Archive for August 16, 2006

Upcoming Stress!!!

Posted: August 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

After the JB trip, i decided to trim my hair coz it’s kinda thick and long. So i went down to the hair salon happily to trim my hair… everything was okie… even after cutting… coz they did the blow-dry for u. Hence, my hair looks kinda nice after trimming.

The next day, after bathing, my hair looked very very messy…. the edges started to curl out because the hair dresser had thinned my hair too much. Orh, this makes me kinda regretted to trim my hair.

Oh ya… i’m no longer a lone ranger in school. Gotta know some pple in my tutorials. Hahaha… finally!!! And did saw some of them attended the same tutorials for both modules. Hopefully everyone will be nice to get along with. Looking forward to school except for the Assignments. I’m in deep shit. Assignment gonna be due in no time and i have yet to start on it… no idea how to start on it… and still have tons of materials for me to read through 1st before i can attend to those questions. GOSH!!!
