The missing days

Posted: May 19, 2007 in Uncategorized

I wanted to update my blog so much, but due to project and exam, i simply have no time to do so. I guess i will have more time to do so since….. EXAMS ARE OVER.

Celebrated mother’s day at ivins ivins on sunday. Food there are nice and cheap.  Simon agreed with it too. I always ask him to go there to eat… till one fine sat, he finally went. He came sms me after the meal to tell me that the food there are nice. I told u so many times already. It’s situated at Binjai park for those who are interested. Though location is pretty ulu/ out of nowhere, u will be surprised with the crowd it has. Crowd starts coming in at 6pm and around 7, sometimes u can see pple queueing up outside. Of coz by then, my fav yellow rice and otah otah will be finished.

Well, i was on leave on monday and tuesday to be studying for my exam. U know…. we have kinda post mother’s day celebration again. Me and mummy went to eat Tim sum at Miramar hotel. Hahaha… okie, I admit i’m the one who feel like eating. Not some kinda post- celebration. Went to people’s park area after tat to look around for some cheap tour to shanghai. Prices are kinda same but of coz out of all, there’s a few cheaper one. I’m looking forward for my hols! Spend too much time outside whereby i should be staying at home at tat point of time to study for exam the next day.


I jus rush through my revision. Luckily, i took econs during my A level. HOHOHO…. Jus like the previous sem, we met up in the noon to study at the library. We did the same thing this sem. Did some reading n trying out past exam question… i become too drained about everything and went walking around. Okie, Samuel complained that i’m distracting him by asking him where’s the exam venue, where’s for dinner and what’s for dinner. Hahaha… I’m the devil that makes him no mood to go for his last lap of revision. Well, i’m sure i didnt. * bleh*

Busy week. I was really packed with stuffs when i got back to work. Of coz i didnt forget about rest and relax. Supposed to meet sherin for spiderman 3 but both of us are too tired after work and she always rest very early on the weekdays. So i guess i’m gonna miss it this time. Boo! What to do…. Luckily, i got my bunch of colleagues for me on friday. There’s once i was eating at holland V and someone came asking ” Hi Miss, is this holland village?”

I was like DUH! and i saw OH… is Chef Ho. He was still pretending that he dunno me, giving the innocent look that he was jus asking for direction. Hahaha… from tat onwards, he always call me Holland v. And he’s gonna leave us for a better place n prospect, so he ask some of the closer colleagues out for a drink. And there we go ( Me, My manager ( Eileen), and the 3 chefs , Sarah, Ho and Reuben)


I didnt drink a lot coz i gonna drive. I’m guilty. I damaged my bro’s car. I didnt mean it… i tot i scratched the rims only. Coz i’m really bad with slope and the gadget to insert the cashcard to pay for parking. I wanted to move nearer and i actually scratched the rims. Argh! After i got home, i tried seeing the car… i saw the deep marks on the rims and didnt realise the edge was dented. My brother saw it and called me about that. I’m so sorry! I really didnt saw it.


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