Archive for April 27, 2007

Finally i went for my zoo trip with my beloved buddy, Sherin. For your info, i have another buddy now. Elvin…!!! He has got promoted to the Buddy status. Hahaha… hey pal, i know u read my blog.


So i guess from now onwards, i shall specify which buddy i go out with. Since last yr, Sherin and i were planning for our zoo trip. Sherin’s workplace had this german guy for attachment and she wanted to show her ard in Zoo. We came up with the plan and in the end, my dumb dumb Sherin dun dare to ask. I was pretty sure she dun dare though she insisted that she got no chance to ask. Jus being the host of Singapore to show him around, what’s to be shy about?

 Back to the zoo trip… i got my hotel’s corporate card for free admission forr 4 to zoo. The day before, I meet up with Sherin at Holland V. She jus came back from Shanghai. I totally miss her. Life can get a little boring without this beast. She got me a top and a BIG bag of goodies. We went to have our usual stingray and went to Cold storage for some shopping for our zoo trip.


What’s to prepare? Exactly!!! Sherin wanna make sandwiches. So cute… i didnt even think of that man. I mean i dun even know much about cooking, making sandwiches never come across my mind. And she really woke up early to do it. I picked her up at 9++ and headed down to zoo. Feeling excited at first… grabbing our maps in hands and walked around to explore. Stepped in… Wow… it was damn hot. As we walked, it was getting hotter and hotter. Best part is … we dun see many animals around. They were having renovation or upgrading at certain areas.

 I saw 1 peacock, few rhinos, Orang utans, 1 leopard, Flamingo, 1 polar bear and parrots. Guess tat’s about all. I admitted  that it was too hot to the extent that we didnt finish walking around but trust me… all animals are hiding. Dun get to see much.



Not a wonderful trip as i tot it will turn out to be. We have more fun taking pictures.




So Sherin suggest to go swimming… but she wanna get new swimming costume 1st. So… we act on it fast… went to North point to see if there is any.


but i got 1 tennis tee and my fav hang out my wrist kinda bag from espirt.

I tot mum will be kinda bored at home… so i called mum if she wanna join us to go shopping. Went back to pick her up and guess what i kinda drove the wrong way.

Boo…. went a big round to get back… Yucks… i shall learn my lesson.