Archive for May 27, 2007

I was stuck at home on friday but was fully packed on saturday. I went for KTV in the morning with Agnes and one of her friend, Jinni. Jinni looks very familiar like my cousin’s friend and she said everyone say so. I guess maybe she is quite pretty and that’s the method that everyone tries to hook her up. Hang ard in town for a while, trying to look around in the Great Singapore Sale. It’s so tempting… gonna be broke thiis month again.


 And in the evening, i met up with sherin at west mall to get my top that has gone out of stock at Far East Plaza and Wisma. The sales girl bluff me…. She said that they run out of it and even at other branches. BLeh… i dun believe and i still made my trip down. Guess what…. I got my top. I love the top very much. NICE! Headed back home to put my stuffs and changed into my new top, down we go to St James. Tot of getting Agnes to join us but she was already chilling out with her frenz. U know… me n sherin are jus afraid that 2 of us may get a little bored. Tat’s y trying to get more pple.

And of coz, somone strike thru my mind. VIOLET…. been ages that i last met her, what’s more whereby she is single now. No longer need to accompany bf during the weekend. She was really ONz and agreed to meet us right away. As usual, we went to Berlinni for a drink. I wanna drink that cocktail sherin ordered previously but she cant recall the name, so the cutie waiter recommended us the drink “berlinni”. Taste so-so only, a little like medicine. He came forward to ask how was the drink he recommend. We were like… we still prefer the one that we are trying to order jus now and teased him that since he got no idea the drink that we wanted, does it mean that the drinks he recommended is on him. Okie, this is what happened when 3 girls are together. we tend to go a little crazy.

But still, he’s really cute. He got the smiley eyes that could smile at u.

And there we go again…. Picture taking time!!!!!
















So I even mentioned that if the cutie waiter comes again, i shall invite him over to take a picture with us. Hahaha… well, but tat’s crap la.

after all the fun in Berlinni, Kenneth came to join us. He’s sherin’s bf. We went to boilers to have our beer. TIGER taste awful there. I still prefer the one at Asia Pacific Brewery. To clear the beer in hands, I suggested to have a competition to see who finished 1st.


1st: Kenneth

2nd: Rachel…. tt’s me

3rd: sherin

LAST: Violet

Yucks man… I feel so bloated after tat. Haha…n i got really good blood circulation whereby my eyes and face go red. Tat’s fine coz the place is dark. Kenneth dun really like to dance n out of a sudden…. he went real high when he heard the song that he like. Hahaha…. U must witness it if not u dunno how funny he was. We LOVE live bands but they dun play all night long. Got a little bored when the band stopped. And went to the place where Kwok highly recommended- dragonfly. It’s really a damn cheena place and the 4 of us were like -_-“. Nv will i step in again. Still Berlinni the best to rest and relax. We went back there for our rest and the last drinks. It’s already 3 Plus by then.

Kenneth suggested a game for me.

Game: To tie a knot on the cherry stem inside the mouth using the tongue.

Objective: To prove if you are a good kisser


I tried… and tried… Everyone were looking at the funny expression on my face. Yes…. laugh…. go ahead and laugh… when everyone tot that i cant make it. Hahaha… the cherry stem was out from my mouth with a knot. They were impressed. It was fun… and i requested for more cherry to let others to play that as well. The waiter only able to spare us 1 only…

Eeee…. so stingy!!!

Luckily the cutie waiter came again to ask us for last order and got us another 2 more. And of coz, I told him that we finally know wat’s the name of the drink that we wanted – Pina Colada- He gave us the smiling look again and told us he did tell Sherin about this drink but she said no. Hahaha… dumb dumb!!!

The game ended with me as the champion, Violet the 1st runner up and Kenneth the 2nd runner-up.

The Winners Pics




Kenneth almost cant make it and was complaining what he and Sherin have been doing over the past 2 years.

 Well, who knows….??? U 2 do ur own close door discussion.



Sherin – Showing off her loser cherry stem

And i shall end with my classic pics of myself

