
Posted: August 20, 2007 in Routine


I woke up early in the morning for the charity walk. I went around telling the whole world that…

I am healthy -> that’s why i went for the walk.

I’m kind and healthy -> that’s why i was there for charity walk.


I was walking with Jill when we came to this split roads labelled – 1km or 6 km. Seriously, we were tempted to go to the 1km but still, we decided to stay healthy n follow the flow of majority. And of coz, my white plastic shoes failed on me… it’s hurting my foot and went over to suntec to get a pair of slippers at Fox after the entire event.

Met up with Charles at Jurong point in the noon. I dun know why i sugguested the place when he told me he wanna go somewhere near to get a shirt for his dinner. There arent many shops selling shirts… we should have gone to queensway. Luckily, a pink shirt caught his eye and got it shortly. He is not as bad as he was telling me the other day that he is damn fussy n picky when comes to choose his clothes. Followed by a lunchie at bt timah and he drove me home.

I was expecting 2 guests to come to my place, J and Sherin. They were here for their quiz. And needless to say where we go after that… you can see it on the previous blog.

Jeremy was supposed to join us and last min informed that he got something to settle. Argh!!! Jus left with the 3 of us. J managed to get another 2 more frenz over and i got Charles over after his dinner with his colleagues. Pictures speak more than words…

Refer to previous Post.


I cant really get into sleep much though i slept at 4am. I woke up at 8am. Got myself online… and saw tommy online. Okie… it’s fabian not tommy. He loves calling me Janey… whereby i’m rach. I jus love calling him tommy when his name is fabian. We were the early birds that cant get into sleep. He accompanied me with my fav UNO. He can be damn irritating at times when i call for UNO, he will give me this UNO Challenge. Instead of the last card whereby i’m going to game, he requested me to draw more cards. How sick right?

Finally, both of us played until pretty shagged and headed for nap. I slept until damn soundly that i have a couple of sms n missed calls…. i totally nv heard it at all. I guess i was really tired.

Rushed thru my quiz after i woke up as i was nearing the deadline and i had a dinner to attend at night. Got some lousy grades that dun worth mentioning at all. Hahaha…. well, at least i passed!!!! 

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