Archive for June 30, 2006

Do Monks use laptop?

Posted: June 30, 2006 in Uncategorized

Yesterday, i went out for my lunch with my colleagues. On the way walking back to my office, we saw this 2 monks walking out of the building. We were like thinking how come there are 2 monks appearing here. The more we think, the weirder we feel about it. We turned and looked at 2 monks the second look.

Duh!!!! They are carrying laptop bags. They came here to services their laptops.

I mean i dunno monks are so high tech these days. To my impression, monks are always in the monastery, chanting, meditating and eating vegetarian food. Perhaps a little more than these… but as for laptop, i never see monks using one before. Are they going to have computerised system for those monastries? Using the laptops to keep track of the donations received and carefully keep track their expenses?

* Shrugs*