Archive for May 24, 2007

Random Random Random

Posted: May 24, 2007 in Uncategorized

 I have so many things to share but i’m too lazy to note down every single thing. Dun expect a proper structure / theme/ title for my post. I’m getting random random random…

I wanna have a gd rest after my exam. So…. this weekend, i stayed at home. Staying at home isnt a really good idea for me. I tend to snack and eat a lot when i’m at home. I’m the culprit that caused everyone at home to gain weight. I suggest for Macdonald, ice cream, soft drinks and titbits. I cant help it!!!! If i’m at work, i wont snack so much. Snacking is terrible… I need to shed some fats away!!!

I kinda like the recent topic that is emerging in my workplace about the baby boomers, generation X and Y. I think it’s really necessary to know about the different methods to deal with the different group of people and understand them. It’s all about employing the right person and retaining the talents especially the IR is coming which is going to create thousands and thousands of jobs. Though there are new workforce out there, i’m sure the IR is going to attract the “old birds”.

And there …. the toughest thing to do for us is the word RETAIN.

I think I shouldnt even talk about that. It’s gonna bored u to death, reading about HR issue. Cant help it…. I’m in this line *grins*

Okie… I went to visit the lounge in the hotel that i work for – HEAT Ultralounge-together wit Kwok and Sherin. Finally, i’m utilising my 50 dollars voucher. I dun really know how to appreciate red wine that taste bitter and the texture of the wine. I always prefer the sweet dessert wine. We got ourselves a bottle and listened to the live band. Band is pretty good and of coz, my GM and F&B director were all there, making me feeling a little awkward. I could have enjoy more if they are not there.

And of coz friday, planning to go st james… but postpone to wednesday last min. I’m gonna be bored on a friday night. Calling for all frenz… let’s chill out man.