KL- 31 March to 1 April

Posted: April 13, 2007 in Out of Singapore
This KL trip was really kinda last min thingy. I wanted to go for hols so badly. Nothing surprising for those who knows me for years. U know my style… I need to go for a short break every few months to recharge. And this is really a very very short one.

Supposed to go with my parents but…. last min changes they decided to make me disappointed. I was grumpy about that and in search of frenz who interested to go for short trip. Elvin supposed to tag along but guess he is uncomfortable with the others and he dropped the idea. Was planning for a Genting trip again but Agnes wasnt keen about that. She prefer KL more. SO… there we go… but wait a min… last min, Sean wanted to join us too.


so we got our tickets and hotel on friday, setting off on sat morning. Woke up early in the morning like 5++ to get ready as the coach was leaving at 6.15hrs. Compliment about the frenz going for this trip… none of them was late. I personally scared of those pple who are typically late for every occasion even on trips. U know some things need to be on schedule and being late will jus mess up everything. Well, the coach brought us to discovery centre for breakfast. It was all for free. So considerate for those pple like me who do not have the habit of eating breakfast to grab some quick bites.

On the way to KL…
Took us hours to get there. By the time we set our foot in KL, it was ard 12hrs. We got our hotel rooms, left our stuffs, zoomed off for lunch. Oh ya… we stayed back the same hotel as my previous KL trip- Royale Bintang. Walked over to Sungei Wang for some food and explored our shopping perks over there.
Our 1st meal upon reaching KL
Boo…I didnt get much stuffs. I’m an unhappy girl…. i was planning to get some new tops or bottoms, looking high n low for this heffalump soft toy. Coz i saw my temp girl has it and it is really really cute. And i didnt get anything except a belt. Agnes got shorts and tops, Sean got the most i think and me…. only a belt. DUH!

Pictures taken while….
Agnes was trying out her shorts,
Sean was trying out his shirts,
And what about me???? I didnt try out anything…. coz noting much to buy! ARGH!
Came across this cafe whereby their seats are…
Though girls really love shopping but… we need a break too. Tried out the foot massage cum shoulder massage over there. That cost only RM 40 for 40 mins or 45 mins. Woo.. i love massage. If only Singapore has such a cheap n decent place for massage…
It started raining so heavily that our plans to chinatown was cancelled. I wanted to have our dinner there and shop ard to see if i can get more stuffs for myself. Too bad! We ran all the way back to our hotel to rent umbrella. We were like all wet when we reached the hotel lobby. It’s jus 2 buildings away. All umbrellas were out. None for us…. so we went back to our room to wait for the rain to stop.
Watching the tv… watching the sky… watching the floor…. watch the poodle of water on the street…. we were far too bored by staying in the hotel room. Finally, the rain stopped but it’s still damn wet on street. We decided to go to street Alor ( if i didnt get it wrongly) for dinner. The food wasnt as nice as chinatown… I was expecting to spend on nice food on the trip but….. quality wise was so-so… and i jus cant help but to fall for DURIANS…. U know durians seems so temptimg there. Agnes and I ate the durians by the road side. It was really nice and worth the money paid for. And some japanese passby.. they were thinking of trying coz they were seeing us eating the durians. Not sure if they can bear with the smell but.. oh dear… i’m missing durians again. When is the durian season coming?
As we were walking along the stretch of bukit bintang,
and what we see
It looks like a lift.. out of nowhere… but it’s actually a toilet. What you need is jus RM 0.20,
Slot it in and the door will open. You are only given 15 mins to use it. When time is almost up, you will hear the buzzing sound and it jus open after a min whether ur “business” is done or not.
The interior of the toilet
The buttons to open and close the door. And of coz the bell for emergency purpose. Perhaps like got stuck in the toilet bowl?
Believe it or not… the toilet is very very clean. Even better than those in shopping centres in Malaysia. What’s more when it is even air- conditioned… It’s an experience to be inside.
So next time if you happen to be in KL, go try it out. It’s only RM0.20
Went for some shopping. Finally got a top from FOS. ONe and only… by the time, most of the shops were closed. We decided to go back to hotel for a rest before the next activity began. KTV began at 12.30am. Buffet was provided, free flow of drinks and it’s only like RM32 for 4 hours. Eat… drink and sing…till all of us were damn shag. Agnes even closed her eyes to catch some sleep. U can imagine.. singing till 4 am.
Was waken up by some doorbell. A Housekeeping staff wanted to clean the room. Duh!! We were still sleeping, checking out only at 1pm. The hotel should have inform their staffs and got more accurate info. Well, went for our breakfast at this place called Shanghai Ten for Tim Sum. I love the food there. It’s the best out of the meals that we ate in KL. The Walnut chicken pie…. the fried rice, the avocado pie and the Xiao Long Bao….. Fantastic. Too hungry to take any pictures. It’s all in my TUMMY.
Thumb up!!!
Time to be back to Singapore… Went back to the hotel and packed our stuffs. While packing….
And… we really dun feel like going home…
See our faces….
And lastly,
Tat’s the end of our KL trip.

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