Roaming @ Bt Timah

Posted: August 24, 2006 in Uncategorized

Busy day yesterday…. Have to attend conference in the morning and virtual classroom in the afternoon. U can imagine I’m just like a bee… flying here and there!!! I wanted to relax a little after work and jus nice… my bestie beast, Sherin, called me. She wanted to ask me if i wanna meet her after work.

Why not??? I wanna relax a while though i have tons of stuffs to be done. Time is insufficient for me. I used to think how come pple will be racing against time. This has never happened to me before. Okie… maybe is the assignment that i need to race with time. Met Sherin at the bus-stop near her place n went down to beauty world to return her “R-rated book” which was about gays, lesbians and sex from the rent and sell book store. I still remembered during school days, i often go there to rent books and ended up buying them coz i did not or too lazy to return the books.

Walked around the shops at Beauty world… Very few pple over there .. and yet some of the shops, they are selling their things at a high price. I think this makes their business even worse. Anyway, the clothes there aren’t kinda impressive too…. And there we saw a shop that caught our attention!!! We were happily viewing the things for 1 entire hour without being chased out.

It’s a Stationary shop!!!

I got no idea why we seemed so fascinated with the stationary. I mean for all who go to book store, they will know that Popular bookstore no longer allows their customer to test/ try the pens. They have packed the pen into some transparent plastic bag. We no longer enjoy the privilege to test on the different colours of pens, highlights and the different types as well as brands of pens. I totally dislike the idea!!! And this stationary shop there still allows us to try the pens and what adds on to the “beauty” of the shop is…. they are selling the pen a little below the market price.

Practically, the both of us almost ransacked the entire shop for that one hours. Sherin is even worse. I think she has tested almost every single pen that is available in the shop and gotten only 6 pens in the end. Out of the pens i got, i kinda like the cutie miffy pen. U know miffy??? That dummy bunny??? It looks kinda Tootz… Main point is the pen is cheap, it’s cute and it’s so smooth to write.

For those who dunno how does Miffy look like…

Dragged that beast out of the shop before she’s going to buy the entire shop down. We went to Liquid kitchen which is located on the opposite side of the road. Would have taken pictures there if i brought my camera. I can’t depend much of my HP cam u know… ( My blog is jus full of words these days ) Like the layout of the place, like the atmosphere of the place, like the way they decorated the menu, like the way they present the drink, like the drink that i order…. but i dun really like the food… not as in it tasted bad… it’s not too bad….

Not the quality i’m referring to but the quantity… Some of the food they serve very big portion and some of the food that they serve the portion seemed small. Okie… i’m referring to the shrimps platter that we have ordered. It’s jus not satisfying after eating bits and pieces of the shrimps and we ordered the another dish which came damn big serving. I dun sound like some big eater, do i???

Mm…. i still like Essential Brews!!!

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