Me and my bosses

Posted: September 1, 2008 in Moments to remember

I wont deny the fact about my boss and manager treat me quite nice. I just clear one of my group project earlier in office. I have 2 more to go before i can take a break from sch work, not go for hols. They told me i can do my work as long as i set my priority right. As long as job is done… they dun mind much about anything.

Nice right?

Tell you something funny… due to the nature of my job, i have certain timing that can be really busy. It depends on which countries i’m liaising with. So… around 4 plus close to 5, my boss came to my table and asked me on some issues. We talked and tried to figure out some stuffs on my computer.



Boss: Did you mind if i click on this link to see?

Me: Okie


Damn embarassing….. the internet explorer popped out with the cartoon game that i was playing before my boss talk to me coz the link leads the internet explorer to a new tab instead of a new window.

My boss was like…. laughing away and i jus smiled back to react. She’s fine with it but still, it’s not so nice about it. I must agree…

But the thought of that moment…. i simply cant help but laughing how stupid i am. U see… i’m not willing to just close the game like tat coz i’m half way playing.


Silly me… what else can i say?

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