Archive for June, 2007

Posted: June 25, 2007 in Uncategorized

No programs for last weekend… coz i was quite broke. So i told my beloved Buddy that i will be very broke, plz dun ask me out for the week.

And ….

 She really didnt ask me out!!!! And i msg her, she play disappearing games with me.

Oh man… I was pretty much stuck at home. I could have gone for tennis session but Elvin was on duty on Saturday and i got to attend my nephew’s 1 year old kiddo birthday party on Sunday. Timing dun meet, so No tennis last week.

I end up slacking at home, but Fabian was really nice enough to keep me occupy by playing those MSN games. I totally dislike games that require to think and plan for strategies. Not that i’m brainless or what, i have been using so much during at work. I think my brain does deserve some rest after working so long. And i dun think about it… end up losing all those games.

But when it comes to UNO…. It’s my kingdom. I excel in tat coz it’s jus about luck. Hahaha… Elvin tried playing with me as well and he won all the games. BOO!!! Tat’s y i still prefer to play with Fabian.

Went out at night to coffee club and down to Cafe Iguana for Some Ultimate Margaritas. Well, I hate drinking at bright places… I started to”blush”

My face went red

My eyes went red

My neck went red

I’m a red Monster!!!

Well, anyone got any ideas to stop the red monster from invading? Headed down to MOS for some dance when someone jus grabbed my hand. FREAK man!!! I tried to push away but he’s kinda strong. Luckily, Fabian helped me out with that. Yucks man… oh please, it’s not a place to grab or even hook up some girls. Behave urself… Even you are really desperate, hook on those ladies whereby they are out to hook guys as well.

By the time we left, it’s about time for breakfast. I’m still craving for my stingray. Hahaha… found somewhere for stingray but… not up to standard man. What’s more when my nose keeps blocking…. I shall go and eat a nicer stingray to stop my cravings.

Woke up after sleeping a few hours…. Super lethargic. I jus simply cant get into sleep anymore even i was still feeling tired. Went to my nephew’s b day in the noon. I was like half dead there…. yawning away… asking what time to go and stuffs. To the extent whereby Even i feel that i’m pretty irritating… Mum dragged a long long time to get back home coz she loves to chit chat with this aunt… that aunt… before going back. I zoomed to my bed and fell asleep within a min. Imagine i was really tired at that point of time….

Sleep is never enough…. esp on a monday… MONDAY BLUES… I’m feeling really blue. I need more rest.

Counting down for the weekend to come… 4 days to go~~~

I’ve Cleared

Posted: June 25, 2007 in Uncategorized

Sorry… this piece of good news came a little late… I’ve gotten my results on last Tues.

As u can see the title…, I’ve cleared my sem with 1 A n 2 Bs. I tot i did not too bad. Who knows… Samuel got 3 As which totally puts me to shame.

I will work hard the coming sem….

But NO promise!!!

Call me the Uno Queen…

Posted: June 21, 2007 in Uncategorized

I’m down with my nose prob again. Yes… Sinus… it has been ” bugging” on me for years. Last week, i went to see doc for it and today, i went to see doc again as the med he gave, didnt give much effect on me. I’m wobbly the whole day, carrying a tissue in hand. I looks awful!!!

After taking a strong dose, i feel so much better. And Fabian came online and entertained me with the MSN games. It kept us occupied till it’s way beyond his sleeping time. I’m addicted to UNO… especially when i win. Hahaha… call me the Uno Queen. Though Fabian won as well, who cares man…. hahaha….

Imagine how old we are… we are still happily playing away the kiddo games. It jus brings us back to those days.

Night Safari

Posted: June 20, 2007 in Uncategorized

Before i start blogging about the night Safari trip jus now, i shall officially announce that Royal Plaza has awarded the Best Independent Hotel in Asia Pacific. My GM said that everyone is going to have 1 OFF day and free hi-tea which i would definitely consider it as bonus. 1 OFF day will add on to my leave that i will be saving for my hols.


And of coz, back to Night Safari…. we have organised the trip there for family bonding session. It’s supposed to have lots of funs for the kids who are joining us. Guess what… the response was overwhelming. We hit more than 100 people participating in this event, including their family members. Things got really messy. Be it the games that are supposed to take place, the allocation of the seats for the buses, the group formed for purchasing the tickets…. it’s chaotic!!!

Before we even reached there, the HR pple were like half dead. Simply no mood for night safari… We went for our diner at Bongers Burgers and took the tram that tours ard. It’s BORING!!! I guess i will nv spend 28 bucks for this, especially I’m too lazy to walk. I will be taking the tram for sure that last only 20 mins.

20 mins for 28 bucks…. it’s kinda ex!!!

Well, it depend on individual i would say. If my frenz ask me to go, nah…. i wont spend such $$$. But if i have kiddos next time, i will spend the $$ to bring them over to take a look. I will be a good mummy next time…  =)



Dun have many photos to share…

Reason being

– too tired to take pics

– I’m the photographer for the night!!!!!!!!!!!

Laziness overpowered

Posted: June 19, 2007 in Uncategorized

The battle between laziness n blogging…

U see i havent been updating, not that i got no time, I’m jus too lazy.

 Laziness WON.   XD

My rest days- Weekend

Posted: June 10, 2007 in Uncategorized

Havent been meeting my bestie- Sherin as her relatives from Hong Kong came to Singapore. She needs to do some entertaining and hosting here n there. Only till Friday, we were back to Holland V. I used to go there really often esp Essential Brews but we seems to be visiting there lesser n lesser… We need a new hangout place!!!

Still, we went to Essential Brews for some small bites and tea to bring us back to our “younger” days. Essential Brews can try to maxmise the number of people it can accomodate in the place. It jus simply get too cramp to the extent that u can smell the smelly socks from the guys at the table next to u.


And of coz when i got back home, my mum told me that she received a slip of paper from Singpost to collect something. I knew it right away it must be my Federer bear. Finally arrived. That’s y i woke up at 8 ++ am in the morning and went to the post office to collect it. They are so cute!!! I love it so much!!!

When i opened the box…

The federbear with the federbear wallpaper

Thanks Charles and ur fren who brought it over to Singapore and post it to me.

Went for my dental appointment at 11am at Paragon. The dentist was a young chap, very nice, explaining every single thingy to me. Since i’m entitled to 200 bucks, i shall visit him again soon.

Anyway, my grandma got admitted to hospital again. This time, she has some breathing difficulties. My family went to visit her and there she goes…. She is feeling so uncomfortable but she is still complaining about everything frm the 2 maids for her to the patient that is lying opp her. I wonder why she dun jus rest there… u know…. yet keep yakking. See the way she yak, i think she is pretty okie, jus that she breathe very heavily.

Brother dropped me off at Sunset way to meet Sherin again. Settle to go St James again… going there so often till a little tired of it. Violet came a while later for some chat at belinnis, not forgetting PHOTOS.

We got the most DEMURE looking on earth photo shot.


Hahaha… i did the best out of them. I crowned as WINNER. They are too shy to fake it out the look.




tigeress in action













See the cutie Edmund again…and we were like teasing him whether he still remember our names. He got my name right… but he got Sherin’s name as Shirley. And u know what after we left the place, Sherin was saying about she wonder how old is he… blah blah blah… Well, she wanna know by all means to ask, why wan me to do the asking…??? Wait till the next time den!!!

Headed to Newton for supper… Stingray is small n expensive. And the Oyster omelette was so-so. Oysters are fresh but it’s a little too starchy. Not that fantastic and not worth the wait at all. We should have gone to other places… eee….. feel so cheated!!!



Hahaha… but we still ate all the food and feeling so guilty as when we got back home, we went straight to bed after washing up. I’m gonna gain wt…. I dun wan… I need to shed the fatties away, jus like how Violet lose 6 to 7 kg.

And for Sunday, did nothing. No tennis… so i went to accompany my mummy to get some ingredients for making the dumplings on coming Thurs. I wanna to check it out the Missy donuts that jus newly opened at my place here. Saw the crowd… it was a really long queue but i feel like eating and i joined it the queue.

5 mins… the queue is not moving.

10 mins… the queue moved a few steps.

45 mins… finally my turn. Got 6 donuts n went home happily. I love chocolate donuts!!! I got 5 of them chocolates one and 1 apple donut. Disappointment again!!! Donuts arent that gd. I still prefer Dunkin Donuts!!! Are they bringing in to Singapore again???

I’m craving for some nice food. Any recommendations?

Who’s in town???

Posted: June 7, 2007 in Uncategorized

Guess who’s in town? TOM Robinson…

He’s my training consultant. A very nice guy i would say…  My manager is away for the week and no one can accompany him.

He was damn funny. This morning, he called me….

Tom: Rach

Rachel: Yes? What’s up?

Tom: U see… ( he took up a plug)

Rachel: What’s about the plug?

Tom: It’s working fine but … ( he pointed at the power socket)

I was like… hey hey hey, what’s that black thingy there… I started laughing away.

U know what? A 3 pin plug has become a 2 pin plug. Tom broke it!!! It was like duh!!!! How he even manage to do it man…

My tennis day with Elvin and Coach… Lesson started  at 3 pm. I reached 15 mins before time and no one arrived yet.

I wondered~~~

Called coach and elvin, they went “Wow, how could that be??? You are early today!!! No wonder the sun is extremely hot today.” Yeah, damn sarcastic but kinda fact. I admit it myself. I’m very selective when come to lateness. Hahaha… I may be late for tennis, late meeting Sherin ( but that is kinda rare, Sherin is always later than i do) but i will never late for work. That’s for sure. This makes me a good employee. Bosses will love me for that. =)

Played quite well for the 1st half and the second half of the lesson, my “battery” in me kinda went flat. Hahaha… No energy to hit those balls. The weather was burning hot for me. Blame it on the weather, blame it on the court but yet myself. Hahaha…


And i was full of “sound effect” while playing and coach was saying that if there is any super tennis player contest, he will sure vote me. Not that i’m good in it ( i’m average only), i’m jus too much crap n nonsense. To pple that know me well i feel comfortable with, i will then “reveal” my crappiness. Otherwise, i am deemed to be someone who is ARROGANT. That word seems to be engraved at my fore head. Who cares??? I still have my frenz ard me, i still hav my lovely family and what’s more, whereby i still have my 2 lovely buddies ( Calling for B1 Sherin and B2 Elvin)

B2 tried to murder coach during the tennis lesson. If police case is involved, i shall be the witness. Elvin had to hit the ball cross court to me and aimed at coach right at the back of his head. I cant help but laugh until i was squatting there. Elvin… please… dun try murdering coach. If not, no coach for tennis for u on sunday next time. =p

Headed down to Cathay to get the tickets for SHREK 3. My fav!!! I still got 1 more to go – Pirates of the carribeans. The movie is quite nice esp the babies of the donkey n the dragon. Well, I almost fell off the stairs in the cinema. I feel so clumsy. Hahaha… I told Elvin it must be the tennis that makes my legs wobbly but he insisted it’s the cutie at st james. 


Walked ard at plaza sing after the movie. Sales everywhere but….. I gotta control my expenses. Control, CONtrol, CONTROL!!! When is my next pay day???  *scratches my head*

It was planned to go clubbing with my colleagues on this eve of Vesak day. Getting quite a number of people to go. The list goes:

1) Rachel – Me

2) Eileen Jr

3) Eileen Snr

4) Eileen Snr’s Fren

5) Sherin

6) Terry

6) Ruben

7) Ho

8 ) Jill

9) Helen

10) Louis

11) Guan Khai

Me and Eileen Jr left the hotel at ard 7 ++ after work. Gotta get some hand over done as my manager is going to be away for overseas recruitment for one week. I will be busy i guess…. Tom will be in Singapore for a week and I have to help him out for his training here n there.

Met up with Jill, Helen, Terry and Eileen Jr for dinner at Crystal Jade for dinner. By the time we finished eating, it’s about 9++ at night and we tot that it’s almost time that we should head down to Zouk. I wanna go for the Mambo Jumbo!!! We walked over…. to our horror….. the queue is damn long. It’s almost like the crowd that u can see in NDP. We decided to be systematic, queueing up. After 2 hours, we still didnt manage to get in.



2 hours okie….. We were damn shag and tired.What we can see is just that stupid ” full house” sign at the door. Sherin, Ho and Ruben came after that. Everywhere was congested esp the road outside Zouk. Cant imagine why everyone wanna club on this PH eve. Moreover, most of them look like student. Arent they are having holidays now? Eve of PH is supposed to be for working people like us to go one.

We decided to change the venue to St james. Yes…. St james again. I have been hanging out there really often these days. I wonder y too. U know waiting for taxi over at Zouk to travel down to St james is another big issue. We waited there… and gotta “fight” for taxi with every other people who wanted to change places. Luckily, we have Ang moh – Ruben. The cab jus stopped in front of him and there we go, we got a cab.

Believe or not, Singapore is showing the double standards to the Ang mohs. Let me tell u why… I witnessed it okie… First, it was the taxi incident. Second, when we were queueing to get into boilers, Ruben was in the crowd and somehow, the guard actually asked him to come out and bring him over to Gallery to get our chop done. Why others werent even given such privileges to be treated this way?


and of coz when we saw that, the whole gang jus follow ruben at the back and squeezed our way up to gallery. Guess it’s because the group was quite big, it’s hard to accomodate to everyone. It wasnt as fun. Like sherin prefer to be at belinni, some colleagues prefer to drink but not dance, some came jus becoz of the other colleagues coming and for me. Well, that’s always the case. Sherin and I left the group for a while to go over to Belinni for our drink. Didnt get to see the cutie waiter who served us that day.


But guess what??? When we reached to the group at gallery, the cutie waiter was actually there. *grinz* Well, he came over to our table and we started talking. Well, we took a pic as well. Using my HP cammie, bear with the photo quality!



Hahaha…. it’s was so funny when I was telling him my name and Ho cameby saying” hey, be careful okie”. Well, i wonder he is asking him to be careful of me or be careful coz we were all at the staircase. Okie before u start thinking that i’m trying to hook up guys, i didnt okie…. hahaha everything happen together with Sherin as well. Jus that he saw us a couple of times and started saying hello, bye and smile. Tat’s y…. Nothing else more!

Shared a cab with Sherin and Ruben. Many waiting for cab but Ruben got it with jus a breeze. By the time i reached home was already 4.30am, I wonder how Ruben can make it for work at 7am.

Anyway, it’s such a bad idea to club on a eve of public hols. Boo!!!