Archive for June 2, 2007

It was planned to go clubbing with my colleagues on this eve of Vesak day. Getting quite a number of people to go. The list goes:

1) Rachel – Me

2) Eileen Jr

3) Eileen Snr

4) Eileen Snr’s Fren

5) Sherin

6) Terry

6) Ruben

7) Ho

8 ) Jill

9) Helen

10) Louis

11) Guan Khai

Me and Eileen Jr left the hotel at ard 7 ++ after work. Gotta get some hand over done as my manager is going to be away for overseas recruitment for one week. I will be busy i guess…. Tom will be in Singapore for a week and I have to help him out for his training here n there.

Met up with Jill, Helen, Terry and Eileen Jr for dinner at Crystal Jade for dinner. By the time we finished eating, it’s about 9++ at night and we tot that it’s almost time that we should head down to Zouk. I wanna go for the Mambo Jumbo!!! We walked over…. to our horror….. the queue is damn long. It’s almost like the crowd that u can see in NDP. We decided to be systematic, queueing up. After 2 hours, we still didnt manage to get in.



2 hours okie….. We were damn shag and tired.What we can see is just that stupid ” full house” sign at the door. Sherin, Ho and Ruben came after that. Everywhere was congested esp the road outside Zouk. Cant imagine why everyone wanna club on this PH eve. Moreover, most of them look like student. Arent they are having holidays now? Eve of PH is supposed to be for working people like us to go one.

We decided to change the venue to St james. Yes…. St james again. I have been hanging out there really often these days. I wonder y too. U know waiting for taxi over at Zouk to travel down to St james is another big issue. We waited there… and gotta “fight” for taxi with every other people who wanted to change places. Luckily, we have Ang moh – Ruben. The cab jus stopped in front of him and there we go, we got a cab.

Believe or not, Singapore is showing the double standards to the Ang mohs. Let me tell u why… I witnessed it okie… First, it was the taxi incident. Second, when we were queueing to get into boilers, Ruben was in the crowd and somehow, the guard actually asked him to come out and bring him over to Gallery to get our chop done. Why others werent even given such privileges to be treated this way?


and of coz when we saw that, the whole gang jus follow ruben at the back and squeezed our way up to gallery. Guess it’s because the group was quite big, it’s hard to accomodate to everyone. It wasnt as fun. Like sherin prefer to be at belinni, some colleagues prefer to drink but not dance, some came jus becoz of the other colleagues coming and for me. Well, that’s always the case. Sherin and I left the group for a while to go over to Belinni for our drink. Didnt get to see the cutie waiter who served us that day.


But guess what??? When we reached to the group at gallery, the cutie waiter was actually there. *grinz* Well, he came over to our table and we started talking. Well, we took a pic as well. Using my HP cammie, bear with the photo quality!



Hahaha…. it’s was so funny when I was telling him my name and Ho cameby saying” hey, be careful okie”. Well, i wonder he is asking him to be careful of me or be careful coz we were all at the staircase. Okie before u start thinking that i’m trying to hook up guys, i didnt okie…. hahaha everything happen together with Sherin as well. Jus that he saw us a couple of times and started saying hello, bye and smile. Tat’s y…. Nothing else more!

Shared a cab with Sherin and Ruben. Many waiting for cab but Ruben got it with jus a breeze. By the time i reached home was already 4.30am, I wonder how Ruben can make it for work at 7am.

Anyway, it’s such a bad idea to club on a eve of public hols. Boo!!!