Posted: April 7, 2008 in My thoughts

I fall ill over the week. Down with fever, flu, cough, sore throat… almost all the common diseases that you can think of, i got them all. I was MC for 1 week plus. U can jus imagine!!!

At least, i got a good and long rest over that break…

Finally, counting down to fly over to shanghai… it’s on coming friday!!! Waited for so long for another hols… Okie, fine… not exactly tat long. My last trip was in January 2008 to Bangkok.

You know it’s not tat easy to cope with work and studies especially SIM is coming up with really stupid things of having 5 credits for each module that makes everything moves so rapidly. I seriously still prefer the old system. People create changes for the better yet my ‘ intelligent” school comes up with changes that makes no improvement in anything.

Managed to catch 2 new movies with Colin before flying off to Shanghai. Thumbs up to the three kingdoms and mmmm…. perhaps 1.5 out of 5 stars for the empress and warriors movie. I guess i’m falling in love with those fighting shows… I tot it was really nice!!!! I wanna watch the upcoming forbidden city and the red cliff.


I know it’s getting boring over in my blog.

Not having frequent updates….

No photos…. but all words words words now….

I try to take some pics in shanghai and upload them. As usual, i try but no promises. =)

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