Archive for August 17, 2006

Pissed me off totally!!!

Posted: August 17, 2006 in Uncategorized

For those who know me… u will know my character to a certain extent.

U know i’m not someone who will shout at pple…
U know i’m not someone who will start off for a quarrel…

Well… this old man… he’s an engineer. All the while, i dun really kinda like him coz he’s really one of a kind. Despite of sending him email with all the information, he still like to ask all sorts of stuffs about the email. I mean it’s really irritating but i still provide him whatever info that i could.

And what he did today…. Such an Asshole!!! He did something wrong today and the best part is through the tele-conversation that he and the other lady made, (she’s smart) she use a speaker phone and boss was jus beside her. And whatever he has done, he said that u can ask boss… he knows. So my boss heard that and screwed him up!!!

Getting screwed doesn’t mean that u can raise ur voice at me over the phone. I called him to inform him about some issue. I was using the speaker phone too. And what he replied was…”what? what? what?” At this point of time, i think normal human beings will have this thinking that maybe he can’t hear me coz i’m using the speaker phone. So.. i lean towards the phone and increase my volume to reply what i have said. God dammit!!! He shouted at me!!!

Who the hell is this guy man??? He’s jus an engineer… some big shot??? I need not report to u… Please make it clear man.

I’m totally pissed off by him!!!

Well, many people heard him shouting at me and when boss came over, i told him about the incident that i was pretty unhappy about. Of coz those who heard that, added on stories to it.

Opinions, comment and complain!!!

Fine…. the next day he treat it as nothing happened. I’m not too sure if that’s because my boss has spoken to him or what. He seemed nothing has happened. Well, i jus go along with it , pretending nothing has happened. Obviously, this is just what u see on the cover, as i told my colleagues… is never gonna be the same, scar remains.