Sleepy Monday

Posted: September 15, 2008 in Routine, Whinnings and complaints

I tot i’m okie as in not sleepy in the morning as i have enough sleep over the weekend. Nearing lunch time, Milton msn me asking me if i’m feeling sleepy or suffering from any monday blues.

SURPRISINGLY, NO… he said that’s it, surprisingly is the key word. I’m forever complaining being sleepy. I cant help it seriously.

And Lunch is over and i ate only half plate of pineapple rice… there it goes… I feel a little sleepy. I knew it… something is so wrong. I cant be feeling so alert today, or rather i have never being alert. I’m always on my sleepy mode.


Though i’m tired and tempted to skip class today, I have no way out. I missed my operations management class last week as i need to rush out my stupid project. I told my fren who happened to be in the same class as me to assist in forming a group. What we need to do is to get 2 more people in.

AND….. FREAK!!!!!!!! He went to join some other people and left me hanging in the mid air. I need to go around today to see if there’s any group that have not gotten 4 members. That’s the main motive to go to class.

The stupid thing about UniSIM is that… we have to do a group project in every module without fail. And 1st lesson is very important becoz everyone will be trying to know each other and get their group formed as soon as possible. No one wan to be left behind and be some kinda lost sheep like wat i am now.

It’s even more demoralising to see the worst ever group project result – 45 marks only. Yet to see the marked script… well, i’m never the high scholar and I’m jus pinning to hit 40 marks for the overall to clear my modules. The usual project marks should be ranging 60++… the marker must have been really stingy in the marking. So tell me where’s the motivation to go to school?   =(

Photos of the previous session at St James with Agnes’s Manager, Agnes and Hairul

Hairul is texting…

And What happened? Agnes doesn’t wan to take pic with Hairul?

Yeah!! That’s better…

Me and Hairul!

Of coz, me and Agnes as well

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