Archive for August 9, 2006

It’s kinda bad… i mean my eyes…

My eyes feel kinda irritated yesterday but since they are not extremely red, i thought nothing much about it, jus a normal sore eyes.

And who knows….

When I woke up this morning, i almost can’t open my eyes. It’s damn pain. No idea why… and dragged myself out of the bed, seeing things using my right eye. Went to the mirror… gosh… my eyes were so red!!! And wait a second… What’s that white spot in the cornea… okie it’s slight bigger than a spot. What’s that????

I decided to go back to office and clear my work before i headed down for doctor. Finished clearing at 11++ and went for doctor. The doctor scared me out man… he was saying that it was an unusual eye infection whereby i have perfect eyesight and dun wear contact lenses. My left eye was not ” hit” by anything yet feeling pain. He was not so sure how deep the infection got into my cornea and refer me to Nation Eye Centre immediately.

I was told to be there before 2pm. I took a cab down and reached at 12.20pm.

Nurse: Miss, could u come back at 2pm? All the doctors are out for lunch.

Rachel: But i was told to come before 2pm and that’s the timing for now, isn’t it?

Nurse: Yes, before 2pm. U can come and 1.30pm to do your registration. That’s before 2pm.

I tell u i almost fainted on the spot. Well, what she say is not wrong just that… it’s so funny the way she phrase it. Called my mum about it and she was quite worried and rushed down to accompany me.

According to the doctor, i’m infected with marginal Keratitis. It will take me around a month to heal if everything goes well. Have to handle with care coz it will cause other areas of the cornea to get infected.

4 Days of MCs… will have a good rest for the week but have to go back for follow-up appt on friday.