leave to go on their trips just like my boss, she is away since mid of dec and only be back in mid of jan 09. My office was really quiet…  Though i jus came back from Korea and Hong Kong… + Melbourne back in nov, i can’t stand the boredom and still feel like going on hols.

And so, i plan for a trip down to Taipei- the only place that i feel like going and can claim through the krisflyer miles. I didnt wan to waste my leave away and i decide to fly on 31 Dec 08 night. Guess what, i spent my countdown in the airport lounge. How interesting right… watching the tv to enjoy the fireworks of different countries.





I was really trying hard to keep myself awake till 1.30am to board the plane. So… we took pictures….






I knew my nose cant take night flight. It just keep sneezing away. By the time ling and I reached Taipei, we were kinda shag. We headed down to the place to get the express buses to get our to the heart of Taipei. There was this taxi driver that wanna quote us NT 900 for one way trip to our hotel whereby we can get NT260 per pax for a 2 way tickets through and fro of the airport. Though from the airport to hotel, the bus dropped us somewhere near and required us to take a cab there. It’s definitely way cheaper than the amount that cabbie quoted us.




The purple coins are the ticket for their MRT

We had totally underestimated the weather in Taipei. It was chilling… esp when the wind blew… While waiting for the bus, we were looking for pillars to hide from the wind. Journey from the airport to the city took around an hour. We arrived at the hotel at 8.15am. Leaving our luggauges in the hotel and walked to Xi Men Ding which is just round the corner (5 mins walk). We went around looking for some indoor places to get some warmth and we found Macdonald for our breakfast. It was still too early after we finished our breakfast. We cant check in yet… shops were all closed at that time.

We travelled down to City hall near to Taipei 101, hoping some shopping malls would open around 10am or 10.30am.


BUT… the cinema was operating already. We watched the bedtime stories. It was rather a nice show, something that was unexpected. It jus bring back those childhood days whereby you believe it fairy tales. Something magical can happen anytime. Well, it was good. After the movie, most shops were opened. We walked around xin guang san yue a little… and went back to Xi Men Ding to check in to the hotel room.



My free bookmark for purchasing the movie ticket...

We “dived” right into our beds once we reached the hotel room and took a nap… We were simply too tired especially me cos my nose failed on me. Till now the area ard my nose is still peeling skin due to the running nose i suffered in Taipei.

Went over to Shilin Night market in the night… We filtered out all other stores and zoomed straight to the famous fried chicken chop there. The queue was really long. Since we made our trip down to taipei after 4.5 hrs flight, what’s about queuing up for another 30 mins for the chicken? It was huge… and 1 serving + bubble tea are good enough for my dinner. Hence, we didnt eat anything after that. Oyster omelette …. stinking beancurd all these aren’t my favourite. In fact, i find them really yucky!!! Let me clarify… oyster omelette should be okie if it does it without that orangy sauce. That stinks!!! ( no offence but just personally opinion)




Did some shopping… but not a very successful one. All winter clothings sold there… I jus got myself 2 jackets jus in case i’m planning to go to anywhere snowy again in Dec, 1 boots, face masks and some goodies for the entire trip.

Now comes the best part… on 2nd day…We went to Dan shui to tour ard. Guess what ling was so curious to try the food there… got there and that. I was like… can u please try something that we eat before instead of trying those weird these… And so… he ate tian bu la and squid which i didnt touch much on. Jus one mouth to taste it… He was down with food poisoning. Blame it on him man… Everything also wanna eat.






GOSH!!! Recalling That pale face of his… searching for toilets… Poor him!!!

There pretty much gone for my taiwan trip jus addition of of a couple few more places that we went like the SOGO…gong guan…wu fen pu


That’s it!!!

My tale of taipei~







