Archive for August, 2006

Disappearance of Rachel

Posted: August 31, 2006 in Uncategorized

I’ve not disappeared. No worries… still breathing here…

Okie Joan… I’m updating my blog now. U know, i’ve been kinda tied up with my assignments. I were rushing out all my assignments and the best thing was i wasn’t discipline enough. I told myself i had to settle them before i decided to go out. I pushed away the shopping spree on last saturday afternoon but couldn’t resist the temptation to take a break to breath the fresh air outside. It’s an excuse i know…. but i jus feel like going for some slacking session with my buddy. Back to my favourite place – Holland V for stingray.

I even thought of going for a game of tennis or a Karaoke session on Sunday, assuming that it should be fine and able to rush out my work on time. Thanks god… i didn’t go for either of them and do my work at a extremely slow rate. I was doing my assignment in front of the TV. How productive can it be??? At least, it show a little progress after that many many hours. I never expect my assignments actually required so much time to spend on. It took me days to do 2 of my assignment, writing 2 business memo and around 3 essay to do. Just 5 questions and it took me ages!!! Luckily, i never tot that i’m some kinda smart alec who can finish my work overnight. Thanks god, i finished them on time. I think i handed in some kinda trash!!!

I have burnt so many nights of midnight oil to finish my work. I’m so shagged man… dark rings getting darker than ever. I need more sleep!!! And what come along??

BAD weather

It’s been raining these days especially when i wanted to go down to caltex house to pass my tutor my assignment, it was pouring heavily. One hand with umbrella and one hand carrying my bag which is full of stuffs and that thick book- Singapore business Law. I was so scared that my assignment will smudge. I wanted to go down to Caltex house by cab… All cabs were either hired or on call. I tried calling for one… i can’t even get through the line man. Perhaps it’s due to the bad weather or wat.. i dunno… my SMS dun seems to be working for a few hours and back to normal after some times. I took a bus to harbourfront, having this foolish thinking that there would be more cabs there. I waited half an hour at the taxi stand and only 4 cabs came.

My gosh!!!

I’m supposed to reach caltex house by 7.15pm to pass to her. I took a MRT down and it took me only 15 mins. I was late and gotta walked over to the Bank of China to give her instead of Caltex house. I was really tired by then and still gotta rushed back home coz it’s my beloved brother’s birthday.

Happy 24th Birthday brother!!!

Haha… and his 24th birthday on this very day… something happened.

That lady that i have long long time never mentioned….
The woman who gave me a big headache when i was working back in hotel…
The woman who treat pple like trash and scream at pple as if she has a built-in loudspeaker in her body…
The woman that has been branded as my step mother….

Yesterday was the last day of her employment. She got terminated!!! I told my ex-colleagues in hotel that it must be my brother who has made the wish for me and it came true. Hahaha… Everyone is grateful to my brother.

Cheers….”Thanks Rachel’s Brother!”

Roaming @ Bt Timah

Posted: August 24, 2006 in Uncategorized

Busy day yesterday…. Have to attend conference in the morning and virtual classroom in the afternoon. U can imagine I’m just like a bee… flying here and there!!! I wanted to relax a little after work and jus nice… my bestie beast, Sherin, called me. She wanted to ask me if i wanna meet her after work.

Why not??? I wanna relax a while though i have tons of stuffs to be done. Time is insufficient for me. I used to think how come pple will be racing against time. This has never happened to me before. Okie… maybe is the assignment that i need to race with time. Met Sherin at the bus-stop near her place n went down to beauty world to return her “R-rated book” which was about gays, lesbians and sex from the rent and sell book store. I still remembered during school days, i often go there to rent books and ended up buying them coz i did not or too lazy to return the books.

Walked around the shops at Beauty world… Very few pple over there .. and yet some of the shops, they are selling their things at a high price. I think this makes their business even worse. Anyway, the clothes there aren’t kinda impressive too…. And there we saw a shop that caught our attention!!! We were happily viewing the things for 1 entire hour without being chased out.

It’s a Stationary shop!!!

I got no idea why we seemed so fascinated with the stationary. I mean for all who go to book store, they will know that Popular bookstore no longer allows their customer to test/ try the pens. They have packed the pen into some transparent plastic bag. We no longer enjoy the privilege to test on the different colours of pens, highlights and the different types as well as brands of pens. I totally dislike the idea!!! And this stationary shop there still allows us to try the pens and what adds on to the “beauty” of the shop is…. they are selling the pen a little below the market price.

Practically, the both of us almost ransacked the entire shop for that one hours. Sherin is even worse. I think she has tested almost every single pen that is available in the shop and gotten only 6 pens in the end. Out of the pens i got, i kinda like the cutie miffy pen. U know miffy??? That dummy bunny??? It looks kinda Tootz… Main point is the pen is cheap, it’s cute and it’s so smooth to write.

For those who dunno how does Miffy look like…

Dragged that beast out of the shop before she’s going to buy the entire shop down. We went to Liquid kitchen which is located on the opposite side of the road. Would have taken pictures there if i brought my camera. I can’t depend much of my HP cam u know… ( My blog is jus full of words these days ) Like the layout of the place, like the atmosphere of the place, like the way they decorated the menu, like the way they present the drink, like the drink that i order…. but i dun really like the food… not as in it tasted bad… it’s not too bad….

Not the quality i’m referring to but the quantity… Some of the food they serve very big portion and some of the food that they serve the portion seemed small. Okie… i’m referring to the shrimps platter that we have ordered. It’s jus not satisfying after eating bits and pieces of the shrimps and we ordered the another dish which came damn big serving. I dun sound like some big eater, do i???

Mm…. i still like Essential Brews!!!

My assignments are due soon!!!

Posted: August 23, 2006 in Uncategorized

I’m blogging in random… my title dun suit my content of this post… So jus bear with it. I’m posting what ever that comes to my mind. Could simply leave the title out… but i think it looks nicer with a title for every post…. Nvm… i dunno what am i uttering …

Well, back to the topic of assignment… I can’t imagine there are so many things to read about for my 2 assignment which is due very very soon. I have yet to touch on a single question. I’m gonna be in some deep trouble this time… have to rush them out.

I’m not sure if i know how to do them. It would be better if there is someone to discuss about it. At least for the time being, no one to do so with me.

I tried to make an effort to study on last sunday. I headed down to KAP Mac to study…. AND…… it was full… crowded with pple to study there. Since when KAP has become such a hot spot??? Though during my school day, KAP was packed with students but not to the extent of being full house… not a single place to sit. Fine… headed down to Beauty world instead… was packed with students there too. At least, it’s not like KAP.

Nevertheless, there’s a series of events that took place that bring my smile back. The Problem no longer a problem and i wanna have a big shout out to my buddy, Sherin. A big huggies and *MuackZ* She’s there for me when i’m troubled this time. I totally appreciated that effort made. It’s be so long where she stands by my side for problems and certainly, it feels great to have someone ard. Hope that i dun sound like some lesbians… hahaha…

Went for my follow-up appointment at Eye centre today. Doctor said that my eye is recovering very well. Infection has reduced by 95%. Last lap to go and there, it comes back my beautiful big eyes. ( Hahaha… i wasn’t the one commenting about my eyes being big and beautiful. It’s my doctor who said that… )

Gotta go for another appointment 2 weeks later….

School today again… poor me… i mentioned that i made some frenz previously but that was for the different module. For today’s, i’m kinda alone again. I hate the feeling man + rachel isn’t in some kinda fantastic mood today… it jus makes me feel even more down to drain.

Was in the lecture jus now. Brother msg me and mum called me to see if i want them to fetch me from school. In my normal days, i would have happily agreed with it though my lecture ended late. Will ask them to wait for me for a while. I’m unhappy about certain issue with my mum and brother that i told them i will go back home myself. I jus wanna be alone!!!

Saw my tutorial classmates when i was walking to the bus stop, would have smiled to them though i dunno them yet. I jus pretend i never see them. Seriously , i dunno why i have done them. Feel so rude of myself. Well, they never smiled at me either… at least that makes me feel better. Anyway, feel so sorry about that… i’m jus pretty unhappy today.

Assignment gonna due very soon… will see if i still have the energy to do some read-up later. If not, gonna start my assignment tomorrow. Would have prefer to do with someone… at least able to have some discussion over it but… it jus seems like i have to do it alone for this time… Hopefully for the next assignment then…

Where should i go and study tmr?

King Albert Park???
Holland V???

Let me think about it… Where ever my legs bring me to~~~

Pissed me off totally!!!

Posted: August 17, 2006 in Uncategorized

For those who know me… u will know my character to a certain extent.

U know i’m not someone who will shout at pple…
U know i’m not someone who will start off for a quarrel…

Well… this old man… he’s an engineer. All the while, i dun really kinda like him coz he’s really one of a kind. Despite of sending him email with all the information, he still like to ask all sorts of stuffs about the email. I mean it’s really irritating but i still provide him whatever info that i could.

And what he did today…. Such an Asshole!!! He did something wrong today and the best part is through the tele-conversation that he and the other lady made, (she’s smart) she use a speaker phone and boss was jus beside her. And whatever he has done, he said that u can ask boss… he knows. So my boss heard that and screwed him up!!!

Getting screwed doesn’t mean that u can raise ur voice at me over the phone. I called him to inform him about some issue. I was using the speaker phone too. And what he replied was…”what? what? what?” At this point of time, i think normal human beings will have this thinking that maybe he can’t hear me coz i’m using the speaker phone. So.. i lean towards the phone and increase my volume to reply what i have said. God dammit!!! He shouted at me!!!

Who the hell is this guy man??? He’s jus an engineer… some big shot??? I need not report to u… Please make it clear man.

I’m totally pissed off by him!!!

Well, many people heard him shouting at me and when boss came over, i told him about the incident that i was pretty unhappy about. Of coz those who heard that, added on stories to it.

Opinions, comment and complain!!!

Fine…. the next day he treat it as nothing happened. I’m not too sure if that’s because my boss has spoken to him or what. He seemed nothing has happened. Well, i jus go along with it , pretending nothing has happened. Obviously, this is just what u see on the cover, as i told my colleagues… is never gonna be the same, scar remains.

Upcoming Stress!!!

Posted: August 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

After the JB trip, i decided to trim my hair coz it’s kinda thick and long. So i went down to the hair salon happily to trim my hair… everything was okie… even after cutting… coz they did the blow-dry for u. Hence, my hair looks kinda nice after trimming.

The next day, after bathing, my hair looked very very messy…. the edges started to curl out because the hair dresser had thinned my hair too much. Orh, this makes me kinda regretted to trim my hair.

Oh ya… i’m no longer a lone ranger in school. Gotta know some pple in my tutorials. Hahaha… finally!!! And did saw some of them attended the same tutorials for both modules. Hopefully everyone will be nice to get along with. Looking forward to school except for the Assignments. I’m in deep shit. Assignment gonna be due in no time and i have yet to start on it… no idea how to start on it… and still have tons of materials for me to read through 1st before i can attend to those questions. GOSH!!!


Durian + shopping Trip @ JB

Posted: August 14, 2006 in Out of Singapore

Woke up early in the morning and set off to one of the pickup point, Causeway point. Well, everyone was LATE!!! Exclude me out of the late-comers list… I wasn’t late… in fact, i was the one who reached there first. The coach supposed to arrive at Causeway point at 7.30am and due to the massive late comers at the 1st pick-up point which is located at my office, the coach only reached at 8++.

On the coach after clearing the customs 

My Pri schmate – Huilin and Rachel


My colleagues- Rajes, Wee Lian and James 

We headed to the Woodlands checkpoint… i think coz we were kinda late ( reaching on the peak hours), the custom was quite crowded. Have to queue… Something i dislike when i’m travelling, queueing for my passport to be scanned and chop. By the time we cleared the customs ( singapore and Malaysia), our stomach were making noise. We had reserved our empty stomach for durians and other fruits.

The walk to the durian Plantation 

The basket of durians that we ate!!! 

Kids playing with the puppies

At Kukup fishing village, we went for a boat ride, touring around the area. Got onto a kelong for 15 mins and show us different types of fishes and marine animals living in the water. To be honest, i wasn’t interested with it. I mean my uncle has a kelong in singapore and it used to be one of my childhood days that i could remember spending on. I dun stay there or frequent there when i was young but perhaps it’s jus few months once and it jus kept in my memory very clear till now. My cousins , brother and me used to fish for small fishes. Not that we want to catch small ones, but we were jus unable to catch the big ones. Maybe big fishes only meant for adults to catch or they are smart… they jus won’t get trick by the small little kiddies. I simply can’t think of any idea why we were only able to catch baby fishes.


I never tot that sea horse has WINGS!!! LOL!!

Loan Shark on the Boat???

After the boat ride, we had our lunch at one of the eating place there. Food was so-so… and was very hot. The sun was bright and the fans were not strong enough. Everyone perspired a lot while we were eating. We still had some time to walk around after our lunch. But practically what we did were to go near to the refrigerator which placed all the can drinks and opened it to enjoy the ” air-con”. Smart right??? Haha… i was in search for my fav agar agar there. I told everyone that the agar agar is nice but no one seemed to be interested except wee lian and rajes. James tried and said that it’s nice… See…. i told u pple it’s nice…


Photo taking time…..

What’s andy and joshua donig below???

Joshua, Me, Andy

The big family!!!

IT’s quite enjoyable. Hope for more trips in future. Perhaps an upcoming KL or genting or even a BBQ outing.



Out of a sudden, I’m lost of words. I do not know how shld i begin. Let me think….

Okie…. i used to go to NDP every year during my secondary school days. Of coz i’m not there to participate in any performance. I were there to experience the crowd, the cheering, the screaming, the shouting, the noise and the celebration. My brother kinda likes NDP last time coz they have cute pretty JC/ Poly cheerleaders. Until a point of time, i think they are too young for my brother.

For this year, i think i shld make it a point to go for this is the last time NDP is gonna held at Kallang stadium. ( Though with my infected eye and flu… ) Drove and parked near to the Kallang MRT. Met up with my aunt, uncle, cousinS and their gfs… Everyone was wearing white and red except me ( I’m in blue) and my cousin, joshua( He’s in yellow) We were the outcast!!!

Me and Mummy

We squeezed our way through the crowd, making our way to the provided shuttle bus service to the stadium. I guess walking is faster than taking a bus there. It jus seemed to jam quite some times. U know what i encountered the enitre day was jammed. Be it traffic jam or “human jam” . Road were congested when we were in the shuttle bus on the way there. And even when we reached, it was congested with people, going through the security checkpoint, taking the goodies bags and getting into the stadium for seats. It’s totally unbearable especially to a sick girl like me, blowing my nose evey few mintues, stuffing with lots of used tissue papers in her pocket.

In the shuttle Bus… SQUEEZED!!!

People walking to the Stadium….

The security checkpoint

Finally got out seats… we were at the GREEN sector. Not too bad, at least not much of sun at the place we were sitting.

My family- me, mummy, daddy and brother

3rd Aunt and me

The tiny red “ants”

The balloon and parachute performance

Half way of the celebration, my nose failed me once again. I can’t take it and decided to walk out for have fresher air and to the toilet. I walked near to the rubbish bin and took out the TONS of used tissue papers, throwing into the rubbish bin. I think someone saw it, came over and asked if i were okie. Since he asked, i asked if he had Panadol to stop my flu for the time being and i was referred to the Medic. From the Medic, i was brought to see doctor. It’s for free!!! I was issued flu tablets which was indicated ” may or may not cause drowsiness “. I got no idea what’s all that about. After all these, the medic walked me back to my seat. Thanks Mr Medic.

When the night falls

Here comes the fireworks….

Hello Mr Nathan

Me, brother, joshua and his gf

I’m made in Singapore

It’s kinda bad… i mean my eyes…

My eyes feel kinda irritated yesterday but since they are not extremely red, i thought nothing much about it, jus a normal sore eyes.

And who knows….

When I woke up this morning, i almost can’t open my eyes. It’s damn pain. No idea why… and dragged myself out of the bed, seeing things using my right eye. Went to the mirror… gosh… my eyes were so red!!! And wait a second… What’s that white spot in the cornea… okie it’s slight bigger than a spot. What’s that????

I decided to go back to office and clear my work before i headed down for doctor. Finished clearing at 11++ and went for doctor. The doctor scared me out man… he was saying that it was an unusual eye infection whereby i have perfect eyesight and dun wear contact lenses. My left eye was not ” hit” by anything yet feeling pain. He was not so sure how deep the infection got into my cornea and refer me to Nation Eye Centre immediately.

I was told to be there before 2pm. I took a cab down and reached at 12.20pm.

Nurse: Miss, could u come back at 2pm? All the doctors are out for lunch.

Rachel: But i was told to come before 2pm and that’s the timing for now, isn’t it?

Nurse: Yes, before 2pm. U can come and 1.30pm to do your registration. That’s before 2pm.

I tell u i almost fainted on the spot. Well, what she say is not wrong just that… it’s so funny the way she phrase it. Called my mum about it and she was quite worried and rushed down to accompany me.

According to the doctor, i’m infected with marginal Keratitis. It will take me around a month to heal if everything goes well. Have to handle with care coz it will cause other areas of the cornea to get infected.

4 Days of MCs… will have a good rest for the week but have to go back for follow-up appt on friday.

1st day of school

Posted: August 5, 2006 in Uncategorized

Reached school kinda early… With the directions that my brother gave the night before, i managed to find my way to the canteen to grab a drink before the class starts. Wanted to take a seat at the canteen,but it seemed kinda crowded at that time + i’m all alone… so i left for the lecture threatre.

And…. someone called me… not on my phone i mean… it’s Jaslyn. Surprised to see her there… but we are studying different courses, naturally means that we are not the same class, same LT. Well, at least get to see some familiar faces.. certainly make me feel more at ease.

Yet to know anyone so far… so have been some kinda lone ranger. ( Got cheated by my colleagues saying that i sure get to know someone on my 1st day coz according to them, i have the face whereby pple will wanna befriend with. * Are u sure??? * But the fact is I know none!!! ) Everyone seems to register the course with their frenz.. everyone seems to know each other except me!!! = ( Maybe it’s becoz i’m alone, i tend to pay more attention to the lecture. Hahaha… and more observant…

I saw this lady, a young one… who i gave me a “wow” impression. That’s this guy who sit 2 round in front of me… from the side and back view, he looks not too bad. ( I dun really have a chance to see him on the front view… jus judging by what i ‘m able to see) This lady walked all the way from the back towards him and asked ” Anyone sitting?” Smart move!!! I mean it’s kinda obvious that she wanna know that guy ( correct me if i’m wrong… but that’s from my point of view) U know at that time whereby she came, there were still quite a handful of empty seats. 2 seats from my left and 3 seats on my right were all empty.

* grinZ*

Wee Lian said that i should learn from her. OMG… I can’t imagine myself doing this!!! Give me a break man.