Archive for May 10, 2007

Such a TootZ!

Posted: May 10, 2007 in Uncategorized

You know… when a guy is trying to start a conversation with u, it is very very important to catch her attention, take about the things that she is interested not what YOU are interested.

 My goodness! It simply bored me to death. Talking a topic that I’m not interested for the entire night. I dun mind for short talks but entire night is like ” bloody damn long”. Especially when my attention won’t last for long, it totally BOO! Did make some comments to change the topic.

Good. Message convey and received. BUT new topic dun last for 15 mins and it jus jump back to that old topic. OMG.

 So Advice to all:

If you are trying to get to know more about ur opposite sex,

Talk about something she is interested in not what you are interested.

Mark called me jus now. I tell u it’s 2am now and i’m still not sleeping. I gotta work tmr… , waking up at 7.30am. I’m lacking of sleep coz i’m rushing my project that is due tmr. I thought i could do my video without editing which need to trouble Elvin. I was wrong. In the end, i seek help again!

Now, the video has been edited, jus gotta receive the file again. Still sending in progress.

Oh ya.. i almost forgotten about Mark. He called to ask me for some photo shots. He asked me so many times but… i was too busy. Guess this time, i should really squeeze out some time. Afterall, he is my old fren already and what’s more when he is trying to get some shots for me wearing tennis apparels.

We should arrange it again okie? I dunno how it will go, never help out with such stuffs before. Let’s see….