Archive for June 3, 2007

My tennis day with Elvin and Coach… Lesson started  at 3 pm. I reached 15 mins before time and no one arrived yet.

I wondered~~~

Called coach and elvin, they went “Wow, how could that be??? You are early today!!! No wonder the sun is extremely hot today.” Yeah, damn sarcastic but kinda fact. I admit it myself. I’m very selective when come to lateness. Hahaha… I may be late for tennis, late meeting Sherin ( but that is kinda rare, Sherin is always later than i do) but i will never late for work. That’s for sure. This makes me a good employee. Bosses will love me for that. =)

Played quite well for the 1st half and the second half of the lesson, my “battery” in me kinda went flat. Hahaha… No energy to hit those balls. The weather was burning hot for me. Blame it on the weather, blame it on the court but yet myself. Hahaha…


And i was full of “sound effect” while playing and coach was saying that if there is any super tennis player contest, he will sure vote me. Not that i’m good in it ( i’m average only), i’m jus too much crap n nonsense. To pple that know me well i feel comfortable with, i will then “reveal” my crappiness. Otherwise, i am deemed to be someone who is ARROGANT. That word seems to be engraved at my fore head. Who cares??? I still have my frenz ard me, i still hav my lovely family and what’s more, whereby i still have my 2 lovely buddies ( Calling for B1 Sherin and B2 Elvin)

B2 tried to murder coach during the tennis lesson. If police case is involved, i shall be the witness. Elvin had to hit the ball cross court to me and aimed at coach right at the back of his head. I cant help but laugh until i was squatting there. Elvin… please… dun try murdering coach. If not, no coach for tennis for u on sunday next time. =p

Headed down to Cathay to get the tickets for SHREK 3. My fav!!! I still got 1 more to go – Pirates of the carribeans. The movie is quite nice esp the babies of the donkey n the dragon. Well, I almost fell off the stairs in the cinema. I feel so clumsy. Hahaha… I told Elvin it must be the tennis that makes my legs wobbly but he insisted it’s the cutie at st james. 


Walked ard at plaza sing after the movie. Sales everywhere but….. I gotta control my expenses. Control, CONtrol, CONTROL!!! When is my next pay day???  *scratches my head*