Archive for August 14, 2006

Durian + shopping Trip @ JB

Posted: August 14, 2006 in Out of Singapore

Woke up early in the morning and set off to one of the pickup point, Causeway point. Well, everyone was LATE!!! Exclude me out of the late-comers list… I wasn’t late… in fact, i was the one who reached there first. The coach supposed to arrive at Causeway point at 7.30am and due to the massive late comers at the 1st pick-up point which is located at my office, the coach only reached at 8++.

On the coach after clearing the customs 

My Pri schmate – Huilin and Rachel


My colleagues- Rajes, Wee Lian and James 

We headed to the Woodlands checkpoint… i think coz we were kinda late ( reaching on the peak hours), the custom was quite crowded. Have to queue… Something i dislike when i’m travelling, queueing for my passport to be scanned and chop. By the time we cleared the customs ( singapore and Malaysia), our stomach were making noise. We had reserved our empty stomach for durians and other fruits.

The walk to the durian Plantation 

The basket of durians that we ate!!! 

Kids playing with the puppies

At Kukup fishing village, we went for a boat ride, touring around the area. Got onto a kelong for 15 mins and show us different types of fishes and marine animals living in the water. To be honest, i wasn’t interested with it. I mean my uncle has a kelong in singapore and it used to be one of my childhood days that i could remember spending on. I dun stay there or frequent there when i was young but perhaps it’s jus few months once and it jus kept in my memory very clear till now. My cousins , brother and me used to fish for small fishes. Not that we want to catch small ones, but we were jus unable to catch the big ones. Maybe big fishes only meant for adults to catch or they are smart… they jus won’t get trick by the small little kiddies. I simply can’t think of any idea why we were only able to catch baby fishes.


I never tot that sea horse has WINGS!!! LOL!!

Loan Shark on the Boat???

After the boat ride, we had our lunch at one of the eating place there. Food was so-so… and was very hot. The sun was bright and the fans were not strong enough. Everyone perspired a lot while we were eating. We still had some time to walk around after our lunch. But practically what we did were to go near to the refrigerator which placed all the can drinks and opened it to enjoy the ” air-con”. Smart right??? Haha… i was in search for my fav agar agar there. I told everyone that the agar agar is nice but no one seemed to be interested except wee lian and rajes. James tried and said that it’s nice… See…. i told u pple it’s nice…


Photo taking time…..

What’s andy and joshua donig below???

Joshua, Me, Andy

The big family!!!

IT’s quite enjoyable. Hope for more trips in future. Perhaps an upcoming KL or genting or even a BBQ outing.