Archive for August 12, 2007

Chilling out Session

Posted: August 12, 2007 in Party Time

Not again another chilling out session at St James and this time, I managed to get a table at Movida one of the rare days and moved from the 2nd to the 1st row after a while.

I was supposed to meet Sherin at Vivo for dinner. Sudden change of plan as my brother’s frenz were coming to my place for mahjong. Mum cooked some food for them and i invited Sherin over for dinner as well. Thinking of asking J and Charles over, i guess they will feel kinda funny about that.

So i dropped the idea…

Took a cab down to Movida with J and Sherin. We always reached early to avoid the cover charges. Well, since we got nothing to do, why not reach earlier n go in for free? Okie, i admit we are kinda cheapo. Hahaha… Gotten the bottle of Jim Beam left previously and waited for Charles and Jeremy to come.



There he comes….. Charles



His 1st time to St James after he came back to Singapore. I tried showing him around to the various outlets BUT… he is “underaged”. He was asked to take out his ID for every outlet that we went to except Boilers and Movida. So he didnt get to have the chance to visit the famous Dragonfly and Belinnis.





Agnes told me in the noon that she will be at St James as well. And met her at Movida together with Vanessa ( my sec sch senior) and her 2 frenz. They didnt join us for long and moved ard to different outlets and off to Cafe de Mel.



and Jeremy arrived too…







We shifted to boilers and by the time, everyone seems exhausted except me. Sherin and Jeremy wanted to head back home. Charles said that he was “acting cool” but in fact, he was quite tired as well. J still seemed pretty ok.

And we left. Sherin, J, Charles and me shared a cab back home. After sending Sherin and J back, we decided to go for supper- Teochew Porridge at Bt timah. It served as my breakfast coz in another 2 hours time, i need to wake up to head down to my hotel for the SHA athletic meet. I need to reach hotel by 7am.

U can imagine how much sleep i have… n i’m still pretty awake… not headache, jus a little stoned. So much better than Charles. He looked like he might jus collapsed anytime when he sent me back home.

Anyway, it was another enjoyable night. I love hanging out with my frenz.


And my fav pics for the session are…


The dancing J


Me and Charles


and Lastly,
