Archive for June 3, 2008

Stages of life

Posted: June 3, 2008 in My thoughts

It’s really how amazing about life. Getting married to having a baby… it’s moving on to a brand new chapter.

Dun get mistaken… I’m not annoucing I’m getting married or i’m pregnant.  Just that Colin’s sis gave birth to a baby boy last week. OMG…. it’s so cute!!! He is so tiny. Everything about him is so tiny. I wanna visit him!!!

For all u know, i know babies and kids. Perhaps i make a good mother next time. Hahaha….

Finally, i finished my exams. Not to think so much about results, what’s more important is to enjoy my hols while it last before a new school term starts. Went out with Agnes and Jolyn on the day i finished my exam… Jolyn is still forever so funny. We laughed from the start to the time we parted. Thinking back about those days… days that we were so poor to the extent, sitting in front of ATM and thinking of ways to rob pple… Digging out the money that we had to share the octopus balls… Disturbing our classmates about cheating in exam…

We had laughed over these events for so many times… for every time we meet, we tok about it and laughed over it. Never seems to be tired of all these… I miss those days…

Things are so different now. Friends drift away. The ones remain will somehow be your friends that will going to last for life. We headed different ways, to poly , to uni, to working society. We met eventually but all excel differently. We have different goals and targets in life, achieving different desires. What’s more better is to be happy for your fren’s achievement than to be jealous over it.

I’m glad about who i am and what i am now. Of course desire for more… it takes time. I’m not exactly rushing my way through. So take it easy…

Mmm…. Gathering coming up. Yaojun msn me yesterday to ask me to organise a gathering for them. I’m fine with that. I dun contact anyone except Violet… It doesnt make me a good position to organise right? He insisted … and said that i will have more influence over it… If i go, pple will go. Who are those pple? Hahaha… i nv seems to know I have such influence…?!?!?!?