Routine weekend

Posted: September 29, 2008 in Party Time, Routine

Pretty much like routine… Dropby to St James on Friday night with Agnes and her manager + groups of uncles. We reached earlier than usual… like 10++pm. We usually reach nearly 12am. Time passed really slowly on that very day.

Agnes was so much wanna get into the party mood. She drank… and drank… and drank…till she got tipsy. Totally wobbly… I gotta hold on to her. That’s what are frenz for right??? Haha… Luckily, she was the one who was drunk. Can you imagine if i’m the one…. she will have difficulties holding on to me… I might have crushed her bones into pieces… She is so skinny…!!!

Out of the group, i think at around 3am, left with me and the other guy who were sober. Others were like talking rubbish so much… like

(taking my credit card…)

Desmond: Rachel what? Old already cannot see… (Passing to tina) hey, you can see a not?

Me: It’s     SHI, shi

Uncle 1( cant remember the name): Your surname is very similar to mine.

Me: What’s urs then?

Uncle 1: Mine is SHIT, shit…!!! One letter different… i got a T.

Yeah, and we just laugh it away… quite lame though.

Caught the movie- Mamma Mia on Saturday… was okie… wont be saying it’s a thumbs up movie but the Abba songs definitely keep playing in my mind even after the movie. I’m expecting to watch more movies since there are quite a number of comedies coming up.

Played tennis with Coach at pines as usual again. I tested out my new Head racquet. I like it the way… coz i do not need to use too much strength to hit and the ball can fly nicely for forehand and backhand. Coach kept saying that i’m using auntie racquet, i should have gotten something that i can use more strength. Ultimately, that’s the whole point of buying the new racquet… i dun wanna use so much strength like my previous one. But he gotta agree that i perform better with my new racquet.

I have been playing tennis more of on and off basis. Like what coach says.. played 1 week and disappear for 3 weeks. I can’t make any commitment to it. I have some other things to do… especially those irritating projects and never ending online quiz. So the other coach actually suggested to me to join to play club competition. Perhaps i may have agreed with it right away last time. I feel i’m no longer that competitive. I jus wan to lead my life the way i want…

SLACK…. I think if i have a choice, i wanna slack my life away. Hahaha…

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