Archive for June, 2006

Old FrenZzz Sessions

Posted: June 18, 2006 in Uncategorized

Friday Night ( 16 June 2006 ) :

Gotta see my sec sch fren, Sheila… Went to Marina square for dinner at this Jap eating place, Azabu Sabo. I wasn’t very close with my sec sch frenz… the one that i kept consistant contact is with agnes. I did some updating on my sec sch frenz current status from her. At least she is contacting so many more than i do. On top of that, we did a little of gossiping. Well, girls what… what can u expect when girls are together… for sure a little gossiping will incur. Can’t blame on us… we are just born this way.

This is what Sheila is eating- Ramen

The cutie ice cream… it look so cute that u dun bear to eat

Saturday ( 17 June 2006 ) :

Met up with my primary schoolmates, Trish and Wing Kui. Perhaps i’m a little tired… i seemed to be stoning from time to time. Sorry about that… promise i will be giving u guys 100% attention the next meeting. My memory is failing on me once again. They were talking about our primary schmates… blah blah blah…. this guy went chinese high…. that guy went NJC… this girl went bt panjang govt high….and i dun recall a single thing but jus find their name sound really familiar. We went to watch the movie, Just my Luck… was okie for me… perhaps i’m expecting more for this movie whereby i saw the webbie text describing it to be really interesting. But my 2 frenz enjoyed it.

Went on going to Swensen for a small bites. Trish was so funny… we were ordering our food n drink that time…

Rachel: I want 1 treasure Island float, 1 ice chocolate float and 1 mango tango. Also, 1 Fries and 1 calamari.

Waiter: Let me repeat your order … 1 treasure island float, 1 ice chocolate float, 1 mango tango, 1 fries and 1 calamari…

Trish: and 1 photo too.

The waiter was stunned. Ordering photos? Hahaha… Right, the waiter helped us to took a pic.

And on this meeting, Trish and me decided to go Hong Kong next year…. with our Hong Konger, Wing kui, to guide us there. Well, need to have some times for my savings if not we could have settle for the HK trip in this August. It’s always good to have someone who know the place inside out to guide us… grabbing the cheap deal… eating the best food and most importantly, someone who know how to speak Cantonese well. What’s more to say whereby he is carrying a cool handphone which is not available in Singapore. The phone comes with this 3.2 megapixels which is like a digital cam already… My gosh… I want the phone too.

Wing kui was saying can intro me one fren to me since i got no bf. Right…. i shall now entrust Trish as my manager to screen through candidates… if she say yes… then it would be a yes… coz she always say my standard is very high… which is not true… let her do the screening and see what’s her say.

Trish, the pic that u dislike i only put it as grid… no worries, u still look as nice from here

Great time spent with all my old frenz… I didn’t know Trish like to take pictures so much… hahaha… next time can find me to take…. i love nice pictures only…. they just brighten up my day * blink Blink*

Yesterday tennis practice with coach was marvelous. He’s singing praises on my improvement. Though it was about only 1 hour 15 mins, i was dead beat. Time to change a new racquet… but gotta save up 1st… so i went to my coach’s car which is practically like a garbage truck… full of things inside. He has like more than 10 odd racquets in his car. Since he said that is time to change to a better racquet and i need to save up 1st, i went to ransack his garbage truck to borrow a racquet to play for the time being. But i still love my own racquet… feel more comfortable with it.

Started taking out my camera to take pictures while waiting for the bus to come

At the opposite bus- stop of Pines club. Look at the top of the carpark, that’s the tennis court

Woo… i just feel so good playing tennis with coach…. gain satisfaction in it man.

My current racquet and my so called rubbish bag

My current racquet, Coach’s racquet and my old racquet

My coach’s racquet–> Graphite Pro… Oh…. Pro racquet!!!

Oh dear, my old racquet’s string is broken. Either gotta go n re-string it or jus leave it for the time being coz no one is using it at all.

Tonight, gotta meet sheila, my sec sch fren. Brought along my camera along so should be able to take some pictures.

Tomorrow noon, will be meeting 2 pri sch frens but one of them i have not seen him since pri 6. I think it will be kinda fun to get together or it will be damn weird, got nothing to talk about.

It’s kinda meet old frenz session this week. Hopefully more pictures to upload for the next post… not taking much of pictures these days. My blog is getting kinda dead with no pictures…. and frens do tag… give my tagboard some life.

I’ve got mixed feelings!

Posted: June 14, 2006 in Uncategorized

I’ve seen my swift yesterday night after my brother came back from Serangoon gardens meeting his Tekong pals. I’m the one who wanted a car so much… okie… refused to talk to anyone when my dad did not wanna go down the other day to view the car. Can’t keep still for the car to be out and stuff…

What’s wrong with me?

Here came my swift yesterday… and i seemed to be the least interested one in the family. Having Mixed feelings… Not to mention that i’m not happy with my swift… of coz i’m delight… i’ve gotten a car even before getting my licence. ( Right, though is a shared one with my brother, u know i’m the shareholder) I mean who will be able to be like me… dun talk about those who are born with a silver spoon… flirty rich kind… I’m talking about normal pple…

The car is not too bad… i did some testing to it. I guess the car is kinda round and i just have difficulties gauging the front and the width. I’m not used to the car… perhaps i’ve been driving that BBDC ‘s civic and feel so diff on my swift.

It’s like a invisible stress incurring somewhere… I’ve gotta be extra careful driving my own car… If anything my brother will come Yakking at me… Argh!!! And i have to pass my driving by this July. Yeah, everyone will be saying… no prob with that… just relax.. practice a few more times n u will get used to it. Gosh… i’m losing my confidence somehow about driving after yesterday. I dun seems to be interested in touching my own car for the time being.

I was even happily planning to re-schedule my tennis to weekend rather than on a thurs coz i’ll be the one driving on the weekends.

Thinking to drive to cosy bay…. east coast… to chill out with frenz

No more cabs for midnight charges

But it’s jus somehow…….* speechless*


Posted: June 14, 2006 in Uncategorized

I wanna earn some extra cash… SO

If anyone who is interested to learn tennis, I mean basic tennis skills, please kindly contact me…

*Guarantee cheap rates …. Hahaha*

I’m getting my Swift tmr… … … I think i jus simply got over excited about my new car…

Hang it on RacH!!!!

I’m extremely tired today… Certainly not because of tennis yesterday… coz when i was traveling to Pines club, it started pouring at PIE Eng Neo exit there. It was considered kinda near to Pines club… I was like thinking…. No tennis today again!!!

Surprised… when i reached there, it wasn’t raining….Ok i shld phrase it as The rain had yet to come. I’m able to play for half an hour and it started with cloudy…. followed by windy and there comes rainy…. DUH~~~ I almost can swim in the tennis court…. It was so heavy that even we were at the shelter… rain water jus came “splashing” on me n my coach~~~ Argh… So we left that lousy shelter and headed down to the reception to continue talking rubbish…

Since tennis was kinda impossible to continue, coach drove me to Lucky Plaza…. We went to his fren’s tennis shop. Shoes down there is quite cheap…. 50 bucks for a pair of Wilson tennis shoes…. quite nice… look a bit similar to mine but their’s nicer… haha… so tempted to get a new tennis shoes… Right right right…. i gotta cut down my expenses… gotta bear that in mind!!! Well, i gotta see how the string of the racquet brand picture came about… they have this template and jus coloured it over with this red crayon-like thingy… Chey… i tot how the “picture” of the string came about…

I do have some pictures on the “Colouring” session but i used my HP to take. The sad thing is i dun have the USB adaptor to load the photos now… i wanted to buy the USB blue tooth adaptor. Heard from Sherin that Her bf got one for her in Lucky plaza at SGD 20++ only. I went to look for one yesterday too… it was like all 40 – 50 bucks man… where got 20 bucks one… bluff me!!! Plus the guy in the shop is bloody damn rude… totally spoilt my day… What’s wrong with jus looking ard? He’s expecting me to buy. Well, i never asked him to run to the other shop to intro me other USB. RUDE….He was down there grumbling… shld tell him earlier that i’m not buying, waste his energy… Hello… jus becoz he’s the typical ah beng and i wasn’t the Ah lian kind that suits his liking he gotta be so rude? I got no fancy in becomin one too. Duh… Brainless guy… being a sales person, u shld know that it is a customer oriented kinda job… provoking a customer is a last thing that u can do…

In search for a briefcase for my brother. Briefcase sounds a bit old…. Okie…it’s a bag for him to use for work. That sounds a bit long too. In conclusion, it’s jus a bag. I promised my brother that i will get him a bag when he entered in the workforce. That’s my present for him. Got a Goldlion bag that cost me SGD 100+++ Thanks for the Great Singapore Sales!!! I’m loaded with my tennis gear (My tennis shoes, slippers, shirt, shorts, towel, my bathing set, my Adidas body deodorant, my hair cream and so on… all dump into my big Adidas bag. My coach called that a rubbish bag) + my racquet…I’m so shagged after getting the bag… which added on to the weight of the stuffs i was carrying. Can imagine… carrying so many stuff and walked for so long… so many places ?

And i’m all alone… doing the shopping… carrying tons of stuffs…yeah… poor me…

Anyway, photos taking back in last week with sherin…Blur pic … blame it on me. I shld have used the anti-shake function on my camera.

Congrats brother~~~!!!

Posted: June 9, 2006 in Uncategorized

Congratulation brother…. He got a job…. That’s really fast… got the job on his 2nd interview… I’m so happy for him… What can be happier when he is willing to pay ard 80% of the car instalment coz his pay is so much higher than me…

Haha… my brother always says that last time back in sch time, he was the one who experienced the 1st time… like 1st one in the family ( as in me n him only) to go to sch…1st one to take exam… he would be the one who told me how school was like… how i should prepare for exam.. what were the likely things to come out for exam back in his time and things to take note… Perhaps this contribute to one of the reason why my results are always slightly better than him.

Now, i’m the one who stepped into the working society first as compared and of all, I’m in the Human Resource line. Pretty experienced in interviews…. haha… Know pretty much how to deal with interviews… I did give him some pointers… but not sure if they are useful to him that makes the interview a successful one.

Nevertheless… I’m a happy child… I got my brother who adores me so much ( paying 80% of the car instalment *grins* ) and i’m quite happy with my job now.

My Solvil Titus Watch

Posted: June 8, 2006 in Uncategorized

I dropped my fav Solvil Titus watch on the floor the other day and one of the number on the watch face came off. I’m like …. What the shit man… the watch has only been with me for barely a year… i got it last Xmas!!!

Luckily my brother reminded me about the warranty. Oh Yes…. the watch is under warranty!!! Oh now, my favourite watch is under servicing…. argh… only be able to get it back in 3 weeks time…

For the time being, i only can wear my DKNY watch …. I need more watches….!!!! Ok it’s a want not a need…

Seems to be getting in touch with my ” long lost ” friends. Chat with Rujin online today. Not again we are friends that have not been meeting up for a long long period of time.

I owe him a big thank you… Well, Rujin is the one who helped me for my A level project. Not saying that he helped me to do my project or what, but he gave us a great help. My project group back then was supposed to come up with something in regards of the theme “Synergy”. So we came out with this idea of having computer company and hotels working hand in hand.

How do we do about that?
We wanted to have computers with broadband in every single hotel rooms. So… it can actually focus on the business class hotels which is so called convenience for the business traveller. Yeah, it’s kinda crap… but we just wanna promote our idea and made it sound like it will really work, sound it’s a perfert idea that will be going to boost the S’pore economy. Crap right?

Well, Stupid project required us to get interviews. HELLO… interview? Who will be interested to entertaining A level students like us…wanting to complete our A level project and hand it over to MOE for our grades? No hotels bother about us… we walked down the Orchard Road to ask each and every hotel for interview.

Negative replies that what we got from them.

And one last resort… i got my uncle to help me out for the interview. Another crappy thing… he works in the hotel as some department head but he’s under the Security department. What’s to do with the hotel room thingy interview? We were thinking at least he works in hotel for years and he will know something about it. Anyone we could get at the moment… we just grabbed esp when the deadline was nearing.

And there comes Rujin… We needed to interview someone who deals with computers… nothing surprising… we could not get anyone once again. Who knows… Rujin set up a company that was dealing with wireless networking. Grabbed him for interview again… He’s another young entrepreneur… he’s a student in NUS when he set up his own company.

That interview was the last time i saw him. I was 17 or 18 then. 3 to 4 years just passed like that. And not again we mentioned on how long we have yet to meet… blah blah blah…. and the usual updating questions…

Been doing what?

And he asked me to get my butt out of the chair to learn Salsa. I Love Salsa…. i guess it’s gonna be fun but some how i just got no talent in dancing esp when i’m famous for my laziness… He gave me this gd idea…
“Go and learn Salsa…. we can perform Salsa on your birthday party!!!”
It will be damn cool man… show for the night…. haha….

Well, let me consider 1st… i wanna learn so many things… from learning languages like Korean, Japanese, Spanish and thai …. to learning sports like wakeboarding and sailing… to different kinda dances, Salsa… hip hop…Jazz

Rich Richie Kelvin

Posted: June 6, 2006 in Uncategorized

Meet up with Kelvin yesterday… last time i met him was like years ago… approximately 2 to 3 years ago whereby i’m still a young girl… and now i’m turning into a young adult once it strikes 21 October 2006.

Come to think about how i got to know him…. it’s kinda dumb… It started of with Joan~~~ Joan is my British council classmate. Well… she went to study in some international school and after that flew to States for studies. So there’s a period of time we kinda lost contact… i think it’s the time whereby the conversion of the masses from ICQ to MSN. U know back then… ICQ is kinda popular as compared to MSN…. everyone seemed to be using ICQ… and out of sudden, pple start switching to MSN when MSN came up with the smileys that are animated and more and more functions coming up.

Right… go offtrack… back to story now… So Joan came back to Sg and stupid woman … nv inform me… was one of the other classmates (forgot who was that…) who told me that she is back for 1 week ++ and gave me her new hp no. I took down her number and sms her. By mistake, i saved her number wrongly… and send it to Kelvin instead.

This is how i get to know him… I was dumb…. totally embarassed…. sending the wrong msg…but we continued our conversation through there…

Sound so Dramatic… some drama series…. but this was what happened.

Went to Sixth Ave to have dinner… some Thai food. I think it’s due to long time never meet… and i dunno what to talk about + i’m kinda tired yesterday so i think i must have bored him to death… I’m sorry

So Kelvin asked me if i have any bf now….?
Yeah… y do everyone like to ask this question… well, i don’t have… not even seeing anyone.

It will follow by… how come don’t have? U must be too choosy!!!
NO… that’s not the case… jus that the right one has yet to appear. I don’t have really high criteria… i mean just those typical one but more of the “click” that matters.

And it goes on… so what is your criteria like? Must the guy be hot? Must know how to play tennis?
erm… i prefer guys who is outspoken, able to present himself well… and so on …. Must he be HOT? Hahaha… of coz not… u know is like hot guys usually have hot babes… I’m not one of them… i know where i stands… nv classified as hot… and kelvin mentioned that though he is not hot, he still like hot babes. That’s a different thing coz there is higher possibility of having hot babes with normal guys but certainly hot guy will match with hot babes. Esp when Kelvin is a flirty-rich kid…. babes flocks to him… ( of coz i did not say that to him… even if i do, i’m jus stating the fact) He was driving an orange Silvia when i first knew him… and now he is driving a Mercedes Benz CLK… and i’m only getting my humble suzuki swift… my swift is not even half of his CLK’s price …oh please… a guy who is only 24 driving that okie… the car is really kinda cool… luxurious… that was my 1st time sitting in a CLK… i sound like some frog deep deep in the well… Hahaha… it feels nice sitting it. Trust me!!! Which girl will resist such a temptation?
As for knowing to play tennis, it would be an advantage if he knows.


He went on asking…How long was your previous relationship last?
About 2 years… and of coz i asked him back… he told me that he had plenty of gfs but more “down to earth” kind only got 4 and 1 of them even lasted for 6 years…. Did i hear wrongly? 6 Years???? hahaha… and tat was when he was in sec sch and JC times. I told him directly that that’s kinda expected… only at sec sch and JC times, he was able to be more committed and now he owns so many things… luxurious car… $$$, womans flocking to him… i don’t think he is able to commit for so long… plus he’s a player now… i mean he did not tell me that he is one…. but from the way he speaks and the things that he tells me… I’m sure he’s a player.

So when was the last time we met?
Should be quite long ago… 2 to 3 years back… He was like ARE YOU SURE? He tot it was like jus months or a year back… So i was upgraded by him to OLD FREN category after this meeting. So he asked me what’s my age…

Rachel: 21….

Kelvin: Turning 21 or 21 already?

Rachel: Turning 21

Kelvin: so when is ur birthday?

Rachel: In october… i ponder to invite you over for my birthday party.

Kelvin: (Laughs) why?

Rachel: U r always busy… so most prob will be busy too… I witness how busy u r tonight ( HP msg keep coming in… phones keep ringing)

Kelvin: U should ask me when ur birthday day is nearing… then i will know…

Rachel: But it makes a point to tell u now ( i have been telling the whole world too)… which means i booked u way before my b day so there’s no excuse that u r not coming. Make sense?

Kelvin: Alright…. hahaha… u r my old fren now… u r more impt… for sure i will come but any single and hot gers there? There’s an incentive…

Rachel: Attached hot girls….

Kelvin: Okie…. anything u want for birthday?

Rachel: Nah…. nothing ( but i was thinking in my heart …. really anything i want i would get…..? hahaha i want ur CLK…. hahaha) * Smile*

Kelvin: Choose something if not i will buy u rubbish

Rachel: Rubbish no need to buy… u jus grab from rubbish bin will do

Kelvin: No la… since u r my old fren, i will buy it rather than grab it from the bin.

The night ended with him sending me home…. and “tell me what u want for ur birthday… cya soon”

U know rich pple do things in weird manner…. hahaha… esp when he was sending me back, there’s this car travelling at the outer lane n is like some kinda tortoise speed… ROad HOgging…. Yeah… Kel Horn at him and just zoomed passed him…That’s the thing about Sports car on the road… they are the master on the road… Humble suzuki Swift will give way to the master too next time…~Shivers~ but i guess no one likes a driver like that …. ARROGANT… BIG TIME ~SHOW OFF!!!