NDP – Happy Birthday Singapore!!!

Posted: August 10, 2006 in Uncategorized

Out of a sudden, I’m lost of words. I do not know how shld i begin. Let me think….

Okie…. i used to go to NDP every year during my secondary school days. Of coz i’m not there to participate in any performance. I were there to experience the crowd, the cheering, the screaming, the shouting, the noise and the celebration. My brother kinda likes NDP last time coz they have cute pretty JC/ Poly cheerleaders. Until a point of time, i think they are too young for my brother.

For this year, i think i shld make it a point to go for this is the last time NDP is gonna held at Kallang stadium. ( Though with my infected eye and flu… ) Drove and parked near to the Kallang MRT. Met up with my aunt, uncle, cousinS and their gfs… Everyone was wearing white and red except me ( I’m in blue) and my cousin, joshua( He’s in yellow) We were the outcast!!!

Me and Mummy

We squeezed our way through the crowd, making our way to the provided shuttle bus service to the stadium. I guess walking is faster than taking a bus there. It jus seemed to jam quite some times. U know what i encountered the enitre day was jammed. Be it traffic jam or “human jam” . Road were congested when we were in the shuttle bus on the way there. And even when we reached, it was congested with people, going through the security checkpoint, taking the goodies bags and getting into the stadium for seats. It’s totally unbearable especially to a sick girl like me, blowing my nose evey few mintues, stuffing with lots of used tissue papers in her pocket.

In the shuttle Bus… SQUEEZED!!!

People walking to the Stadium….

The security checkpoint

Finally got out seats… we were at the GREEN sector. Not too bad, at least not much of sun at the place we were sitting.

My family- me, mummy, daddy and brother

3rd Aunt and me

The tiny red “ants”

The balloon and parachute performance

Half way of the celebration, my nose failed me once again. I can’t take it and decided to walk out for have fresher air and to the toilet. I walked near to the rubbish bin and took out the TONS of used tissue papers, throwing into the rubbish bin. I think someone saw it, came over and asked if i were okie. Since he asked, i asked if he had Panadol to stop my flu for the time being and i was referred to the Medic. From the Medic, i was brought to see doctor. It’s for free!!! I was issued flu tablets which was indicated ” may or may not cause drowsiness “. I got no idea what’s all that about. After all these, the medic walked me back to my seat. Thanks Mr Medic.

When the night falls

Here comes the fireworks….

Hello Mr Nathan

Me, brother, joshua and his gf

I’m made in Singapore

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