Archive for April 8, 2008

Posted: April 8, 2008 in My thoughts

I love Annie!!!

She is the nicest colleague in my current workplace. I guess i’m gonna miss her and of course, her small little baby that has yet to be out in this world. She is the only one that i could be able to have heart to heart talk. Well, having her around giving some suggestions and advices and of course to lend me a listening ear.

It’s always like tat… Time to part… we still have to part! Annie and Helen gave me a farewell lunch this afternoon. Mmm… U know… the feeling is beyond words. Though we can still meet up, it’s jus that “leaving” feeling that gives me a little emo!!!

Of coz… no tears, jus a simple smile with gratitude for the past one year. Dun mistaken… I’m still working there!!! Boo… it’s not my last day YET!!!!