Call me the Uno Queen…

Posted: June 21, 2007 in Uncategorized

I’m down with my nose prob again. Yes… Sinus… it has been ” bugging” on me for years. Last week, i went to see doc for it and today, i went to see doc again as the med he gave, didnt give much effect on me. I’m wobbly the whole day, carrying a tissue in hand. I looks awful!!!

After taking a strong dose, i feel so much better. And Fabian came online and entertained me with the MSN games. It kept us occupied till it’s way beyond his sleeping time. I’m addicted to UNO… especially when i win. Hahaha… call me the Uno Queen. Though Fabian won as well, who cares man…. hahaha….

Imagine how old we are… we are still happily playing away the kiddo games. It jus brings us back to those days.

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