Archive for April 2, 2007

Weeks Ago…

Posted: April 2, 2007 in Uncategorized
Damn busy these days. I dun even have enough rest, not to mention about blogging. That explains why i have disappeared for a short while. Packed with projects, assignments for school, busy for month-end reports, new recruitments for work… only manage to catch like 5 hours of sleep every month. Tat’s simply not enough for me… i need at least 8 hours per day. I tried to grab hold of every single min that i have to nap. Be it on the way to work or way back home ( provided there’s seats available)

Let me start off with the BBq that i have on one of the saturdays… it was a bbq that was organised for my temp girl’s farewell. It’s kinda fast.. she has worked here for 2 months and heading back to school soon. The start of her poly life… She seems like she is still a little girl who really in love with Mickey Mouse. The necklace that she wore on her neck, the ear stud that she has, the top that she wore… they are all Mickey Mouse. We wanted to buy her a Mickey Mouse top … but kinda hard to choose one for her. So we saw Mickey Mouse watch. It was okie… i mean for a 17 years old girl should be okie… but a little kiddy for me. I almost set my decision when i saw the strip…. Ergh! It’s in brown… those ah pek watch kinda brown. Eeee… i asked the lady if the strip comes in other colour. She was like.. all designs only have one n only over there. Duh!!!

I wont wanna get a watch with ah Pek strip. A big NONO…went over to city chain to get another watch for her. Not only from me… it’s from Eileen and Annie as well. Hope she likes it! Back to BBQ, we were supposed to go to her condo for BBQ. It was booked way before.. like 2 to 3 weeks in advance. On the very day, everything was in a mess.

1) Lynette had arranged to meet Eileen to get the food in the market. Guess what… Eileen was not contactable till noon.

2) Vera was assigned to order otah but got no otah. She ordered 50 sticks of Satay instead, Who knows… Lynette also ordered 50 sticks of satays too. Ended up with 100 sticks of satays…

3) Pit was booked way before. On that day, Lynette went to check and found out that the security uncle forgot to help her to book. we have all the food but no pit to bbq.

So in the end, we ended up at Diane’s place at Westwood drive. Hey hey… I drove down okie. I even picked Vera who is living very near me. Annie was pretty okie with my driving but Vera… she seemed a little scared. Okie okie…I only got my licence for barely 2 months but I still an official driver. Com’on , have more confidence in me!

Best part was, I did not get lost and even drive a bunch of girls to MRT, Lynette and Vera back home. Lynette…. she stay at Hillview area and need to go thru a slope to get to her place. SLOPE..*shivers* Everything was okie till we were nearing her condo.
Rachel: Turn left here right?

Lynette: No… u gotta go straight den turn left.

Rachel though “go straight den turn left” means turn at the next junction not this coming one.

Guess what Lynette suddenly say “ hey… turn left here” What she meant by go straight den turn left is… referring to the same junction. Aiyo, she tot I so stupid to turn where there is no road. Of coz I know need to go straight den can turn… Due to this, the gan cheong spider me…got the engine stalled.

Argh!!! Embarassed!!!

The security must be thinking that I’m so dumb… engine stalled at his guard house. Sigh…

I need to brush up on my driving skills.

On Sunday, I drove down to get the cake from my dad. It was my daddy’s birthday. Cake was okie…. But 1 kg was a little too much. I should ordered only 0.5kg coz the chocolate was too rich. No matter how nice, u can only be able to fill ur stomach with 1 piece but u can feel really full.

Went over to Safra at Mount faber to have our dinner. Food was nice… can go again some other time. It was my 1st time there. It’s generally nicer than other safra clubs but…. This safra @ mount faber is damn ulu. I dun even know how to get there if my bro didn’t drive.

I shall end off with the only pic that i took in the BBQ.