Archive for June, 2008

Dun be a Typical Singaporean

Posted: June 25, 2008 in My thoughts


We are not branded as Singaporean for nothing. We are Kiasu… We love sales… We love to compare

Sometimes, it’s unbearable that I can’t even stand it. I simply dun understand why. Last saturday, mummy and I were trying to catch the bus from Jurong East MRT to IMM. Typical Singaporeans….





Fine, mummy and I totally lost to them and gotta end up standing in the bus. I dun really mind it’s really like a short ride. Perhaps 3 to 5 mins… And when we reached, I think the most appropriate way is to allow those people who are standing to get down first. It clears the walkway in the bus. And what do Singaporeans do?

They wanna be the first one to get in and first one to get down. They squeezed their way thru jus to get down. Aren’t they morons???


It kills me!!!

Posted: June 18, 2008 in My thoughts

I’m bored…

Hahaha … yes i’m blogging at work. My boss is out to run some errands and left me in the office with OTHER colleagues. How am i suppose to bear such boredom alone??? I need a life man… get me some entertainment.

Oh boy, My entertainment is out… my boss is a joker. She entertains me everything. We complain to each other like nobody business. When she’s not around, i feel kinda sleepy.

I’m so tired… I wanna go for hols. Hahaha…

I’m looking forward for the Korea trip in year end.

I wanna go Australia – for my next year jun hols…

I wanna go Europe – for … ( I dunno… for hols lor)

I wanna go Canada – for my cruise…

I wanna go Japan – for my brother went and i havent

Mr. Chan…. u saw it??? I wanna go….!!!!

Ever since Nick left for Indonesia, i guess my party session had never been that fun till Desmond came about. He is agnes’s manager who can really marks a clear line between work and party. Though i’m not a colleague of his, i can tell he is totally a different person when he is at work and off work.

Having the right group, right timing and right venue will make it a perfect party session. I love to party as a group. The nonsense that a group can create…  that is the absolute fun. U know the music, the dance and a little bit of drinks… u can let your hair down.

Enough of partying…

And of course some thoughts that i have,

I guess the saying of “it’s not what you do but who you know” is really very true. I witnessed a real life example in my life. From a not very well to do family to what Mr J is today, it show the importance of who you know. Being together with a rich family’s daughter allows him to drive luxurious car and promotion from executive level to manager just in 3 months time. Seriously, i dun like the idea about it. If the gender role has switched over,i guess it’s still not tat bad. Now, it’s jus makes me think that Mr J is depending on the gf’s family.

Come on…. smart in a way but i feel disgrace for him.

Perhaps getting out of the usual lifestyle and moving into a upper class living is the target that he wishes to move towards. I dunno… I dun even talk to him.

I’m jus KPO… Wanna share with everyone this useless guy exists in the world whereby it’s like the drama series scenario.

Everything starts from NOW

Posted: June 8, 2008 in Party Time

I was telling my colleagues show i manage to gain so much weight in such a short period of time and show that my pictures months back. Hahaha… big difference… 5 kg isnt tat little.

That makes me determined to shed all the excess away. To show some support, Colin is going to control his diet together with me.  Well, supposed to do some workouts but everyday is a tiring day…. and it simply being pushed to the next day… the next next day… the next next next day.

GREAT JOB…. so we can continue to be fatty but….


And we finally got start today. We shall continue doing this till we reached our desired target.

My partying session on friday was great… it was kinda bored to wait for others to reach… jus me, agnes and jinni’s fren who i totally forgot her name. She didn’t join us for long and hop over to Dragonfly to meet up her frenz. It’s never the place for me. I simply refused to go. I rather stay over in Movida and wait for the others to arrive.

Cheryl who is agnes’s ex colleague came and jinni arrived shortly. Not forgetting the forever partying desmond who is agnes’s manager, joined us after his drink at some other places. Of course to worth mentioning about desmond, he put smiles on our faces. He disturbs Cheryl a lot but it’s kinda entertaining for us (3rd parties) to see.

We drank… we danced… we laughed… We had fun.



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Stages of life

Posted: June 3, 2008 in My thoughts

It’s really how amazing about life. Getting married to having a baby… it’s moving on to a brand new chapter.

Dun get mistaken… I’m not annoucing I’m getting married or i’m pregnant.  Just that Colin’s sis gave birth to a baby boy last week. OMG…. it’s so cute!!! He is so tiny. Everything about him is so tiny. I wanna visit him!!!

For all u know, i know babies and kids. Perhaps i make a good mother next time. Hahaha….

Finally, i finished my exams. Not to think so much about results, what’s more important is to enjoy my hols while it last before a new school term starts. Went out with Agnes and Jolyn on the day i finished my exam… Jolyn is still forever so funny. We laughed from the start to the time we parted. Thinking back about those days… days that we were so poor to the extent, sitting in front of ATM and thinking of ways to rob pple… Digging out the money that we had to share the octopus balls… Disturbing our classmates about cheating in exam…

We had laughed over these events for so many times… for every time we meet, we tok about it and laughed over it. Never seems to be tired of all these… I miss those days…

Things are so different now. Friends drift away. The ones remain will somehow be your friends that will going to last for life. We headed different ways, to poly , to uni, to working society. We met eventually but all excel differently. We have different goals and targets in life, achieving different desires. What’s more better is to be happy for your fren’s achievement than to be jealous over it.

I’m glad about who i am and what i am now. Of course desire for more… it takes time. I’m not exactly rushing my way through. So take it easy…

Mmm…. Gathering coming up. Yaojun msn me yesterday to ask me to organise a gathering for them. I’m fine with that. I dun contact anyone except Violet… It doesnt make me a good position to organise right? He insisted … and said that i will have more influence over it… If i go, pple will go. Who are those pple? Hahaha… i nv seems to know I have such influence…?!?!?!?