Archive for September 26, 2008


Posted: September 26, 2008 in Moments to remember, My thoughts

Hahaha… Mama tulu… dun ask me the meaning of it… i dunno!

It’s just one of the phrase me n the bunch of pple loved to use during my pre-u days.  The bunch of pple includes :

1)  Me, of coz

2) Violet

3) Hui Yuan

4) Faizul

5) Ang moh

6) Maybe Ian…

If I didnt remember wrongly, it shld be some people came down to our school to perform some dance or show. It was some tribal dance i think. And this phrase came from there… oh ya… we have some actions to it like exerting some super power.

Especially me, violet, faizul and angmoh… when we were playing tennis, hahaha we would say that… n we would hit the ball very nicely… damn funny.

Plus hui yuan always say angmoh is her bf… writing all kinda stupid thing like H love HY… jus to irritate the angmoh.

Ang moh saying huiyuan as dragon lady coz huiyuan is always hanging out with the china girls in the school. And for harris, dragon = china, so huiyuan was called the dragon lady.

Violet being the tigeress…. coz she can be quite fierce

And for me… i dun think i have any nickname… but i do remembered last time i was sitting with Faizul in maths class. We always play bingo… talk rubbish damn noisy until teacher gotta change our seats.

I’m missing those days and those people.