My rest days- Weekend

Posted: June 10, 2007 in Uncategorized

Havent been meeting my bestie- Sherin as her relatives from Hong Kong came to Singapore. She needs to do some entertaining and hosting here n there. Only till Friday, we were back to Holland V. I used to go there really often esp Essential Brews but we seems to be visiting there lesser n lesser… We need a new hangout place!!!

Still, we went to Essential Brews for some small bites and tea to bring us back to our “younger” days. Essential Brews can try to maxmise the number of people it can accomodate in the place. It jus simply get too cramp to the extent that u can smell the smelly socks from the guys at the table next to u.


And of coz when i got back home, my mum told me that she received a slip of paper from Singpost to collect something. I knew it right away it must be my Federer bear. Finally arrived. That’s y i woke up at 8 ++ am in the morning and went to the post office to collect it. They are so cute!!! I love it so much!!!

When i opened the box…

The federbear with the federbear wallpaper

Thanks Charles and ur fren who brought it over to Singapore and post it to me.

Went for my dental appointment at 11am at Paragon. The dentist was a young chap, very nice, explaining every single thingy to me. Since i’m entitled to 200 bucks, i shall visit him again soon.

Anyway, my grandma got admitted to hospital again. This time, she has some breathing difficulties. My family went to visit her and there she goes…. She is feeling so uncomfortable but she is still complaining about everything frm the 2 maids for her to the patient that is lying opp her. I wonder why she dun jus rest there… u know…. yet keep yakking. See the way she yak, i think she is pretty okie, jus that she breathe very heavily.

Brother dropped me off at Sunset way to meet Sherin again. Settle to go St James again… going there so often till a little tired of it. Violet came a while later for some chat at belinnis, not forgetting PHOTOS.

We got the most DEMURE looking on earth photo shot.


Hahaha… i did the best out of them. I crowned as WINNER. They are too shy to fake it out the look.




tigeress in action













See the cutie Edmund again…and we were like teasing him whether he still remember our names. He got my name right… but he got Sherin’s name as Shirley. And u know what after we left the place, Sherin was saying about she wonder how old is he… blah blah blah… Well, she wanna know by all means to ask, why wan me to do the asking…??? Wait till the next time den!!!

Headed to Newton for supper… Stingray is small n expensive. And the Oyster omelette was so-so. Oysters are fresh but it’s a little too starchy. Not that fantastic and not worth the wait at all. We should have gone to other places… eee….. feel so cheated!!!



Hahaha… but we still ate all the food and feeling so guilty as when we got back home, we went straight to bed after washing up. I’m gonna gain wt…. I dun wan… I need to shed the fatties away, jus like how Violet lose 6 to 7 kg.

And for Sunday, did nothing. No tennis… so i went to accompany my mummy to get some ingredients for making the dumplings on coming Thurs. I wanna to check it out the Missy donuts that jus newly opened at my place here. Saw the crowd… it was a really long queue but i feel like eating and i joined it the queue.

5 mins… the queue is not moving.

10 mins… the queue moved a few steps.

45 mins… finally my turn. Got 6 donuts n went home happily. I love chocolate donuts!!! I got 5 of them chocolates one and 1 apple donut. Disappointment again!!! Donuts arent that gd. I still prefer Dunkin Donuts!!! Are they bringing in to Singapore again???

I’m craving for some nice food. Any recommendations?

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