Archive for August 19, 2006

Went for my follow-up appointment at Eye centre today. Doctor said that my eye is recovering very well. Infection has reduced by 95%. Last lap to go and there, it comes back my beautiful big eyes. ( Hahaha… i wasn’t the one commenting about my eyes being big and beautiful. It’s my doctor who said that… )

Gotta go for another appointment 2 weeks later….

School today again… poor me… i mentioned that i made some frenz previously but that was for the different module. For today’s, i’m kinda alone again. I hate the feeling man + rachel isn’t in some kinda fantastic mood today… it jus makes me feel even more down to drain.

Was in the lecture jus now. Brother msg me and mum called me to see if i want them to fetch me from school. In my normal days, i would have happily agreed with it though my lecture ended late. Will ask them to wait for me for a while. I’m unhappy about certain issue with my mum and brother that i told them i will go back home myself. I jus wanna be alone!!!

Saw my tutorial classmates when i was walking to the bus stop, would have smiled to them though i dunno them yet. I jus pretend i never see them. Seriously , i dunno why i have done them. Feel so rude of myself. Well, they never smiled at me either… at least that makes me feel better. Anyway, feel so sorry about that… i’m jus pretty unhappy today.

Assignment gonna due very soon… will see if i still have the energy to do some read-up later. If not, gonna start my assignment tomorrow. Would have prefer to do with someone… at least able to have some discussion over it but… it jus seems like i have to do it alone for this time… Hopefully for the next assignment then…

Where should i go and study tmr?

King Albert Park???
Holland V???

Let me think about it… Where ever my legs bring me to~~~