Archive for April 7, 2007

I wanna work overseas too.

Posted: April 7, 2007 in Uncategorized

U know… i really love my job. Sean says that he is impressed with the way i carry myself and the way i speak. Guess this is what i learn in my job.

But… working in an independent hotel or even in any big chain international hotel, i wont get to being assigned to work overseas. Sigh… i wanna have the experience on working overseas. I guess it will be lonely to be alone in a foreign land but it’s really a very very good experience. I un get to have the chance to study overseas. Hence, pinning hope on my job. Guess i got into the wrong job as well. My job or rather in HR line, other than overseas recruitment, u wont get to assigned to other countries for like 1 yr or even 2. That’s so envious when i’m reading blogs of my frenz that they are leaving for Shanghai, Greece and France for work.

What i can do is to be only be able to save up to go for hols. I’m still trying hard to save for my up-coming trip. Should be soon… in jul hopefully.