Archive for May, 2007

I was stuck at home on friday but was fully packed on saturday. I went for KTV in the morning with Agnes and one of her friend, Jinni. Jinni looks very familiar like my cousin’s friend and she said everyone say so. I guess maybe she is quite pretty and that’s the method that everyone tries to hook her up. Hang ard in town for a while, trying to look around in the Great Singapore Sale. It’s so tempting… gonna be broke thiis month again.


 And in the evening, i met up with sherin at west mall to get my top that has gone out of stock at Far East Plaza and Wisma. The sales girl bluff me…. She said that they run out of it and even at other branches. BLeh… i dun believe and i still made my trip down. Guess what…. I got my top. I love the top very much. NICE! Headed back home to put my stuffs and changed into my new top, down we go to St James. Tot of getting Agnes to join us but she was already chilling out with her frenz. U know… me n sherin are jus afraid that 2 of us may get a little bored. Tat’s y trying to get more pple.

And of coz, somone strike thru my mind. VIOLET…. been ages that i last met her, what’s more whereby she is single now. No longer need to accompany bf during the weekend. She was really ONz and agreed to meet us right away. As usual, we went to Berlinni for a drink. I wanna drink that cocktail sherin ordered previously but she cant recall the name, so the cutie waiter recommended us the drink “berlinni”. Taste so-so only, a little like medicine. He came forward to ask how was the drink he recommend. We were like… we still prefer the one that we are trying to order jus now and teased him that since he got no idea the drink that we wanted, does it mean that the drinks he recommended is on him. Okie, this is what happened when 3 girls are together. we tend to go a little crazy.

But still, he’s really cute. He got the smiley eyes that could smile at u.

And there we go again…. Picture taking time!!!!!
















So I even mentioned that if the cutie waiter comes again, i shall invite him over to take a picture with us. Hahaha… well, but tat’s crap la.

after all the fun in Berlinni, Kenneth came to join us. He’s sherin’s bf. We went to boilers to have our beer. TIGER taste awful there. I still prefer the one at Asia Pacific Brewery. To clear the beer in hands, I suggested to have a competition to see who finished 1st.


1st: Kenneth

2nd: Rachel…. tt’s me

3rd: sherin

LAST: Violet

Yucks man… I feel so bloated after tat. Haha…n i got really good blood circulation whereby my eyes and face go red. Tat’s fine coz the place is dark. Kenneth dun really like to dance n out of a sudden…. he went real high when he heard the song that he like. Hahaha…. U must witness it if not u dunno how funny he was. We LOVE live bands but they dun play all night long. Got a little bored when the band stopped. And went to the place where Kwok highly recommended- dragonfly. It’s really a damn cheena place and the 4 of us were like -_-“. Nv will i step in again. Still Berlinni the best to rest and relax. We went back there for our rest and the last drinks. It’s already 3 Plus by then.

Kenneth suggested a game for me.

Game: To tie a knot on the cherry stem inside the mouth using the tongue.

Objective: To prove if you are a good kisser


I tried… and tried… Everyone were looking at the funny expression on my face. Yes…. laugh…. go ahead and laugh… when everyone tot that i cant make it. Hahaha… the cherry stem was out from my mouth with a knot. They were impressed. It was fun… and i requested for more cherry to let others to play that as well. The waiter only able to spare us 1 only…

Eeee…. so stingy!!!

Luckily the cutie waiter came again to ask us for last order and got us another 2 more. And of coz, I told him that we finally know wat’s the name of the drink that we wanted – Pina Colada- He gave us the smiling look again and told us he did tell Sherin about this drink but she said no. Hahaha… dumb dumb!!!

The game ended with me as the champion, Violet the 1st runner up and Kenneth the 2nd runner-up.

The Winners Pics




Kenneth almost cant make it and was complaining what he and Sherin have been doing over the past 2 years.

 Well, who knows….??? U 2 do ur own close door discussion.



Sherin – Showing off her loser cherry stem

And i shall end with my classic pics of myself




Posted: May 26, 2007 in Uncategorized

I’m getting a bit excited when Charles msn me few days ago. His friend is leaving Canada on Friday and arriving Singapore on Sunday. His friend is going to post me the Federbear. I tried looking for it in Singapore and even tot of shipping over from US which cost up almost SGD 100.

Luckily, Charles told me that he is over in Canada now for pilot training and he is really nice enough to go over to the town to get that little beanies for me. It really takes a lot of effort to get this little bear. That time, i heard from Elvin that his fren got a federbear from Plaza Sing. I even rush down one of the day during my lunch break to look for that bear….. but they no longer have it. The shop assistant helped me to call down to the TY bear to ask for my federbear and was told that they are not shipping to Singapore anymore.

Anyway… all thanks to Charles…. that my Federbear is coming. Show u guys once i receive it =)


Random Random Random

Posted: May 24, 2007 in Uncategorized

 I have so many things to share but i’m too lazy to note down every single thing. Dun expect a proper structure / theme/ title for my post. I’m getting random random random…

I wanna have a gd rest after my exam. So…. this weekend, i stayed at home. Staying at home isnt a really good idea for me. I tend to snack and eat a lot when i’m at home. I’m the culprit that caused everyone at home to gain weight. I suggest for Macdonald, ice cream, soft drinks and titbits. I cant help it!!!! If i’m at work, i wont snack so much. Snacking is terrible… I need to shed some fats away!!!

I kinda like the recent topic that is emerging in my workplace about the baby boomers, generation X and Y. I think it’s really necessary to know about the different methods to deal with the different group of people and understand them. It’s all about employing the right person and retaining the talents especially the IR is coming which is going to create thousands and thousands of jobs. Though there are new workforce out there, i’m sure the IR is going to attract the “old birds”.

And there …. the toughest thing to do for us is the word RETAIN.

I think I shouldnt even talk about that. It’s gonna bored u to death, reading about HR issue. Cant help it…. I’m in this line *grins*

Okie… I went to visit the lounge in the hotel that i work for – HEAT Ultralounge-together wit Kwok and Sherin. Finally, i’m utilising my 50 dollars voucher. I dun really know how to appreciate red wine that taste bitter and the texture of the wine. I always prefer the sweet dessert wine. We got ourselves a bottle and listened to the live band. Band is pretty good and of coz, my GM and F&B director were all there, making me feeling a little awkward. I could have enjoy more if they are not there.

And of coz friday, planning to go st james… but postpone to wednesday last min. I’m gonna be bored on a friday night. Calling for all frenz… let’s chill out man.

The missing days

Posted: May 19, 2007 in Uncategorized

I wanted to update my blog so much, but due to project and exam, i simply have no time to do so. I guess i will have more time to do so since….. EXAMS ARE OVER.

Celebrated mother’s day at ivins ivins on sunday. Food there are nice and cheap.  Simon agreed with it too. I always ask him to go there to eat… till one fine sat, he finally went. He came sms me after the meal to tell me that the food there are nice. I told u so many times already. It’s situated at Binjai park for those who are interested. Though location is pretty ulu/ out of nowhere, u will be surprised with the crowd it has. Crowd starts coming in at 6pm and around 7, sometimes u can see pple queueing up outside. Of coz by then, my fav yellow rice and otah otah will be finished.

Well, i was on leave on monday and tuesday to be studying for my exam. U know…. we have kinda post mother’s day celebration again. Me and mummy went to eat Tim sum at Miramar hotel. Hahaha… okie, I admit i’m the one who feel like eating. Not some kinda post- celebration. Went to people’s park area after tat to look around for some cheap tour to shanghai. Prices are kinda same but of coz out of all, there’s a few cheaper one. I’m looking forward for my hols! Spend too much time outside whereby i should be staying at home at tat point of time to study for exam the next day.


I jus rush through my revision. Luckily, i took econs during my A level. HOHOHO…. Jus like the previous sem, we met up in the noon to study at the library. We did the same thing this sem. Did some reading n trying out past exam question… i become too drained about everything and went walking around. Okie, Samuel complained that i’m distracting him by asking him where’s the exam venue, where’s for dinner and what’s for dinner. Hahaha… I’m the devil that makes him no mood to go for his last lap of revision. Well, i’m sure i didnt. * bleh*

Busy week. I was really packed with stuffs when i got back to work. Of coz i didnt forget about rest and relax. Supposed to meet sherin for spiderman 3 but both of us are too tired after work and she always rest very early on the weekdays. So i guess i’m gonna miss it this time. Boo! What to do…. Luckily, i got my bunch of colleagues for me on friday. There’s once i was eating at holland V and someone came asking ” Hi Miss, is this holland village?”

I was like DUH! and i saw OH… is Chef Ho. He was still pretending that he dunno me, giving the innocent look that he was jus asking for direction. Hahaha… from tat onwards, he always call me Holland v. And he’s gonna leave us for a better place n prospect, so he ask some of the closer colleagues out for a drink. And there we go ( Me, My manager ( Eileen), and the 3 chefs , Sarah, Ho and Reuben)


I didnt drink a lot coz i gonna drive. I’m guilty. I damaged my bro’s car. I didnt mean it… i tot i scratched the rims only. Coz i’m really bad with slope and the gadget to insert the cashcard to pay for parking. I wanted to move nearer and i actually scratched the rims. Argh! After i got home, i tried seeing the car… i saw the deep marks on the rims and didnt realise the edge was dented. My brother saw it and called me about that. I’m so sorry! I really didnt saw it.


Such a TootZ!

Posted: May 10, 2007 in Uncategorized

You know… when a guy is trying to start a conversation with u, it is very very important to catch her attention, take about the things that she is interested not what YOU are interested.

 My goodness! It simply bored me to death. Talking a topic that I’m not interested for the entire night. I dun mind for short talks but entire night is like ” bloody damn long”. Especially when my attention won’t last for long, it totally BOO! Did make some comments to change the topic.

Good. Message convey and received. BUT new topic dun last for 15 mins and it jus jump back to that old topic. OMG.

 So Advice to all:

If you are trying to get to know more about ur opposite sex,

Talk about something she is interested in not what you are interested.

Mark called me jus now. I tell u it’s 2am now and i’m still not sleeping. I gotta work tmr… , waking up at 7.30am. I’m lacking of sleep coz i’m rushing my project that is due tmr. I thought i could do my video without editing which need to trouble Elvin. I was wrong. In the end, i seek help again!

Now, the video has been edited, jus gotta receive the file again. Still sending in progress.

Oh ya.. i almost forgotten about Mark. He called to ask me for some photo shots. He asked me so many times but… i was too busy. Guess this time, i should really squeeze out some time. Afterall, he is my old fren already and what’s more when he is trying to get some shots for me wearing tennis apparels.

We should arrange it again okie? I dunno how it will go, never help out with such stuffs before. Let’s see….

Where should i go?

Posted: May 9, 2007 in Uncategorized

My urge for holidays is here again. I’ve been kinda planning hard for my upcoming trip. It was decided last year that my family will go china or korea in this year. Guess what… my brother is starting his new job and dad is busy, not interested in the places that i wanna go.

Reason Being: Shopping area

I wanna go Shanghai or Guangzhou. Dad doesn’t want. Well, didnt he say that his gd fren is over in Zhu hai? He can jus simply pop by from Guangzhou to visit him. He show no interests at all.


I was disappointed and a little frustrated. Nice mummy loves her daughter so much that she offers to go with her. Sounds good ah! Of coz if i have a chance, i prefer to go with friends. If go with mummy, i hope the entire family can join in. BUT, it’s always the case that you dun get to have the best of both world.

Shall see how it goes about 1st. However, WHERE to go? I’m really on budget trip. Guangzhou is cheaper but shanghai seems nice as well.

 Anyway, here’s some pics with Elvin and Sherin that day






My Week

Posted: May 6, 2007 in Uncategorized

Well, nothing much being done this week. Trying to get started with my project and revision. Argh! But i’m still extremely confused about everything. Things jus dun get moving.


Went out with Sherin and Elvin on Friday. Sherin being the Buddy 1 and Elvin, Buddy 2… Sounds like the bananas in Pyjamas

B1 and B2

Drove out that day and picked up the ultimate naggy queen. She kept asking me what time reaching when i was on my way. I’m not those drivers whereby can tok on the phone while driving. I’m jus a new driver and it’s damn irritating. And what’s more i jus recall that i need to top up my cash card for parking purposes. She started with a call. I told her i would be there in 10 mins but i guess i took 15 mins or 20 mins. Den after that, a message…. den a call again. Goodness…. jus be patient a little. Quite annoyed with it when i picked her. Come on man, i msg  and call her at 8++ , she didnt bother to reply me till 9.30pm coz she said she was in the toilet for an hour. 


I didnt wanna drive initially. She’s the one who keep asking me to drive coz midnight taxi charges are damn ex. I dun mind paying for it. Afterall, ask me out to drink and ask me to drive there. My licence is at risk man!!! Yucks!

Always have to keep that in mind and of coz i didnt drink a lot.

 And what’s more…. Sherin brought such a big bag.  -_-” It’s obstructing our way and can’t make it thru the dance floor to dance. SIGH! Not a satisfying night man!

 And yesterday, went for tennis at NIE. It was really burning hot and i’m not really used to playing tennis with Kwok coz he either hit the ball too high, if not the ball too soft. I still prefer to play with Coach and Elvin. No prog after that, so i slack and fell asleep till…

i recall about my project. Time to get moving for it. Deadline is on Thurs! Jus days away and still havent started. Sigh

And what temptation came next?

Mum: Let’s go to Malaysia for supper now. You wanna go?

Rach: Yup, Why not?

 And there we go, we jus set off like tat with my dad n bro along. Food there was cheap. We ate Hor Fun, Mee goreng, Veg and crabs that cost us only RM70++. I feel so guilty after eating so much food at night. I should be slimming down man.

 *grinz* I shall watch my diet for the next few days.  =P

Lazy bones!

Posted: May 1, 2007 in Uncategorized

Due to the connection problem that i encountered in blogger, i didnt get to load lots of pictures that i took previously. Well, now  asking me to load everything, tat’s a big headache. I need to resize all the pictures which takes some time. Most prob going to share with you some pics only.










It looks a bit dumb… not like the usual one. Dun u think so?


See what Sherin get for me… So cute!

Getting more used to wordpress now. Jus that i cant edit the blogskin that i have, it’s all those template that i can choose from unless i pay. Why do i bother to pay for it? I work full-time as a HR exec not a blogger. I dun earn to blog. Then i jus gotta stick to the plain-looking skin. Simple is nice too!

 Feeling so lethergic today. Reserved the day for Sherin, but no calls from her yet. Perhaps havent knocked off. She gotta work on labour day. How sad!! I was talking to Chris yesterday when he was asking me how’s everything. Well, tons of things to do, projects and assignment but didnt wanna touch them. With the good intention, he told me to get moving with my studies coz exam coming. Well, but it’s public hols…

What an excuse right? Hahaha, that’s what he say too. So i replied proudly ” Public hols is a day that government wants us to take a rest. U deserve a break too.”

And he branded that as the joke of the day to brighten up his day. Oh man… it’s not really tat funny. I’m jus lazy.

Feeling so lazy… I’m lazy-bones! Mmm… got waken up by my brother asking me to go for spiderman. But meeting Sherin today… and i tot of going for facial, but i fell asleep again n wont wanna make a trip down to chinatown now. So far! No mood to do anything but to SLACK.

I wanna work as a slacker. Anyone hiring for one? I wanna apply!