Just another week

Posted: October 6, 2008 in Moments to remember, My thoughts, Routine

It’s monday again. This means that I have to work for another 4 more days before the weekend comes again. You definitely know what i mean…

As much as i like my current job… I’m still kinda lazy. I wish i can go for more hols and stuffs.

Anyway, i got myself a new handphone again. My samsung soul camera seems to be a bit faulty, not functioning well at night. People will just ask me to go for servicing since it’s still under warranty. But i just wanna to change… something that is not too high end. And i got this…

LG KC550

U got it… i bought the baby pink colour one. I have never been so girly before, carrying a pink handphone. Everything is nice and sweet… and i’m not too sure i really like this handphone as whenever i see my samsung soul… i have second thoughts about it. I dun bear to sell my samsung soul away.

However, it seems like I have too many handphones. I HAVE to sell one away.


I got my weekend spent on a chinese movie… watching Connected. Colin was telling me it’s a korean movie and we happily went to buy the tickets. As the show started, i was like… HUH!!! I though it’s a korean movie!!! Why is the movie in chinese???

And there he goes… saying his explanation over his TOOTz mistake but he emphasized that it’s a 4 out of 5 stars movie rated in the newspaper. Well, what to do… bought the tickets, sitting in the cinema, we could only go ahead and watch it.

It turned out not too bad though i’m not exactly a fan of thriller movies.

During the movie, i received an SMS. OMG…. Nick is back in singapore. Hahaha…. my party kaki… we used to party together so often and he will just go disappear in the mid of the party session. Next moment you know, he is back home already. He stay just opp st james. He was asking me if we are at st james. Too bad… we have moved from party on sat to party on fri night instead. I dun mind going down but agnes was too tired to head down coz she woke up early in the morning to go for work and classes in the afternoon. NVm, i shall check with nick when he will be leaving sg again.

Not forgetting my Korea trip, it’s kinda finalised. Booked yesterday… I will be heading to korea for 6 days, then to hong kong for another 3 days in decmeber. I guess it’s gonna be fun with the stay in the ski resort and my first skiing experience. HOHOHO… finally get to go hols again. It’s not too long again from my previous one though. I was thinking of squeezing a short trip in between now to dec. Let me think about it again.

Met up with



Agnes’s ex colleague

Agnes’s ex colleague’s uni mate

Hahaha… what an extended group. We hang out at Wala Wala for some drinks ,music and small talks. Sometimes, it’s nice to hang out like that with a couple of frenz to chit chat and listen to some live band.

That’s not the end… Jolyn and I went for some ice cream @ haagen dazs.Agnes was like telling me… better not eat ice cream after drinking beer coz she throwed out the other time. Well, i didn’t drink much… and i drank it really slowly. I think it should be fine… It’s not the beer + ice cream that makes me uncomfortable. It is the ” Gua sha” that i have earlier in the afternoon that makes my body ache. My back is like having 5 pple bashing up… got the blue black marks all over. It’s the one and only time i will do it… Never will I return again. Boo…

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