Archive for June 18, 2008

It kills me!!!

Posted: June 18, 2008 in My thoughts

I’m bored…

Hahaha … yes i’m blogging at work. My boss is out to run some errands and left me in the office with OTHER colleagues. How am i suppose to bear such boredom alone??? I need a life man… get me some entertainment.

Oh boy, My entertainment is out… my boss is a joker. She entertains me everything. We complain to each other like nobody business. When she’s not around, i feel kinda sleepy.

I’m so tired… I wanna go for hols. Hahaha…

I’m looking forward for the Korea trip in year end.

I wanna go Australia – for my next year jun hols…

I wanna go Europe – for … ( I dunno… for hols lor)

I wanna go Canada – for my cruise…

I wanna go Japan – for my brother went and i havent

Mr. Chan…. u saw it??? I wanna go….!!!!