Posted: June 25, 2007 in Uncategorized

No programs for last weekend… coz i was quite broke. So i told my beloved Buddy that i will be very broke, plz dun ask me out for the week.

And ….

 She really didnt ask me out!!!! And i msg her, she play disappearing games with me.

Oh man… I was pretty much stuck at home. I could have gone for tennis session but Elvin was on duty on Saturday and i got to attend my nephew’s 1 year old kiddo birthday party on Sunday. Timing dun meet, so No tennis last week.

I end up slacking at home, but Fabian was really nice enough to keep me occupy by playing those MSN games. I totally dislike games that require to think and plan for strategies. Not that i’m brainless or what, i have been using so much during at work. I think my brain does deserve some rest after working so long. And i dun think about it… end up losing all those games.

But when it comes to UNO…. It’s my kingdom. I excel in tat coz it’s jus about luck. Hahaha… Elvin tried playing with me as well and he won all the games. BOO!!! Tat’s y i still prefer to play with Fabian.

Went out at night to coffee club and down to Cafe Iguana for Some Ultimate Margaritas. Well, I hate drinking at bright places… I started to”blush”

My face went red

My eyes went red

My neck went red

I’m a red Monster!!!

Well, anyone got any ideas to stop the red monster from invading? Headed down to MOS for some dance when someone jus grabbed my hand. FREAK man!!! I tried to push away but he’s kinda strong. Luckily, Fabian helped me out with that. Yucks man… oh please, it’s not a place to grab or even hook up some girls. Behave urself… Even you are really desperate, hook on those ladies whereby they are out to hook guys as well.

By the time we left, it’s about time for breakfast. I’m still craving for my stingray. Hahaha… found somewhere for stingray but… not up to standard man. What’s more when my nose keeps blocking…. I shall go and eat a nicer stingray to stop my cravings.

Woke up after sleeping a few hours…. Super lethargic. I jus simply cant get into sleep anymore even i was still feeling tired. Went to my nephew’s b day in the noon. I was like half dead there…. yawning away… asking what time to go and stuffs. To the extent whereby Even i feel that i’m pretty irritating… Mum dragged a long long time to get back home coz she loves to chit chat with this aunt… that aunt… before going back. I zoomed to my bed and fell asleep within a min. Imagine i was really tired at that point of time….

Sleep is never enough…. esp on a monday… MONDAY BLUES… I’m feeling really blue. I need more rest.

Counting down for the weekend to come… 4 days to go~~~

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