Archive for April, 2008


Posted: April 23, 2008 in My thoughts

I can’t forget the scene… The scene that friendship had blown away with the wind

I can’t forget the time… The time that things are kept in the dark

I can’t forget the day… The day that it was pretended nothing has happened

I can’t forget the months… The months that we drifted apart

Sad to say but the truth is always disappointing. The laughters and the smiles that can be found have all gone with the wind at the instance of transparency. Regaining the smiles isn’t an easy thing to do. Smiles cannot be forced even it can, it’s not expressed from the bottom of the heart.

May it be a petty person i am, it takes time to regain the relationship, the happy memories, the smiles and the trust.

How long? No one knows… At least not for the time being… not for the moment that they are together. It just flashes too much memories…



Just like yesterday

Injury causes wound- Wound heal-Scar left behind… over the years, a scar is still a scar.

Did you ever think about how much you can trust a person?

Did you ever be wary of anyone?

Did you ever pretend to be nice to a person that you don’t feel like being nice to?

Did you ever believe of the saying ” once bitten twice shy”?

Did you ever have nothing to talk to a person?

Did you?

Did you?

Wave good bye

Posted: April 22, 2008 in Moments to remember

There’s always time for happiness and time to part. I have been in royal plaza for almost 1.5 years. The time when I first step into the hotel,  it was having a major renovation. The hotel was closed for 3 months to surprise the public with a brand new look. I went through the soft opening to the grand opening and the several celebrations and events that were held in the past 1.5 years.

Experiencing my ex boss, Ms Koh, moving for a better opportunity, knowing many frenz and most importantly, annie who is always there to lend a listening ear.

Also within this period of time, i feel that i have grown from a teen to an adult. Getting to be more mature… Perhaps it’s the environment that mould me into who i am and what i am today. I do learn a lot during my stay but sometimes things just get stagnant, that shows the red alert – time to move on.

Anyway, appreciate those who have been nice n cooperative with me. I guess i will miss you guys.

With the Purchasing department,

With the front office,

With the culinary department,

My executive sous chef

My Asian Sous Chef

My favourite executive chef

And with the food & beverage department,

Not forgetting Jill,

My HR team

And most importantly, Annie!!!

Overall rating for my 8 days shanghai trip is 6/10. Not as fantastic as i thought it will be. I guess it’s more about the shopping part that disappoint me the most. I didnt get to buy much things. The fashion there is not something i’m looking for. I think hong kong or korea will be better.

What’s more you have to bargain with them. They will jus set a ridiculous price and you have to try to bargain. China people can be really fierce. You can imagine they can chase you all the way from their shop to the exit of the building just to scold you for not buying.

So Advice to all…:


Manage to go many places like suzhou, nanjing, hangzhou, wuxi and of course shanghai… Enough of china… this trip plus my previous beijing trip… I covered much of the china cities that i desire to go. So next trip will be out of China…

Took a night flight to shanghai. By the time i reached there, it’s around 7 plus in the morning. First thing that we got to do in shanghai was to take the maglev train. It goes as fast as 300km and jus take 7 mins to get to the next train that requires a bus ride of 45 mins. From there, we went to nanjing road for some shopping. Mmm… bought nothing at all over there.

To ease my thirst, we got to buy red tea. The drink is awful!!!!!! Dun bother to go to those small little stalls to buy things esp to drink. Best thing to do is get those bottle drinks or go to the fast food to get some soft drink. Nv wanna be a risk taker anymore.

Our journey started from Shanghai – Suzhou – Hangzhou – Nanjing – Wuxi – Shanghai. It took us 8 days to complete the whole journey. We set off to Suzhou shortly. If i didnt remember wrongly, the ride was 2 hours from shanghai. Geez… Spent tons over there to get the blankets and pillows. U must be thinkinng we are kinda crazy to get such things in china whereby we can jolly well get it from john litte or robinson. BUT… it was said to be a very good one… U know the silk worm??? It’s make of that. Hahaha…. Well… I will tell you how effective it is.

I shall not go in details coz too many things to cover.

Experience it yourself!!!! To spice up your interest…. some pictures to share:

About us….

About the scenary

And all about me:

Posted: April 8, 2008 in My thoughts

I love Annie!!!

She is the nicest colleague in my current workplace. I guess i’m gonna miss her and of course, her small little baby that has yet to be out in this world. She is the only one that i could be able to have heart to heart talk. Well, having her around giving some suggestions and advices and of course to lend me a listening ear.

It’s always like tat… Time to part… we still have to part! Annie and Helen gave me a farewell lunch this afternoon. Mmm… U know… the feeling is beyond words. Though we can still meet up, it’s jus that “leaving” feeling that gives me a little emo!!!

Of coz… no tears, jus a simple smile with gratitude for the past one year. Dun mistaken… I’m still working there!!! Boo… it’s not my last day YET!!!!

Posted: April 7, 2008 in My thoughts

I fall ill over the week. Down with fever, flu, cough, sore throat… almost all the common diseases that you can think of, i got them all. I was MC for 1 week plus. U can jus imagine!!!

At least, i got a good and long rest over that break…

Finally, counting down to fly over to shanghai… it’s on coming friday!!! Waited for so long for another hols… Okie, fine… not exactly tat long. My last trip was in January 2008 to Bangkok.

You know it’s not tat easy to cope with work and studies especially SIM is coming up with really stupid things of having 5 credits for each module that makes everything moves so rapidly. I seriously still prefer the old system. People create changes for the better yet my ‘ intelligent” school comes up with changes that makes no improvement in anything.

Managed to catch 2 new movies with Colin before flying off to Shanghai. Thumbs up to the three kingdoms and mmmm…. perhaps 1.5 out of 5 stars for the empress and warriors movie. I guess i’m falling in love with those fighting shows… I tot it was really nice!!!! I wanna watch the upcoming forbidden city and the red cliff.


I know it’s getting boring over in my blog.

Not having frequent updates….

No photos…. but all words words words now….

I try to take some pics in shanghai and upload them. As usual, i try but no promises. =)