Night Safari

Posted: June 20, 2007 in Uncategorized

Before i start blogging about the night Safari trip jus now, i shall officially announce that Royal Plaza has awarded the Best Independent Hotel in Asia Pacific. My GM said that everyone is going to have 1 OFF day and free hi-tea which i would definitely consider it as bonus. 1 OFF day will add on to my leave that i will be saving for my hols.


And of coz, back to Night Safari…. we have organised the trip there for family bonding session. It’s supposed to have lots of funs for the kids who are joining us. Guess what… the response was overwhelming. We hit more than 100 people participating in this event, including their family members. Things got really messy. Be it the games that are supposed to take place, the allocation of the seats for the buses, the group formed for purchasing the tickets…. it’s chaotic!!!

Before we even reached there, the HR pple were like half dead. Simply no mood for night safari… We went for our diner at Bongers Burgers and took the tram that tours ard. It’s BORING!!! I guess i will nv spend 28 bucks for this, especially I’m too lazy to walk. I will be taking the tram for sure that last only 20 mins.

20 mins for 28 bucks…. it’s kinda ex!!!

Well, it depend on individual i would say. If my frenz ask me to go, nah…. i wont spend such $$$. But if i have kiddos next time, i will spend the $$ to bring them over to take a look. I will be a good mummy next time…  =)



Dun have many photos to share…

Reason being

– too tired to take pics

– I’m the photographer for the night!!!!!!!!!!!

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