Archive for September, 2008

Routine weekend

Posted: September 29, 2008 in Party Time, Routine

Pretty much like routine… Dropby to St James on Friday night with Agnes and her manager + groups of uncles. We reached earlier than usual… like 10++pm. We usually reach nearly 12am. Time passed really slowly on that very day.

Agnes was so much wanna get into the party mood. She drank… and drank… and drank…till she got tipsy. Totally wobbly… I gotta hold on to her. That’s what are frenz for right??? Haha… Luckily, she was the one who was drunk. Can you imagine if i’m the one…. she will have difficulties holding on to me… I might have crushed her bones into pieces… She is so skinny…!!!

Out of the group, i think at around 3am, left with me and the other guy who were sober. Others were like talking rubbish so much… like

(taking my credit card…)

Desmond: Rachel what? Old already cannot see… (Passing to tina) hey, you can see a not?

Me: It’s     SHI, shi

Uncle 1( cant remember the name): Your surname is very similar to mine.

Me: What’s urs then?

Uncle 1: Mine is SHIT, shit…!!! One letter different… i got a T.

Yeah, and we just laugh it away… quite lame though.

Caught the movie- Mamma Mia on Saturday… was okie… wont be saying it’s a thumbs up movie but the Abba songs definitely keep playing in my mind even after the movie. I’m expecting to watch more movies since there are quite a number of comedies coming up.

Played tennis with Coach at pines as usual again. I tested out my new Head racquet. I like it the way… coz i do not need to use too much strength to hit and the ball can fly nicely for forehand and backhand. Coach kept saying that i’m using auntie racquet, i should have gotten something that i can use more strength. Ultimately, that’s the whole point of buying the new racquet… i dun wanna use so much strength like my previous one. But he gotta agree that i perform better with my new racquet.

I have been playing tennis more of on and off basis. Like what coach says.. played 1 week and disappear for 3 weeks. I can’t make any commitment to it. I have some other things to do… especially those irritating projects and never ending online quiz. So the other coach actually suggested to me to join to play club competition. Perhaps i may have agreed with it right away last time. I feel i’m no longer that competitive. I jus wan to lead my life the way i want…

SLACK…. I think if i have a choice, i wanna slack my life away. Hahaha…


Posted: September 26, 2008 in Moments to remember, My thoughts

Hahaha… Mama tulu… dun ask me the meaning of it… i dunno!

It’s just one of the phrase me n the bunch of pple loved to use during my pre-u days.  The bunch of pple includes :

1)  Me, of coz

2) Violet

3) Hui Yuan

4) Faizul

5) Ang moh

6) Maybe Ian…

If I didnt remember wrongly, it shld be some people came down to our school to perform some dance or show. It was some tribal dance i think. And this phrase came from there… oh ya… we have some actions to it like exerting some super power.

Especially me, violet, faizul and angmoh… when we were playing tennis, hahaha we would say that… n we would hit the ball very nicely… damn funny.

Plus hui yuan always say angmoh is her bf… writing all kinda stupid thing like H love HY… jus to irritate the angmoh.

Ang moh saying huiyuan as dragon lady coz huiyuan is always hanging out with the china girls in the school. And for harris, dragon = china, so huiyuan was called the dragon lady.

Violet being the tigeress…. coz she can be quite fierce

And for me… i dun think i have any nickname… but i do remembered last time i was sitting with Faizul in maths class. We always play bingo… talk rubbish damn noisy until teacher gotta change our seats.

I’m missing those days and those people.

My decision

Posted: September 22, 2008 in My thoughts

I’m forgoing someone who

– is MBA graduate from Stanford

– has a family of dermalogists

– excel in his career in a US MNC

– has the Typical Korean look


That’s my choice and my decision.

Sleepy Monday

Posted: September 15, 2008 in Routine, Whinnings and complaints

I tot i’m okie as in not sleepy in the morning as i have enough sleep over the weekend. Nearing lunch time, Milton msn me asking me if i’m feeling sleepy or suffering from any monday blues.

SURPRISINGLY, NO… he said that’s it, surprisingly is the key word. I’m forever complaining being sleepy. I cant help it seriously.

And Lunch is over and i ate only half plate of pineapple rice… there it goes… I feel a little sleepy. I knew it… something is so wrong. I cant be feeling so alert today, or rather i have never being alert. I’m always on my sleepy mode.


Though i’m tired and tempted to skip class today, I have no way out. I missed my operations management class last week as i need to rush out my stupid project. I told my fren who happened to be in the same class as me to assist in forming a group. What we need to do is to get 2 more people in.

AND….. FREAK!!!!!!!! He went to join some other people and left me hanging in the mid air. I need to go around today to see if there’s any group that have not gotten 4 members. That’s the main motive to go to class.

The stupid thing about UniSIM is that… we have to do a group project in every module without fail. And 1st lesson is very important becoz everyone will be trying to know each other and get their group formed as soon as possible. No one wan to be left behind and be some kinda lost sheep like wat i am now.

It’s even more demoralising to see the worst ever group project result – 45 marks only. Yet to see the marked script… well, i’m never the high scholar and I’m jus pinning to hit 40 marks for the overall to clear my modules. The usual project marks should be ranging 60++… the marker must have been really stingy in the marking. So tell me where’s the motivation to go to school?   =(

Photos of the previous session at St James with Agnes’s Manager, Agnes and Hairul

Hairul is texting…

And What happened? Agnes doesn’t wan to take pic with Hairul?

Yeah!! That’s better…

Me and Hairul!

Of coz, me and Agnes as well

I Miss my Office!

Posted: September 9, 2008 in Whinnings and complaints

I was sent to attend some HR software course for 3 days. The usual me will be damn happy when i hear training.

Go training = on course= NO WORK

How nice right?

But I’m quite comfortable with my workplace and kinda like it. For the past few days in the training, I was really bored. Other than the perk of being late for the course (I was half an hour late everyday for course) and the extra time i got for lunch break (I took 1.5 hour of lunch break and dilly dally get myself back to the training), I prefer to work. I keep wanting to fall asleep during the training. Perhaps it may be due to rushing of my assignment and projects. I didn’t get to have enough sleep. Maybe the class was too boring. 

I’m pretty much a fast learner. Hence, people do not need to explain things over and over again. Just once and a demostration is more than enough for me to learn. Of coz all these dun apply to things like cycling, roller blading or wakeboarding.  And know what, people there love to ask this and that… asking the trainer to repeat this and that. The repeats make me even more sleepy!!!! As I was moving towards my LALA land, i tot listening to songs will help.

SO there i go… listening to music halfway~

i guess it’s my face man. Maybe i have kinda annoying face… the trainer will always get me to do some demostration. From sch days till now… it never changes. Ever till my SIM days, i’m still being called upon to do to ans questions.

U bet…. how sad it can be and my usual answer to all questions-

I’m still digesting the question.

Anyway, I do have some pictures to load taken maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. Shall do it when i’m free.


Me and my bosses

Posted: September 1, 2008 in Moments to remember

I wont deny the fact about my boss and manager treat me quite nice. I just clear one of my group project earlier in office. I have 2 more to go before i can take a break from sch work, not go for hols. They told me i can do my work as long as i set my priority right. As long as job is done… they dun mind much about anything.

Nice right?

Tell you something funny… due to the nature of my job, i have certain timing that can be really busy. It depends on which countries i’m liaising with. So… around 4 plus close to 5, my boss came to my table and asked me on some issues. We talked and tried to figure out some stuffs on my computer.



Boss: Did you mind if i click on this link to see?

Me: Okie


Damn embarassing….. the internet explorer popped out with the cartoon game that i was playing before my boss talk to me coz the link leads the internet explorer to a new tab instead of a new window.

My boss was like…. laughing away and i jus smiled back to react. She’s fine with it but still, it’s not so nice about it. I must agree…

But the thought of that moment…. i simply cant help but laughing how stupid i am. U see… i’m not willing to just close the game like tat coz i’m half way playing.


Silly me… what else can i say?