Archive for August 5, 2006

1st day of school

Posted: August 5, 2006 in Uncategorized

Reached school kinda early… With the directions that my brother gave the night before, i managed to find my way to the canteen to grab a drink before the class starts. Wanted to take a seat at the canteen,but it seemed kinda crowded at that time + i’m all alone… so i left for the lecture threatre.

And…. someone called me… not on my phone i mean… it’s Jaslyn. Surprised to see her there… but we are studying different courses, naturally means that we are not the same class, same LT. Well, at least get to see some familiar faces.. certainly make me feel more at ease.

Yet to know anyone so far… so have been some kinda lone ranger. ( Got cheated by my colleagues saying that i sure get to know someone on my 1st day coz according to them, i have the face whereby pple will wanna befriend with. * Are u sure??? * But the fact is I know none!!! ) Everyone seems to register the course with their frenz.. everyone seems to know each other except me!!! = ( Maybe it’s becoz i’m alone, i tend to pay more attention to the lecture. Hahaha… and more observant…

I saw this lady, a young one… who i gave me a “wow” impression. That’s this guy who sit 2 round in front of me… from the side and back view, he looks not too bad. ( I dun really have a chance to see him on the front view… jus judging by what i ‘m able to see) This lady walked all the way from the back towards him and asked ” Anyone sitting?” Smart move!!! I mean it’s kinda obvious that she wanna know that guy ( correct me if i’m wrong… but that’s from my point of view) U know at that time whereby she came, there were still quite a handful of empty seats. 2 seats from my left and 3 seats on my right were all empty.

* grinZ*

Wee Lian said that i should learn from her. OMG… I can’t imagine myself doing this!!! Give me a break man.