Archive for June 8, 2008

Everything starts from NOW

Posted: June 8, 2008 in Party Time

I was telling my colleagues show i manage to gain so much weight in such a short period of time and show that my pictures months back. Hahaha… big difference… 5 kg isnt tat little.

That makes me determined to shed all the excess away. To show some support, Colin is going to control his diet together with me.  Well, supposed to do some workouts but everyday is a tiring day…. and it simply being pushed to the next day… the next next day… the next next next day.

GREAT JOB…. so we can continue to be fatty but….


And we finally got start today. We shall continue doing this till we reached our desired target.

My partying session on friday was great… it was kinda bored to wait for others to reach… jus me, agnes and jinni’s fren who i totally forgot her name. She didn’t join us for long and hop over to Dragonfly to meet up her frenz. It’s never the place for me. I simply refused to go. I rather stay over in Movida and wait for the others to arrive.

Cheryl who is agnes’s ex colleague came and jinni arrived shortly. Not forgetting the forever partying desmond who is agnes’s manager, joined us after his drink at some other places. Of course to worth mentioning about desmond, he put smiles on our faces. He disturbs Cheryl a lot but it’s kinda entertaining for us (3rd parties) to see.

We drank… we danced… we laughed… We had fun.